The Great Demon King

Chapter 2 I Was Originally a God

Chapter 2 I Was Originally a God
Because of Qian Song's impact, the magic ax that was supposed to cut into Thanos' chest missed and hit Thanos' head.

In this way, there is no chance for Thanos to say the famous saying "You should chop my head", and the snapping fingers that wiped out half of the life in the universe will not be able to come out—Thor's ax is too sharp, and the thunderbolt he carries is too sharp. And the divine power is too strong, directly vaporized Thanos' brain tissue.

Thanos' huge body crashed to the ground, his empty head was like an opened gourd, clean and not bloody at all.


As soon as Thanos' body fell down, Qian Song also fell to the ground, smashing a human-shaped pit in the grass. Fortunately, he became a spirit, and his physical fitness was not what it used to be, so Qian Song did not fall into a delicious Purple Potato Mash.

Ignoring Qian Song, the pervert in tights who jumped out of nowhere, Sol landed next to Thanos' body, checked it carefully, and made sure that the other party was really dead, so he let out a long sigh of relief.

After Odin's death, as the son of Odin and the new king of Asgard, he rescued the people of Asgard from his sister, but failed to protect them from the hands of Thanos, and could only watch helplessly. Thanos slaughtered half of them, including his dear brother, Loki.

Thor swore that he would pay with blood, and now Thanos really died under his axe, but he felt a little regretful—he didn’t want to behead directly, he wanted to cut Thanos’s Chest, and then supported Thanos' head, saw Thanos' painful expression before his death, and heard his wailing before his death, to comfort those people who died in vain at the hands of this cosmic demon.

It's just that, God knows what happened, by accident, someone bumped his hand and killed Thanos all at once.

Not far away, the Scarlet Witch was crying with Vision's corpse in her arms. Thor wanted to come forward to comfort her, but she didn't know how to speak.

Although Thanos is dead, like Vision, Thor's lost people and brother will never come back, and he feels that he is not a competent king.

After the vengeance was avenged, happiness did not knock on the door.

"No, I still have a chance!" A flicker of madness suddenly flashed in the dejected Sol's eyes. He stared at the Infinity Gauntlet on the arm of Thanos' corpse, and the 6 Infinity Gems were still shining.

Perhaps, using these infinite gems, time and space can be reversed!Or bring the dead back to life!
In Asgard's secret book, there is such a message: If you collect all the infinite gems, you can realize all your wishes.

Time, space, soul, power, mind, and even [reality] itself are no longer fetters, and can be forcibly reversed!

Sol holds the Infinity Gauntlet and pulls it out forcefully. Although Thanos is dead, but because he has used the Infinity Gauntlet several times, there is a certain fit between his body, the Infinity Gauntlet and the gems. Six-color strange lines appeared on Thanos' body surface, and the six infinity gems began to glow again, as if the state was very unstable.

"Sol!" The voice of Captain America Steve Rogers came over. He dealt with a group of Thanos' miscellaneous soldiers, and ran over following the earth-shattering movement just now.

"Sol, what are you doing?" Captain America has a sexy beard and sharp eyes, even after a fierce battle, it does not damage his temperament in the slightest.

Steve first looked at Qian Song who was lying on the ground rubbing his head with a question mark on his face, then walked quickly towards Sol, pointed at Qian Song and asked, "Who is this guy? Thanos' deputy?"

Although Qian Song has a human-like appearance, he is dressed strangely. The purple tights make people's hairs stand on end, and Steve has never seen such a number one person in his camp before the start of the war.

Sol was not in the mood to answer Captain America's question at the moment, so he took a deep breath, pulled it hard, and finally pulled out the Infinity Gauntlet.

"Saul?" Steve noticed the madness in Saul's expression, and he felt that Saul's current mental state was not normal.

"Sol, what are you going to do?" The miniature shield on Steve's arm quietly unfolded, and his question changed from "what are you doing" to "what are you going to do".

"I'm going to bring back all the lost lives, I'm going to make everything go back to the way it was, Steve." Saul replied calmly.

The Scarlet Witch Wanda on the side stopped crying when she heard the words. She stared at the Infinity Gauntlet in Sol's hand, then slowly put down Vision's corpse and stood up.

"I can understand your sadness, Saul." Steve tried to slow down his tone, "but you and I don't know much about the power of the Infinity Stones, maybe they can really make everything go back to the past, but the price What? In this world, to do anything, you have to pay a price!"

"I'm willing to pay anything, including my life!" Saul interrupted Steve with a growl, with tears in his eyes.

"What if the cost is not just your own life?" Steve also retorted loudly: "I don't believe that reversing the time and space of the entire universe only needs to pay for your own life! This is the same as wanting to spend 1 cent Buying the land and the oceans of the entire planet is as absurd!"

"Stop it, Steve." Thor's voice became low: "I have to try, this is my responsibility, you don't understand... I am the son of Odin, I am the leader of Asgard... ...This is my responsibility...My father said that as long as there are Asgardian people, it is the domain of God...But because of my incompetence, I lost them...This is my responsibility..."

Sol's mental state is getting worse and worse, and he just keeps repeating the words "this is my responsibility".

No one noticed that the yellow Mind Gem on the Infinity Gauntlet was brighter than the surrounding gems from just now.

"Of course you can try, but not now, we need to do a complete research and plan first, Saul." Steve took a step forward, "All this should not be borne by you alone, don't forget, We are the Avengers."

"The Avengers? That was once, wasn't it?" Thor suddenly sneered, "I understand what you mean, Steve, you just don't want the Infinity Gauntlet to fall into the hands of an alien like me, right? ?”

Sol's state is not crazy, and Steve, who has always been calm, somehow became a little irritable: "Whatever you think, the incomparable power of the Infinity Stone, of course, it is best to be supervised, no matter what , allowing any one person to monopolize it is irresponsible to the entire world!"

"Hahaha! What did I hear? Regulation?" Thor laughed out loud, as if hearing the funniest joke in the world: "Power should be regulated? The word 'regulation' came out of your mouth How ironic, Steve! If you think so, why did you refuse to sign the Superhero Registration Act? And why did you break with that tin can?"

"This world doesn't need another all-knowing and omnipotent God, that's too dangerous, Saul!" Steve clenched his fists as if he didn't hear Saul's sarcasm.

Sol snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with dazzling lightning, and dark clouds began to gather in the sky. Amidst the thunder and lightning, he put on the Infinity Gauntlet:

"I am a god!"

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!


(End of this chapter)

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