Chapter 328

The girl turned her head and looked at Wang Kai through the heavy mud. She called out his name in a soft and delicate voice, but under the softness, the feeling of weakness was very obvious.


The heavy mud expressed its dissatisfaction with this human being who suddenly barged in. The mud-stained body turned around, facing Wang Kai, and kicked off the ground with agility that was out of proportion to the body, splashing a large amount of mud. Pounce on Wang Kai.


The elf girl reminded subconsciously, but the next moment, Wang Kai's figure flashed on Chong Ni's body, and the whole person had already come in front of her.

Behind Wang Kai, Chongni's forward pounce suddenly stopped. Its belly opened a huge hole, and a large amount of mud surged out from the hole. With the splash of mud, Chongni fell to the ground with a crash, and its The body began to melt, and after struggling for a while, it turned into a puddle of mud.

"Are you okay?" The boy's clear voice rang in the girl's ear.

The cool breeze blew, the afterglow poured in, and the dappled sunlight filtered through the dense forest and sparsely fell on them, plating a layer of gold on their frozen bodies.

Elf Weier looked at Wang Kai in front of her lovingly, a blush appeared on her face unconsciously, and even the pain on her arm was forgotten by her.

She never expected that at the critical moment when she was in danger, Wang Kai would fall from the sky. In her eyes, Wang Kai at this moment was like a hero, arousing the strange feelings in the girl's heart.

Wang Kai also stared at Wei'er, with the same expression on his face, but wondered in his heart: What does this mean?There is still blood on the arm, why are you still laughing?Is everything all right?
The two people looked at each other with different thoughts, and a strange atmosphere arose.

It's just that the romantic atmosphere didn't last long before it was interrupted by the stench from the heavy mud corpse.

The dog barked.

The thoughts of the two were pulled back in an instant, and they avoided their sight at the same time.

Wei'er blinked a few times, lowered her eyebrows, and touched her hot red cheek with her uninjured hand.

"I have medicine here, stop the bleeding for you."

Wang Kai was also a little embarrassed, so he quickly took out a bottle of analgesic from Tuntian, unscrewed the cap, and prepared to apply the medicine on Weier's wound.

Wei'er originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Wang Kai's serious expression, after thinking about it, she still pursed her mouth, with a smile on her face, and handed Wang Kai her arm.

Wang Kai coughed, grabbed Wei'er's wrist, and immediately felt a soft and tender feeling.

Carefully apply the analgesic on Weier's wound. Soon, the blood stopped flowing out, and a blood scab formed on her fair arm.

Chapter 52 Relative Time
Weier looked at the condensed wound curiously and was a little surprised. Not only did the wound scab quickly, but there was also a numb and itchy feeling, and the severe pain just now disappeared.

"Your potion is so easy to use!" Weier couldn't help but admire it, then she tweaked it, and then said: "How much does it cost? I'll pay it to you."

Wang laughed: "Forget it, there is not much money."

Wei'er still lowered her head, refusing to look up at Wang Kai, and said softly: "It was true just now, thank you."

After waving his hand, Wang Kai asked, "How did you get here?"

Here in the entire Evil Swamp Forest, it is actually still in the peripheral area, but it is obviously dangerous for Weier's strength.

Wei'er was a little embarrassed: "I originally planned to pick some Konoha fruits, but I accidentally encountered the heavy mud just now and was chased here."

Wang Kai said: "Accidents always happen."

Will sighed and nodded.

"Have you picked all your fruits?"

Wei'er touched the clam bag on her body, opened a small gap in the bag, checked it, then quickly closed the bag, and said:
"Well... when I was chased just now, the situation was very panic, I didn't have time to put it in the bag, maybe I lost it somewhere..."

Wang Kai glanced at Wei'er's clam bag, spread his hands, and said, "I'll pick some more with you later."

Wei'er actually had this intention, and she felt a little proud when she heard that Wang Kai took the initiative to promise.


The effect of the sedative is very strong. For Wei Er's injury, which is just scratching the skin, after hemostasis and scabbing, it will be fine soon.

"Let's go."

Wei'er stood up, patted the dust behind her, and said to Wang Kai.

Wang Kai closed his eyes and opened his eyes, looked up at Wei'er, and said, "Let's go."

Under the leadership of Wei'er, the two of them searched for a while with a dog, and came to a place where Konoha fruit grows densely.

"Here." Wei'er stopped, pointing to this piece of Konoha fruit and said, "The selection and selection of Konoha fruit requires concentration, please help me pay attention to the surrounding situation."

Wang Kai agreed and stood next to Weier, concentrating and using his magic power to test the surroundings.

Wei'er squatted down lightly, and stroked the Konoha fruit with her hand, saying that she wanted to concentrate, but her mind was all on the solid figure behind her.

Originally, after the separation that day, although Wang Kai left her a shuttle seal, she had no reason to contact Wang Kai, so in Weier's heart, she felt that it might be difficult for her to meet Wang Kai again.

After leaving him, Wei'er realized how deep Wang Kai left her. His madness, his anger, his desperation for death, and his terrifying appearance covered in blood all left a deep impression on Wei'er's heart. left an indelible mark.

But at this moment, the young man who made her heart flutter appeared next to her again, still in such a heroic image, which made Wei'er feel a little unreal, and at the same time, she suddenly felt happy.

"Humph!" Involuntarily, Wei'er even forgot the horrible experience in the afternoon, and because of the joy in her heart, she hummed a song.

Wang Kai couldn't help laughing: "Your heart can be big."

Wei'er raised her head and stuck out her tongue playfully at Wang Kai.

After a while, Weier selected a few Konoha fruits. She glanced at Wang Kai from the corner of her eye and saw that he was not paying attention to her. Weier opened the clam bag through a small gap. Through the gap, she could see that there were already It contains several Konoha fruits.

Put the fruit in her hand into the bag, quickly close the bag, Weier stood up, and said to Wang Kai: "We can go."

"it is good."

The sky had already hinted at it, and with Wang Kai's leadership, they moved much faster. Not long after, the two of them walked out of the Evil Swamp Forest and entered the city of Kaga.

"Let me treat you to something to eat." Wei'er and Wang Kai walked side by side on the brightly lit avenue of Kaja City, after thinking for a long time before opening their mouths.

(End of this chapter)

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