Chapter 36
Li Dong said that after repairing the wall, don't leave him with flaws, which made the coaches and staff of the boxing gym confused.

Whether they cultivate or not is their own business. What does it have to do with Li Dong?And what do you mean don't leave flaws on him?
They shook their heads. They didn't know what the man meant. They didn't think much about it and began to work in the gym. Li Dong's kick made the place a mess. Not only did they have to clean up the venue, they also had to Reorganize the students.

But Zhao Kang, who was standing next to the hanger, was about to change into a suit with his hand in his hand, after hearing Li Dong's words, he stared intently at Li Dong's back until it disappeared, his eyes seemed to have deep meaning.

Qian Zhong was helped up and sent to the small infirmary inside the museum, where he lay on the bed and was examined and treated by a bruiser.

Although he suffered internal injuries and vomited blood, Qian Zhong's injuries were not particularly serious, and he did not have to go to the hospital. After taking some low-level healing medicine, coupled with his tenacious physical fitness, Qian Zhong has recovered Some will be able to recover after resting for a period of time.

Lying on the bed, Qian Zhong's expression was very calm, but under this calmness, there was a kind of madness hidden!
"Li Dong, right, this matter is not over..."

Li Dong, who walked out of the boxing gym, faced the towering scorching sun at noon. He had the same thought in his heart as Qian Zhong.

It's not over yet.

Taking out his phone, Li Dong sent a message to Che Bei:
"Boss Che, go to the Dingyuan Family in Chunshui City tonight, and I have a gift for you."

Che Bei over there replied after a while: "Okay."

Closing the phone, Li Dong looked at the road in County D at noon. It was shining golden and deserted.


Seven o'clock in the evening.

The sky is getting darker, and the environment in the suburbs is pleasant. Although the stars in the sky are not densely covered, they are much more than the noisy city center.

Under the moonlight, the high-end villa community "Dingyuan Shijia" is silent, and occasionally vehicles drive up, accompanied by the crisp sound of the gate of the community opening, which adds a little popularity to the tranquility.

In the community, the villas are far away from each other. Beside a luxurious villa, beside the dense and exquisite green plants on the roadside, a young figure in school uniform is standing casually. He is facing the direction of the villa. , Looking at the elegant lights extending from the window.

The young figure was naturally Li Dong, and the villa he was looking at was the hometown of Qian Bing and Qian Zhong, where their father Qian Weiping lived all year round.

The purpose of his coming here today is, of course, to put an end to the matter between him and Qian Bing. Qian Bing and Qian Zhong were just beaten up. Of course, this is not the end. In self-defense, the price they should pay has not been paid yet.

The reason why he hasn't acted yet is because he is waiting for Che Bei, because his action this time requires the existence of Che Bei as support, and Che Bei is also the best person to collect the bills and make transfers for him.

Both are business tycoons in Chunshui City, but Che Bei and Qian Weiping have no personal relationship, and it can even be said that they don't deal with each other.

Qian Weiping is different from Che Bei. He has no family behind him. He is only 30 years old. He has worked alone in this city for nearly [-] years. He has strong resources and connections in Chunshui City. He has made his fortune step by step. It has a somewhat dark color that has been obscured by time.

But of course this is not the reason why Che Bei and Qian Weiping did not deal with it. Businessmen are always profit-seeking, and the process of capital accumulation will inevitably be contaminated. As a member of the wave, Che Bei naturally understands this. He and Qian Wei The contradiction of peace is very simple, that is, the conflict of interests.

If interests are involved, that is the enemy. In this way, the problem is very simple for Li Dong. Che Bei has it ready-made, just drag it over and use it.

Che Bei is studying Li Dong, Li Dong is not always idle, but also studying him, and Qian Weiping, the experience, background, tentacles and energy of these people, including the fact that he is now able to stand in front of Qian Weiping generously. Next to Weiping's hometown, they are all the results of Li Dong's search during this period.

Some information can be obtained through conversation, while some more important information needs to be obtained through other methods. It is not difficult for Li Dong to have strong personal strength as a guarantee.

Li Dong was observing the inside of the villa. Not far away, the car lights turned on and flashed towards Li Dong. A black BMW came slowly and stopped beside Li Dong.

Li Dong stepped forward, sitting in the driver's seat with Chen Ka, while Che Bei rolled down the window in the back seat, poked his head out, and said to Li Dong: "Actually, I've been here for a while, and my friend brought me in. They sent him back, and exchanged pleasantries for a while, are you late?" Saying this, Che Bei was about to get out of the car.

"Don't play it yet, it's not time for you to appear on stage." Li Dong smiled.

On WeChat before, Li Dong only said to give him a gift, but he didn't say what it was. In order to show his trust in Li Dong, Che Bei didn't ask any questions, and came directly.

Li Dong moved closer, and said to Che Bei through the car door: "Qian Weiping lives here." Then he pointed his hand backwards.

Che Bei was taken aback, then nodded and said, "I know he lives here, he..."

Only then did he realize that what Li Dong was referring to was not the community, but the villa in the back. He meant that this was Qian Weiping's home.

He frowned, his mind turning quickly.

His people are investigating. Che Bei knows almost everything about what happened around Li Dong during this period. He knows about the conflict between Li Dong and Qian Bing. He knows that Li Dong easily killed more than 30 thugs by himself. He even knew that Li Dong kicked Zhongyi Guan at noon today and injured Qian Zhong.

But on the way here, Che Bei really didn't think about it. He never thought that Li Dong would directly target Qian Weiping. Qian Bing and Qian Zhong couldn't satisfy him anymore. Clean up their dad.

Li Dong looked at Che Bei who was thinking, but did not speak, quietly waiting for his reply.

Since this was the case, Che Bei quickly figured out what Li Dong meant. If he wanted to kill Qian Weiping, someone would have to stand there to cheer and clean up the funeral. The knife, and the gift, is the benefit from it.

But in the same way, when Che Bei appeared, the conflict was on the table, and he had to do it with real swords and guns!
This Li Dong is really courageous!

But for a master like Li Dong, Che Bei was determined to get close to him from the very beginning. Combined with Li Dong's recent performance, and recalling his incredible fighting power, a crazy look gradually appeared in Che Bei's eyes!
If you have a knife, swing it out, and you can cut a bigger cake. Today, he, Che Bei, will be bold with Li Dong!
Che Bei looked at Li Dong, with a smile and enthusiasm in the corner of his eyes:

"Dongzi, how do you play?"


The Qian family, the main hall on the first floor.

The gorgeous chandelier shines with elegant and noble light, which complements the main golden tone of the hall decoration style.

In the center of the hall, on a stage higher than the ground, four men sat on a spacious sofa, surrounded by a coffee table, frowning in thought.

Qian Weiping sat in the center, dressed in expensive home clothes, with a majestic imposing manner, his eyes turned on Qian Zhong and Qian Bing, and his face was not very good-looking.

Sitting next to him was a thin man with ordinary clothes. From the outside, he was no different from ordinary people, but his calm and poised posture showed that he was extraordinary.

Qian Bing and Qian Zhong both sat opposite Qian Weiping. Qian Bing woke up from the hospital this afternoon. He was not seriously injured at first, but was knocked unconscious by Li Dong's slap.

Compared with Qian Bing, his elder brother Qian Zhong was even worse. Up to now, his abdomen is still aching, and this is already the result of rest and recuperation and the nourishment of the elixir.

They lowered their heads and no longer had the majesty and pride of the past.

At this time, the thin man sitting next to Qian Weiping spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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