Chapter 23

When Qian Song and Spiderman met for the first time, before introducing themselves, they actually exchanged the names of their pets.

This plot is comparable to the hero and heroine in an urban romantic comedy.

Not to mention any Korean dramas and Hong Kong dramas, but only American movies or TV dramas. Qian Song has watched several works similar to the plot.

Peter Parker also seemed to realize something, smiled awkwardly, and said, "Hi sir, nice to meet you, my name is Peter Parker, and I'm from Queens."

"It's nice to meet you too." Qian Song shook hands with him, "You can call me 'Qian'."

"OK, Mr. Qian, uh...I'm going to bathe my dog ​​first." After all, they are strangers, and they have nothing to talk about.

"Well, goodbye." Qian Song nodded, smiled and watched him walk into the pet bathroom.

Peter Parker was born with a bad tongue, and to put it bluntly, he was a chatterbox, but chatterboxes were also divided into targets, and he only chattered to acquaintances.

If he knew Qian Song very well, he would take the initiative to explain to Qian Song that the reason why he didn't bathe the dog at the pet store in Queens, but insisted on coming to Manhattan was because Aunt Mei had a membership card here.

He would even ask Qian Song obliquely, who is his favorite superhero, and if Qian Song answered Spider-Man, he would definitely be amused.

"Let's go, Tom." Qian Song picked up the cat and wrote the address to the clerk, asking the clerk to deliver the cat supplies directly to his apartment later.

Well, the Yuan Devouring Beast has been officially named again.

It has no sense of what others call it, Tom just Tom.

It sounds better than the name "Chewie".

Oh, by the way, the name "Chewie" was given by Captain Marvel, and I don't know how she is doing recently.

Tom Cat, uh... The Yuan Devourer suddenly remembered his former shit-shoveling officer.

The quality of life in those years following Carol was completely incomparable to the present.

Compared with Qian Songlai, Carol's cat raising method is very rough, and she lives on the spaceship. She will not buy a lot of cat special things for him like Qian Song, let alone Make cat food for it by yourself.

As the saying goes, "a good bird chooses a tree to live in", if the beast becomes a girl, it is estimated that it will say the sentence: "I would rather cry in a BMW than laugh on the back seat of a bicycle".

It's a realistic cat.

Well, as long as Qian Song is comfortable serving him, Yuan Cheating Beast feels his heart softens, maybe maybe, the next time he is in trouble, he will be spared once, and it will be fine.

Hmph, it's not melted by the gentle eyes of that guy blowing its fur, it's just because of my kindness and nobility!

"Tsk, why are you staring at me with your neck stuck up?" Qian Song rubbed the orange cat's head indiscriminately, almost turning the cat's head into a killer.

"Meow! I want to eat you! You wait meow, sooner or later, I will definitely eat you!" The Yuan Devouring Beast roared in its heart, it withdrew all its kindness, then climbed all the way, and hid in the Qian Song's shoulders, to prevent him from harming his soft fur again - just after taking a bath, it is refreshing!
"Hahaha!" Qian Song laughed heartily, raised his head slightly, the blue sky was like a wash, and the sorrow in his heart seemed to have been washed away.

They come, the security.

He came to this world because of a series of miracles connected in series, so he should believe in miracles more than anyone else, and believe that everything is possible.

One day, that miracle will happen, and let him relieve his nostalgia.

Live well.

Then, wait.


Qian Song was walking on the 12th Avenue in Manhattan. After finally becoming a Buddhist, he was in a calm mood now.

Everything was fine at first, but unfortunately, this is New York, and it is the center stage where many stories in the Marvel world take place. How can it be peaceful and peaceful forever?

No, after walking for less than half an hour, he saw a group of mighty parade head-on.

Parades and demonstrations are very common in the United States. People here may rush to the streets if they have something big to do. Whether it is a protest or a festival celebration, in short, it is parade and parade.

The parade this time seems to be quite large in size, full of people.

From a long distance, I saw various signs in the hands of these people, which read:

"No more mutants!"

"Mutants are violent, let's stop being silent!"

"The beasts must be caged!"

Slogans such as "Quarantine them all! Lock them up on a desert island!"

As for the slogans they chanted, they were unified: "Humanity First", the voice was very neat, and it seemed organized and planned. They must have spent money to recruit the organization, and they did not take to the streets spontaneously.

Qian Song gave way to the side of the road, whether he was really parading or taking money to do things, whatever he liked was none of his business.

After waiting for a while, he realized that the queue was quite long, and Qian Song became a little impatient. At this moment, a thin old man seemed to be tired from walking, so he squeezed out of the queue, walked to Qian Song's side, and rested against the wall. .

Coincidentally, Qian Song met him - this old man was still begging at the exit of the subway station when he was walking the cat yesterday evening.

Well, yes, the old man is a bum.

"Hey, old John, how much is it for a trip?" Qian Song asked suddenly.

"They gave me 10 dollars after walking three streets, uh..." The old man replied subconsciously, looked up at Qian Song in a daze, and then laughed: "It's nice to see you again, kind man."

He also recognized Qian Song, because Qian Song gave him some money yesterday.

Although the money was all bought and drunk by him.

"Did the person who gave you the money say, why do you make trouble when you are doing well?" Qian Song asked.

The old man narrowed his eyes wretchedly, and then said with a bitter face on purpose: "Oh, I'm hungry."

Qian Song smiled slightly, took out the $5 change he had just bought for cat supplies from his pocket, and handed it to the old man.

The old man's hand quickly "pecked" away the banknote like a goshawk pouncing on it, and then stuffed it into his pocket: "You may not know that the major media did not report it, but some small newspapers are saying that in the past six months, There is a wave of mutant births in our country."

Qian Song knows that in this world, everyone carries a recessive X gene. According to the population ratio, only a very small number of people can awaken it, which means that the X gene is a dominant gene.

The genetic technology of this era is already very strong. In fact, the government has been secretly monitoring the expression of the X gene of newborns. Every year, the parliament allocates a special fund for genetic testing of all newborn babies.

Because of the new type of genetic test paper, it is not necessary to do a complete genetic test, which further reduces the cost of testing, so almost every hospital strictly implements it according to the regulations.

Originally, these data and information were not open to ordinary people and belonged to internal secrets. This time the information was leaked, of course, because of an insider.

"Sir, you are a kind person. Since you are interested, let me tell you one more piece of gossip I heard." The old man leaned over and whispered: "I heard that the planner of this parade is a congressman !"

ps: The abilities of mutants are too many and complicated, the setting of Marvel Comics screenwriters is too book-consuming, and the power system is broken, so these few chapters are just a cameo, and will be hidden later.

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(End of this chapter)

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