Chapter 72: Can Heal!

Walking to the entrance, the old man opened the door and stepped in, followed by Li Dong and Zhao Kang.

In the room, on a sandalwood bed near the back, was lying a pale old lady. Her breathing was weak, her face was sallow and her muscles were thin, her eyes were staring and lifeless.

Next to the old lady, sat two old men, one was giving the old lady's pulse, and the other sat aside, frowning and observing the old lady's state.

"Pavilion Master, Second Elder, Mr. Zhao is here." The old man who led the two people in reported.

"Yeah." The suzerain Fangran murmured, without raising his head or opening his eyes.

The old man smiled wryly, greeted Zhao Kang and Li Dong softly, then exited the room and closed the door.

Zhao Kang stepped forward, being careful not to disturb these two.

On the other hand, Li Dong pulled up a chair at random and sat beside him, leaning on the mahogany table with his elbows, his gaze swept over the old lady, the suzerain and the second elder.

The second elder, the strength of the late Huang Jie.

Pavilion Master, in the early stage of Xuan Rank.

In the early days of Xuanjie, this was already at the top of the cultivation world in Chunshui City, and besides the three Qingxinmen masters who used evil energy to forcibly increase their strength that day, Li Dong has seen the strongest person so far .

After a while, Fangran let go of the old lady's hand, turned his head, and shook his head at Zhao Kang solemnly.

"Mr. Zhao, there is nothing I can do."

Hearing this, Zhao Kang's heart sank. In order to treat his mother's illness, Zhao Kang even offered 500 million yuan as a reward, and this was the only way to invite Fangran, a fourth-grade pharmacist, to treat the old lady himself.

And the owner of the Ten Thousand Medicines Pavilion is also very caring. The old lady has been here for a while. Before that, Fangran had always said that she would wait for him to observe and find a solution to the disease, but today she told Zhao Kang with certainty , he was helpless.

This made Zhao Kang's heart hit rock bottom.

"Mr. Fang, you have seen a lot, how can you be powerless?" Zhao Kang said eagerly.

Fangran sighed: "To be honest, Mr. Zhao, I have practiced medicine for many years, and I have seen a lot of difficult and miscellaneous diseases of ordinary people, but such as Lingtang, it is really unprecedented."

"We have identified all the symptoms, but the specific cure method, Mr. Zhao, I really can't do anything."

The second elder, the old Confucianism, picked up a small carved jade bottle from the table next to it, handed it to Zhao Kang, and said: "You know the old lady's illness. If you can't die, you will suffer. This is the cohesive energy refined by the pavilion master." Dan, it can reduce the pain caused by weakness to a certain extent, and it can also supplement nutrition for the old lady, so take it."

Zhao Kang took over the jade bottle, and his domineering temperament in front of people in the past has now turned into a kind of depression and loss, which made Li Dong sigh inwardly.

Fangran pondered for a moment, and said: "Mr. Zhao, the old man didn't help much this time, so the rewards are waived. You only need to pay the cost of the Condensation Pill."

Zhao Kang shook his head: "Mr. Fang, you have worked hard for my mother. Mr. Zhao knows that your old time is precious, so you dare not waste it. You can spend as much as you want."

Fangran smiled wryly: "Forget it really, Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry."

Huaru also grimaced: "Listen to the pavilion master, use this money to buy some tonics and elixir for the old lady."

Seeing this, Zhao Kang no longer pushed and shoved them, strode to his mother, looked at the emaciated old mother, Zhao Kang half knelt down, he was always calm and strong, now even his eye circles turned red.

Zhao's mother was just weak, but she didn't lose consciousness. Feeling the sadness of her son beside her, she wanted to turn her head and raise her hand to wipe the corner of his son's eyes, but she could only move her neck slightly, and couldn't do anything.

Although Fangran had seen a lot of things, he couldn't help sighing when he saw Zhao Kang's appearance, but there was nothing he could do. He had done his best.

Huaru stood up, looked at the sky outside the window, flicked his sleeves, and snorted coldly.

This cold snort was given to this strange disease that even they were unable to cure!

"Mr. Zhao, why don't you get up first, let me take a look?"

After entering the room, Li Dong, who had been speechless all this time, suddenly spoke, his young voice was a little sudden in the room.

Hearing Li Dong speak, the second elder turned his head suddenly to look over, Fangran also raised his head and looked at Li Dong.

They thought this young man was Mr. Zhao's nephew, but after hearing him say "Mr. Zhao", he was not?

He said he wanted to see, what to see?Does he still need to see a doctor?
Before Fangran could speak, the second elder frowned.

"Boy, you can eat randomly, but you can't talk randomly!"

Li Dong smiled, stood up, and walked towards Zhao's mother on the bed: "I didn't talk nonsense."

The second elder snorted coldly: "It's not talking nonsense, do you still think you can see why? Zhao Kang, you brought this kid here, so don't worry about it?"

Seeing that Li Dong was about to make a move, Zhao Kang felt a little pleasantly surprised, but also a little apprehensive. What was pleasantly surprised was Li Dong's strength, and what was apprehensive was that even a fourth-rank pharmacist was powerless. Could Li Dong really be brought back to life?

Zhao Kang wiped the corners of his eyes with his thumb, smiled wryly, then stood up and made room for Li Dong.

The second elder narrowed his eyes: "What do you mean by this? Zhao Kang, I don't blame this old man for not reminding you that you asked a brat to diagnose your old lady. Don't regret anything if something goes wrong!"

Fangran also felt strange, looked at Zhao Kang's wry smile, and then at Li Dong's state of strolling in the courtyard, hesitated for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Could it be that this little friend is still a pharmacist?"

Before Li Dong and Zhao Kang could speak, the second elder snorted heavily with his nose: "How can you be a pharmacist at such a young age? Even if it is, what's the use of a half-rank pharmacist who can't reach the first rank? You and I both Helpless, what else can this child do?"

Hearing this, Fangran shook his head secretly when he saw that Zhao Kang and Li Dong were firm and stopped talking.

Mr. Zhao was also too anxious and urgently sought medical treatment.

But if he wants to see it, let him see it. With the two of them watching by, there won't be any problems.

Li Dong walked to the bed, bent his knees and squatted down. Instead of calling for Mother Zhao's pulse like Fangran did, he stretched out his right hand, put his two fingers together on her forehead.

Fangran sighed slightly. He didn't understand Li Dong's movements. He couldn't even observe the pulse without the pulse signal. How could he treat a disease?
The second elder snorted lightly, amused by Li Dong's actions, he put his hands behind his back, and wanted to see how this kid would end up.

Zhao Kang stood aside with an anxious face on his face. It can be said that he has pinned all his hopes on Li Dong now.

After ten seconds, Li Dong slowly moved his finger away, and said softly: "Mr. Zhao, don't worry, he can treat you."

"What? Dongzi, is it true?" Zhao Kang heard what Li Dong said, and hurriedly squatted down, placing his broad palms heavily on Li Dong's shoulders, looking into his eyes, which were full of excitement .

Li Dong smiled: "Of course."

The second elder sarcastically said: "Boy, don't think that you can easily fool us. The pavilion master and I are not blind. We know very well whether the old lady has a chance to be cured!"

The corners of Fangran's mouth were also lightened, and there was a trace of displeasure on his face. They just said that there was nothing they could do about the old lady, but Li Dong then said "Can heal", isn't that against them?

But after years of practice, Fangran's xinxing is still very good, he still asked calmly: "Little friend, you said you can cure, how can you cure?"

Li Dong stood up from the couch, and asked Fangran, "Do you have any solid marrow fruit here?"

Li Dong's question caused Fangran's eyes to freeze, and even the second elder, the old Confucian, who had always been disdainful, couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You mean solid marrow fruit?"

(End of this chapter)

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