Chapter 383

Wang Kai was speechless after hearing this, how many days did he eat in a row?

"You are not a local." Wang Kai said with certainty. This is obvious. Whether her behavior is very different from the people here or she can stay fresh about a local restaurant for several days in a row, All proved that she was not from Kaga City.

The girl nodded and hummed softly.

The girl just affirmed, but didn't continue to tell where she came from, so Wang Kai didn't ask further.

After eating the noodles, the girl's mood immediately faded a lot, and the smile on her face remained undiminished, but the cuteness just now was sadly gone.

Standing up, the girl beckoned the waiter to check out.

A bowl of noodles, a stack of sauce, a total of seventeen copper coins.

"Then goodbye." The girl smiled at Wang and waved to him.

Wang Kai looked at the girl's smile, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything in the end. He smiled back, and Wang Kai also waved to her:

As if she came in, drawing the eyes of the entire shop, the girl left the restaurant with a face full of youth and curiosity, and rushed to the city outside.

Wang Kai was still sitting where he was, looking out the window in a daze. The girl's lively back was getting further and further away until she completely merged into the crowd and disappeared.

Looking back, Wang Kai called the waiter over, ordered another bowl of noodle soup, sat where he was, and sipped it carefully.

Batch after batch of diners change, time flies.

A bowl of noodle soup, from hot to cold, took a long time for Wang Kai to drink it up.

Chapter 90 Kind People
"Layton, bring some water."

In the foundry of Tiezhi's house, Taidong Tiezhi's face was flushed due to excitement. He shouted to Leighton outside, but his eyes were always fixed on Wang Kai in front of him.

Hasty footsteps sounded, carrying a water bottle, Leighton Iron Finger trotted in from the outside, and quickly poured water for the two of them.

It's a bit depressing to say, as long as Wang Kai came to visit, Tai Dong Tiezhi would always drag him to chat in the casting room for a dark day, which was fine, but every time, Grandpa had to let him stay in Wang Kai for either this reason or that reason. Layton was very distressed by showing his face and running errands.

When he sees Wang Kai now, he feels uncomfortable all over his body.

Fortunately, Wang Kai did not show any abnormality towards him in the follow-up. Instead, he was very polite to him, as if the previous incident had never happened at all.

But facing Wang Kai still made Layton very uncomfortable.

After pouring the water, he passed it to the two of them respectively, and Layton left as if fleeing.

Wang Kai was a little helpless, and said to Taidong: "I don't hold grudges, really."

Tai Dong gulped down a big sip of water with his fingers, let out a haha, and smacked his lips: "This kid, you can only be honest if you clean it up. Now you are the person who can deal with him the most."

Wang Kai spread his hands.

In one breath, Taidong drank the water and continued the conversation with Wang Kai.

After chatting for a long time, Taidong Tiezhi smiled with satisfaction, sat down on the rocking chair, and swayed comfortably.

"What you did two days ago was so cruel, Fengqin's house was completely shut down." Taidong suddenly said this.

Wang Kai knew what he was talking about. After the special auction was over that day, the Fengqin family did not stop. Facing such a huge benefit, how could they let go easily? The price was pressed again.

A few days ago, in order to deal with the Fengqin family's drug price war, after discussing with his surroundings, Wang Kai lowered the prices of tranquilizers and blue sugar by [-]%.

With this, all the previous tricks of the Feng Qin family were nullified, and they were beaten until they were breathless.

There was no way around it. Wang Kai's two medicines were already of excellent quality, but with a slight drop in price, their ability to seize the market increased significantly.

The Fengqin family is going to lose miserably this time.

Thinking of this, the smile on Taidong's face became even wider.

"It's not my fault, just allow them to engage in activities, can't I lower the price?" Wang Kai was innocent.

Taidong laughed loudly: "I, I was refined for a while at the beginning, and I didn't push you to the opposite side. The Fengqin family was dazzled!"

Wang Kai smiled.

"Are you, are you going to leave?" With a restrained smile, Tai Dong cast his eyes on Wang Kai and said seriously.


"That's right," Taidong sighed, "This small town really can't keep up with your pace. Do you plan to go somewhere?"

"Maybe it's Dunding." Wang Kai replied.

"Dunding, it's okay, it's close to here and convenient." Taidong paused and said, "I can't imagine that someone as young as you can leave old men like us far behind. It's really rare! But! Ah, kid, don’t push yourself too hard, you still have a long way to go! Keep walking steadily!”

He stretched out his hand and patted Wang Kai's shoulder heavily: "If you are tired, come back and take a rest. There will always be a seat for you in Kaga City."

Wang Kai said sincerely: "Thank you, old man."

After chatting casually for a while, Wang Kai said goodbye to Taidong Tiezhi and left Tiezhi's house.


In the afternoon, the sun is shining brightly and the temperature is pleasant, making people full of interest in outdoor activities.

On the square of Kaja City, fountains are blooming, singing and bells are ringing. There are various stalls and entertainers of all sizes gathered here, as well as leisurely men, women and children in the city.

The docile white sparrows and green-clad monsters domesticated by the Environmental Sanitation Bureau circle and fly in the square, occasionally landing to accept food from tourists.

Cute children, buy a package of dried blue leaves from a mobile stall, unpack them, and sprinkle handfuls to the birds. Whenever their feeding gets a response, they will show their happiest smile.

Beautiful and peaceful.

Wang Kai left Tiezhi's house and took a walk to Kajia Square. Since he came to this city, he has been buried in hard training and has never taken time to take a walk here for recreation.

Standing in front of a singing elf for a long time, immersed in her melodious voice, after a while, Wang Kai took out a silver coin and threw it into the hat in front of her.

Walking through the leisurely crowd, enjoying the caress of the sun, for the first time, Wang Kai felt nostalgic for this small town.

When he first arrived in Kajia, Wang Kai felt that the pace of life here was fast, but now, this place has been left behind by him.

Suddenly, Wang Kai's eyes stopped, and his eyes fell on a figure on the bench in the distance. The man's face was thin and soft, and he was feeding the blue leaves to the birds in front of him.

As if feeling something, Tan Nan raised his head and immediately met Wang Kai's eyes.

Dazed for a moment, Tan Nan gave a wry smile, raised his hand and waved at Wang.

Passing through the crowd, Wang Kai came to Dan Nan and sat beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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