Chapter 358

"Four cups of ice and snow whirlwind," Wang Kai said to the waiter, "and another sweet boat."

Wei'er's eyes widened, and she raised her head to look at the sweet boat on the menu. It was a huge cold cake with a very beautiful decoration and thick toppings, and the price reached as much as four silver coins.

Wang Kai smiled and was checking out with the waiter, without looking at Weier at all.

Wei'er pouted slightly, patted Wang Kai's arm lightly, and said, "Spending money indiscriminately."

Wang laughed and said nothing.

It took some time to make the sweet boat, about 2 minutes, a whole plate of cold products was brought out by the waiter and handed to Wang Kai.

The two came to the seat.

"Wow, so rich!" Vera exclaimed when she saw the large plate in Wang Kai's hand, especially the huge sweet boat.

"Eat." Wang Kai put the tray on the table.

"Come on, Gouzi." Wei'er sat on the side of the aisle, next to Vera. She picked up a glass of ice and snow whirlwind, bent down and placed it in front of Gouzi. The extra cup Wang Kai ordered was for Gouzi Yes, Miffy can't eat too cold food.

Gouzi bared his teeth at Wei'er, raised one of his front paws, picked up the spoon inserted in the cup, and began to eat decently.

Seeing Gouzi's appearance, Wei'er couldn't help covering her mouth and laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Vera asked suspiciously.

"Look, look at the dog!"

Vera leaned over, looked over Weier at the dog on the ground, and was also amused by the dog's actions.

"It's so smart!" Vera said to Wang Kai.

Compared to monsters of this level, Gouzi is indeed much smarter in addition to his fighting instincts.

Miffy, who was standing at the corner of the table, suddenly had a bright light above her head, and stars bloomed.

Wei'er reached out and touched Miffy: "You are also very cute."


Wei'er was very excited because of the two monsters, and she didn't care about eating herself. She scooped up a large piece of sweet boat with a spoon, bent down, and handed it to Gouzi's mouth.

Vera is holding a spoon in her mouth, enjoying the ice and snow whirlwind with her heart.

Wang Kai's line of sight began to lose focus, and he was digging the cold food in the cup dumbly, his mind was already immersed in the surge of mana in his body.


A sudden sharp cry broke Wang Kai's meditation, and also attracted the attention of everyone in the cold food shop.

In the aisle in front of Wang Kai, there was a human woman with heavy makeup, her facial expression was extremely distorted, her hands clenched into fists were shrunk to her sides, and her angry eyes were cast on Wei'er beside her.

Beside the woman, a human man who is not tall is looking at this side with his hands behind his back, his eyes are flat, and the delicate fabric of the clothes is a sign of its expensiveness.

Wei'er, who was bent over, carefully straightened up, her eyes a little aggrieved, in her hand, the big piece of sweet boat on the spoon had disappeared.

And that's why the woman screamed. Part of the cold product hit her leg and was flowing down slowly, and part of it splashed onto her shoes.

Hearing the woman's piercing barking, Gouzi bared his teeth at her in annoyance.

"Ah? This beast is still baring its teeth. Where is the manager of this store? Who allowed it to be put in?" The woman's cry had the lethality to break the spirit.

Wei'er pulled Gouzi to her side and said to the woman, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"I'm sorry, it's over?" The woman raised her hand, pointed at Wei'er, and said, "Don't you have eyes, the aisle is a place for people to pass by, why are you blocked? Do you know how much my shoes cost? Ah ?”

Wei'er lowered her head and said aggrievedly: "I didn't block the passage, I just fed the dog under my feet, you sprained your ankle, tripped over to my side, and then rubbed against it."

And the fact is indeed the case. Just now, the woman was holding the man next to her, who was less than 30 years old, and the two of them were about to leave here. The woman may be used to it, and she likes to twist and twist when she walks. She was having fun. Accidentally, as soon as he fell, he fell in the direction of Wei'er, rubbing the sweet boat that Wei'er was going to feed the dog to his body.

"You still dare to talk back, what do you mean? What do you mean? It's my fault?" The woman saw Weier's wronged appearance, her delicate little face and fair skin, her eyes raised a bit fiercely, her tone Li's meanness intensified a bit.

And the man next to her stood there indifferently, allowing his female companion to show off her might and draw the attention of the entire restaurant.

Vera's temper is not like that of Wei'er. Seeing the woman's unreasonable and cunning, she stood up and said loudly to her: "It's not your fault or whose fault you are, what are you shouting about? This is a public place, is it right?" Improve your quality!"

"Little girl, who do you think has no quality, huh?" The woman raised her hand and shifted her finger to Vera.

"What about you, what do you mean?"

During the quarrel between the two, the young man's eyes shifted, looking back and forth at Wei'er and the others.

A table of things is not cheap, it should be for a party, hey, there is also a Pfister, the appearance is not bad!

The man's eyes were sharp, and he caught sight of Pfister, whose body was covered by a table, near the floor-to-ceiling windows.

But looking at the clothes and ages of several people, it really doesn't look like they can afford Pfister. It must have been lucky and picked it up in the World of Warcraft Forest.

But Wang Kai kept silent and stared ahead, in the eyes of the young man, he dared not speak and wanted to stay out of the matter.

Ignoring Wang Kai, and keeping his eyes on Weier's beautiful face, the young man sneered, he didn't intervene, and let the situation develop.

Chapter 71 tastes pretty heavy
Soon, the quarrel here attracted the person in charge of the cold food shop.

"Guys, I'm the store manager here, everyone has something to say." The store manager Tang Ke, a very young human being, came to the woman's side at this moment and said with a smile.

"You are the store manager? Then why did you put this thing in?" The woman turned her head, looked at Tang Ke closely, pointed at the dog on the ground, and asked loudly.

"Don't be angry, there is no rule in our store that prohibits the entry of accompanying monsters." Tang Ke said politely.

Vera said loudly to the woman: "Is this a question of whether to allow it to enter? You were not careful, who else do you blame?" Although she didn't see the whole process at the time, Vera knew that Wei Er will not lie.

"Little girl, you still dare to talk to me?"

"Who are you calling a little girl for filming, you ugly old monster!"

Under the watchful eyes of everyone in the store, the two refused to give in to each other, and the situation was about to escalate.

"Let me wipe it for you." Weier picked up a tissue from the table, bent down, and stretched her hand towards the woman's leg.

(End of this chapter)

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