Tian Zun is on the side of the road

Chapter 17 Devil's Claw

Chapter 17 Devil's Claw
It's [-] yuan a month, and you don't have to do anything, just go to the venue once in a while, take a look around, and you'll get the money.

Is there such an easy and cheap thing in the world?


"Boss Che, are you so confident?" Li Dong smiled lightly.

"I trust my vision." Che Bei laughed heartily.

Aside from the factor of expanding his strength, Che Bei himself is very martial, and he has an almost fanatical pursuit of cultivators, but due to his own conditions, he has no way to step into the cultivation path.

You know, as Che Bei's personal bodyguard, Chen Ka's strength has reached the highest level of Dzogchen, and it's not too long before he breaks through to the early stage of the Huang rank, but even so, he still can't shake a single finger of Li Dong.

Because of this, Che Bei was able to show such an eager smile, and even directly raised his salary by another [-] yuan based on Li Dong's request!
Strength is respected, an eternal truth.

But in the current world, strength is not only the root of gaining the respect of others, but also the confidence to eat meat and cut cakes with big knives!

The monthly salary of [-] was settled by the two of them in just a few words. Next, Che Bei introduced the situation of the venue to Li Dong.

Jinhao KTV.

This is the venue that Li Dong is responsible for taking care of. It is located in the prosperous area of ​​D County and is one of the largest KTVs in D County.

The matter was settled, Che Bei didn't talk nonsense, and directly transferred 6 yuan to Li Dong on his mobile phone, and made an appointment to show Li Dong another day, then said goodbye to Li Dong, and left by car with Chen Ka.

The store is empty.

Li Dong chewed the garlic, drank the last sip of noodle soup in the bowl, stood up and was about to leave.

"Li... Li Dong!" Behind her, Bai Xianglan called out crisply. From the conversation between him and Che Bei just now, she learned Li Dong's name.

Li Dong stopped, turned his head, and gave her a smile.

When Li Dong and Che Bei talked, they didn't restrain their volume, and Bai Xianglan was not far away, so Bai Xianglan heard everything they said.

Catching the punch of that strong man with one finger, and a salary of 6 yuan a month, these are too shocking for the proprietress of this small restaurant, Bai Xianglan.

But her mind was not on these things at the moment. She only knew that Li Dong could stand up for her in such a dangerous situation at that time.

Bai Xianglan trotted to Li Dong, tangled her little hands in front of her, and said to Li Dong with big eyes: "I really thank you just now, really."

Li Dong looked into Bai Xianglan's eyes, Bai Xianglan still seemed shy, her eyes dodged.

Li Dong poked his head out, catching Bai Xianglan's eyes just like that, with great enjoyment.

"You... what are you doing?" Bai Xianglan was furious, and she no longer avoided her eyes, she gave Li Dong a hard look, but this stare didn't have any lethality, but it added to her feminine charm.

Li Dong ignored her angry expression, stretched out his hand, pinched her smooth and soft face, then slid his hand to Bai Xianglan's chin, rubbing his thumb and index finger back and forth.

"You...don't be like this..." Bai Xianglan's face blushed suddenly, she grabbed the hem of the short-sleeved dress with her small hands, her white thighs stretched straight, and her whole body stiffened, looking extremely helpless.

Saying no, Bai Xianglan even tried to hide for a while, but when she met the boy's smiling face, she gave up, her eyelashes trembling, and she looked like she was being slaughtered.

Li Dong looked at the woman in front of him, and felt a little funny. She was about [-] years old, but she was still so shy, she looked like a bigger Tang Yiruo.

Li Dong looked at Bai Xianglan's delicate body.

Well, it's so big.

After a while, Li Dong stopped teasing Bai Xianglan, put down his hands, took out his phone, and said to her, "Add a WeChat account, you can find me if you need something."

Bai Xianglan slowly opened her eyes, the corners of her eyes were slightly moist, obviously emotional.

Li Dong coughed and repeated: "Add a WeChat."

"Ah? Oh, oh." Only then did Bai Xianglan come back to her senses, her little face flushed, she glanced at Li Dong in a panic, then quickly took out her phone, and became friends with Li Dongjia.

"I, my name is Bai Xianglan." Bai Xianglan said to Li Dong, he didn't know her name yet.

"Well, my name is Li Dong." A warm smile appeared on Li Dong's face, and then he extended his hand to Bai Xianglan.

Bai Xianglan already knew Li Dong's name, but Li Dong introduced himself as if meeting him for the first time.

Looking at Li Dong's hand, Bai Xianglan was a little hesitant. She felt that Li Dong's hand was like a devil's claw, especially restless.

Looking up at Li Dong, the young man's smile was bright and irresistible.

She stretched out her hand, shook Li Dong lightly, and nodded.

This time, Li Dong's demonic claws did not do any evil, it was as if a dragonfly touched the water, and it was easy to leave.

On the table at the back, Li Dong picked up the wad of money left by Brother Zhang and handed it to Bai Xianglan: "Take it, that person owes you."

Bai Xianglan paused, and took the money.

After waving to Bai Xianglan, Li Dong left the appetizer.

"Li Dong." Bai Xianglan murmured, looked at her little hand, then clenched it tightly, with a smile on her face that she didn't even notice.


"Boss Che, this matter..."

In the car, Chen Ka was steering the steering wheel with a suspicious voice.

"What do you think?" Behind Chen Ka, Mr. Che's thick voice sounded.

"It's not Dzogchen at all, at least it's the strength of the early stage of Huang Jie, [-] a month, not much." Chen Ka said, thinking of Li Dong's unshakable strength again.

Chen Ka himself has the strength of Dzogchen, but even if he tried his best, he couldn't even move a single finger of Li Dong. Didn't he reach the yellow rank, what is it?

"But Li Dong, is it really manageable?"

"Such a person, you have to treat him with your heart." Mr. Che said flatly, "Even if you can't tie him firmly, it's fine to make him unable to refuse."


Afternoon self-study class.

Wang Guan, who was next to Li Dong, whispered sadly: "It's over, it's over. Tomorrow, Friday, the test results will be out, and I'm done again!"

Li Dong glanced at him: "Do you still need to worry about that?"

Wang Guan glared at him angrily: "What do you mean, I don't need to worry!"

Li Dong smiled lightly.

After chattering for a while, Wang Guan asked again: "Hey, Dongzi, how are you doing this time?"

"Me?" Li Dong looked at him sideways, and then said, "It's okay."

"Do you feel that you can advance a few places?"


"Don't whisper! If you don't learn from others, you will learn from others!"

In the front row, Wu Xuexu heard the conversation between Li Dong and Wang Guan and scolded angrily.

Li Dong and Wang Guan looked at each other and said nothing.

The bell rang soon after class.

Wu Xue came close to Tang Yiruo and listened for the news: "Yiruo, the results will be released tomorrow.

Tang Yiruo lowered his head and brushed the questions, and hummed.

"You this time..." Wu Xue probed carefully.

"The grades will come out tomorrow, don't you know?" Tang Yiruo still looked like he didn't want to talk to her. She had been treating Wu Xue like this for several days, and she only recently discovered that her friend was really a little bit question.

After touching her nose, Wu Xue felt very uncomfortable. She glanced at Li Dong who was sitting in the last row, and snorted coldly:
"I don't know if Li Dong can get out of the countdown with your help."

Tang Yiruo stopped writing in his hand and said, "No matter what, he worked hard. This is a good start."

Wu Xue sneered: "I don't see where he worked hard."

Tang Yiruo didn't speak, and continued working on the topic in hand.

Wu Xue didn't ask her any more questions, she gave Tang Yiruo a blank look, returned to her seat, and flicked through the exercise book, as if to compete with Tang Yiruo.

(End of this chapter)

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