Chapter 347

Standing in front of the huge head of Lales lying sideways on the ground, the black-robed man had a calm posture, facing Lales, and slowly raised his hand.


Intermittent scorching mist spewed out from Lales' nostrils, blowing on the body of the man in black, flapping the hem of his clothes.

The raised palms were opened, and black, flame-like rhythmic mana rose from the palms. With the dancing of the palms, the dark flames dragged complicated symbols in the air.

With a twist of his wrist, the man in black opened his palm and patted the surface of the symbols. The black brilliance spread from the center to the outside, causing the surrounding air to vibrate violently, and the contract was concluded.

"The culprit Lares, is His Heart your belief?"

Stretching his hand into the center of the contract, turning the direction of the contract, and pushing it in front of Lales, an ethereal voice that seemed to come from afar sounded, striking Lales' mind.

"Huh, hum! Humph..." Lales' huge body trembled, and the extinguished flame on his skin flickered several times, and gradually re-ignited.

"Are you willing to fight for the dignity of the God of War?" With the question of the man in black, the black light on the contract grew stronger.

"Hey! Hmph..."

An angry roar accompanied by red flames erupted from Lais's huge mouth, shaking his huge head. The dragon wanted to get rid of the negative state on his body, and the blood-like flames boiled and burned on his body, driving away the golden light and Invasion of black mana.

"The golden angels brought war to the world, will you drive them all away?"


The soaring pillar of fire suddenly rose from Lales' body, broke through the sky, and once again dyed the sky into a ferocious blood color. The gold and black were instantly swallowed by the flames, and scarlet waves swirled around the dragon's body.

The majestic blood-colored giant claws stepped heavily on the ground, and as the ground shattered, Lales propped up his body, immediately covering the sky in front of the man in black.

Lowering his head, he stretched out his abyss-like mouth in front of the black-robed man, and Lales let out a wild howl that resounded through the sky, releasing an uncontrollable rage!

The violent wind and extreme high temperature hit the head, the man in black remained indifferent, allowing Lales to pour out the anger beyond the bounds, under the cover of the void, his deep eyes seemed to be looking directly at the soul of this giant beast.

The howling stopped, and the flames circled around Lales' sharp teeth.

Glaring at the tiny man in black, Lales paused on the ground with his limbs, raised a front paw to grab him, and the rumbling momentum made the surrounding air hot and sticky.

The robes danced wildly and made noises, and the man in black stood with his head held high, looking straight at Leis calmly!
The bloody giant claws stopped suddenly in front of the man in black, causing a violent sonic boom!
The giant claw moved slowly and stopped in front of the black contract. Lales shook his head, and the anger in his eyes weakened slightly.

The black-robed man was already prepared, and at this moment he raised his right hand and stretched his palm to the back of the contract.

The frantic Burning Land gradually calmed down. Under the cover of the blood-colored sky, a man and a dragon stood opposite each other facing a black contract.

"Hmm! Huh...huh..."

Suddenly, Lales let out a violent gasp, and gradually came into contact with the bloody giant claw of the contract, and stopped suddenly. It seemed to be in great pain, with its eyes closed tightly, and its limbs stomped on the ground disorderly!
The man in black froze, his eyes moved from the back of the contract to Lales' body, the black scepter was held in his lowered left hand, and the magic ball at the top began to surge with black energy silently.

"Hu... hu... hu."

Lales stopped panting, slowly opened his eyes, stared at the man in black, and raised his front paws again.

Magnetic pull!

Lales' giant claws blazed out, shattering the contract with one blow, and the broken rune fragments fluttered one after another, brushing against the body of the man in black!

Just when the giant claws were about to touch him, the black light suddenly gathered, and the man in black disappeared in place.

Lales' giant claws hit the ground, and under the bombardment of bloody energy, the ground collapsed!
At the same time, the man in black appeared on the right side of Lales.

The black mana disc swelled instantly, and under the push of the man in black, it moved towards Lales to kill him!

Pulling his front paws out of the collapsed ground, feeling the annihilation breath coming from his side, Lales subconsciously raised a giant paw and moved towards Yuanpan to block it.

Lales' blocking didn't work, and the mana disk passed through its claw arm and touched its body quietly.

A large piece of mana shards grew suddenly after shattering, turning into huge black thorns, and shot away with Lales as the center!

Feeling the threat from the huge thorns all over the sky, Lales flapped his wings, trying to get out of their encirclement, but what made him feel powerless was that he could no longer dodge!

This is a speed beyond the reach of the dragon.

The dense black giant thorns penetrated Lales' body without a drop of blood flowing out, but the powerful confinement force transmitted by the giant thorns, as well as its accompanying fear attack ability, made it impossible for Delales to break free no matter how hard he struggled. half point.

Disappearing again without a sound, the man in black appeared high above the sky, and beside him, the surging black mana boiled up, and soon engulfed the raging flames burning around him.

The man in black raised his arms high, and the black scepter in his hand was shining brightly in an unprecedented posture. At the same time, with his body as the center, the black energy spread wildly. Soon, mana power like black clouds covered the entire area. Sky!

All the flames were extinguished, and the boiling mist dissipated, replaced by the silent energy that filled every gap in the air, and the whole world was shrouded in blackness!
The burning place turned into a silent black blood.

The head was imprisoned and unable to move, Lales stared, and vigorously moved his gaze to the sky, and what appeared in his vision was a scene that completely aroused his inner fear!

A huge eye formed by void energy occupies the entire sky.

The closed giant eye is slowly opening, and as it opens, the energy of violent destruction and fear descends on this world!

The giant black eyes are fully opened, and the pupils of the giant eyes are filled with pure, deep black. In the center of the pupils, the man in black robes still maintains a gesture of raising his arms high. At this moment, he is so small that he is particularly eye-catching, like a god who controls fear and destruction!

The giant eye moved slowly, and its sight fell on Leis. Under its gaze, the body of the world-horrifying beast seemed like a speck of dust.

The huge black thorn disappeared in an instant, but the incomparable oppressive force still controlled Lales' body. The ground under his feet collapsed and subsided instantly, and Lales sank on his knees.

It couldn't raise its head, and it didn't have the courage to look at the sky-reaching giant eyes. The fear that dominated the mind made Lales lose his fighting power, and it also removed all its arrogance.

(End of this chapter)

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