Chapter 196 Preparing for Battle
Wu Qingfeng thought about it for a long time, and took it with trembling hands!
"Well, anyway, I owe you a lot of favors. When I step into the fairy world, I will help you! Of course, after finishing the current work, I can go directly to the fairy world to do things for you, and I can also call you in the future. One sound, Xiang Shao, you don't have to hand it over to seniors! You can just call me Old Wu!"

"All right, then I won't be polite, old Wu! Hahaha!" Xiang Chen also forcibly handed the three-color exquisite flat peach to Wu Qingfeng.

"Young Master Xiang, if that's the case, then I'll go to retreat! I will be able to receive the energy of Linglong Pantao soon!" Wu Qingfeng was also trembling with excitement.

Xiang Chen also nodded, he had also eaten a seven-color Linglong flat peach, and he still yearned for absorbing the energy of the Linglong flat peach, it was really delicious.

"Haha, Old Wu, then you don't have to delay, hurry up and go to retreat!"

Wu Qingfeng laughed loudly, took Linglong and the three-color Linglong into the next bedroom, formed a formation, and began to absorb
The Central Territory and the world have been harvested by monks for many years. A precious spiritual object like Linglong Pantao will not come out in ten thousand years.

Now that Xiang Chen got two directly, his luck is still great.

The son of luck that Wu Qingfeng gave him is not a bad thing to do.

Xiang Chen also began to practice beside him, and he also started to absorb spiritual energy easily from the sixth floor of the Mahayana period, but now it is too slow to practice, without a great opportunity, it is difficult to step into the seventh floor again.

Three months of training soon passed.

At this time, it was time for the Linglong Tower to open.

It's the opening of the Linglong Tower once every ten years.Many monks have already broken into Linglong Tower.

This time is more lively than the previous ten years, one hundred years and one thousand years. After all, there is a fairy-level formation disk in the sixth floor of 96.

Many monks or geniuses are surrounded by the front and back and protected by the sect. They are all geniuses who can break into the 96th floor.

Each sect has dispatched more than a dozen geniuses. Their goal is very simple, they will rush to the 96th floor as quickly as possible, and grab the Linglong Pagoda's fairy family array.

In the past ten years, many sects have become impatient and well-prepared. They also know that if they really get the Linglong Pagoda array, their disciples can easily step into the Linglong Pagoda in the future. Once they can use it, it will be a big deal. Good news.

Although low-level sects like six-star, seven-star, and eight-star also know that even if their disciples get the Linglong Pagoda's array, it is definitely impossible to keep it for themselves, but as long as they can get it, there will be a lot of benefits, even if they can't take it for themselves. Since it has been used, there must still be places to use.

Everyone is very curious to guess why Xiang Chen didn't come to Linglong Tower. Unfortunately, few of them recognize Xiang Chen. Many people know that Xiang Chen is also likely to participate in the genius battle of the real spirit world, and maybe he won't come to Linglong tower up.

When the Linglong Tower was opened this time, many geniuses seemed to be sitting on a rocket. In just one month, they broke through the 96th floor and quickly reached the [-]th floor.

But the monk who entered the 96th floor for the first time was very distressed. There was no Linglong Pagoda array on the 96th floor.

Isn't Xiang Chen's Linglong formation plate not lost in it?

Or has someone already come before him?

I turned it inside out and back and forth three or four times, but unfortunately I still couldn't find it.

After dozens of hours and days, many monks also reached the 96th floor.

They were also unwilling to search the entire 96th floor but found nothing.

At this time, they have confirmed that there is indeed no Linglong disk on the 96th floor.

Helpless, these geniuses can only sit up and practice slowly. There are still a few levels in the back that can be broken but they have no ability.

They have already wasted the Linglong Tower once every ten years.


Xiang Chen was in a trance when he was practicing, when he was suddenly woken up by Wu Qingfeng.

Xiang Chen really wanted to hit the seventh floor of the Mahayana period, but it was a pity that it was closed for three months, and there was no gain at all. It was just that his cultivation had reached the peak of the sixth floor, but he still hadn't broken through to the seventh floor. It may take a long time Woolen cloth.

But these three months were not wasted.

He also used a few spirit pills from Lingdan Mountain. The true essence has been condensed a lot under the pills, and his cultivation has improved a lot.

At this time, Wu Qingfeng had already absorbed Linghua's three-color Linglong Pantao, and stood in front of him full of energy.

Seeing Wu Qingfeng's young face and his mysterious and impenetrable cultivation, Xiang Chen's eyes lit up.

"Old Wu, have you really reached the period of crossing the catastrophe?"

Seeing the old Wu in front of him now, he is too young, and many feel that he has changed. If he hadn't been in contact with Lao Wu often to get familiar with the current atmosphere, he would have thought it was his son.

"Hahahaha! Sure enough, you can see my cultivation. I thought you wouldn't be able to see it when you crossed the tribulation period!" Wu Qingfeng was in a very good spirit, and he was in a good mood, laughing happily all the time.

Xiang Chen curled his lips, his eleven-star level consciousness is very scary, your eighth-level consciousness is far behind me, what is your cultivation level?One scan at a glance.

"How is it? How is your cultivation progress?"

Wu Qingfeng was also depressed, even after reaching the Tribulation Transcending Stage, he still couldn't see Xiang Chen's cultivation.

Xiang Chen also shook his head, "I haven't made much progress, I guess it's hard to reach the late stage before the Genius War!"

For ordinary monks, it is normal to exaggerate a level of realm for three to five years, and it may also be a bottleneck stuck in the realm.

If the talent is rubbish, it may take ten or twenty years to cross a realm. Of course, these are useless to Xiang Chen. He breaks through the realm very fast, which is amazing.

"Don't worry, it doesn't matter if I make it into the top ten or not in this genius battle. I have enough lifespan now, and I can wait a few more times. Even if I can't go to the fairy world this time, I will have a chance to wait..." Wu Qingfeng also comforted Xiang Chen.

"It doesn't have to be like this, genius battle, even if I meet that peak genius, I can still fight, don't worry at all!"

"Okay then, interrupting your cultivation now is the real spirit world genius battle, which is about to start, we have to go there first."

"I've been in seclusion for several months this time, has anything major happened?" Xiang Chen also said that he knew, and wanted to ask you something about the Linglong Pagoda.

"No! But I heard that many sects were so angry that they couldn't find the Linglong array. Everyone guessed that you might have done something wrong. Unfortunately, I don't have the courage to ask you now!"

Wu Qingfeng also laughed a little, he didn't have a good impression of those three nine-star sects.

(End of this chapter)

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