Chapter 405 Subaru

The lonely smoke in the desert is straight, the long river is setting in the sun,
Helen, Yi Lin and Mu Nian went to the Temple of Anubis together.

The Temple of Anubis is not very far from the temple where Helen joined. There are no winding mountain roads or dense jungles.

Some are just endless deserts.

The gust of wind is blowing, and in this desert, there is no shelter to block the gust of wind.

Yellow sand danced in the sky with the strong wind, covering the sky and the sun.

It was fine at first.

However, as it gradually penetrated into the desert, it was finally a last resort.

The three of them could only give up their horses and walk instead.

along the way.

The three of them also encountered many attacks from monsters hiding under the yellow sand, but fortunately they did not encounter any particularly troublesome monsters, so there was no great danger.

"The spooky weather here is really unpredictable." Mu Nian couldn't help muttering, and then spat heavily.

Because just uttered a word, his mouth was full of sand, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

"Are you different from us?" Helen asked with a smile.

Mu Nian also smiled slightly, but did not speak, and the two of them also tacitly agreed.

Only Yi Lin wandered between Helen and Mu Nian with a blank expression, feeling a little confused.

Why is the conversation between these two people so weird?

As it goes deeper, suddenly.

The three heard a familiar voice.

Da da da……

The sound is particularly messy, and the frequency is also very high, it is the sound of horseshoes.

I see.

A flag appeared in the line of sight of Mu Nian, Helen, and Yi Lin. The six characters of Anubis Temple on it all represented that this was a team belonging to Anubis.

"You guys are too deceitful!" In front of the team, a player was staring angrily at the people in the Temple of Anubis in front of him.

There were also a few players around him, but compared to the hundreds of people in the Temple of Anubis, it was obviously not enough to see.

There is too much difference in the number of people, and the disparity in strength is too great. This is a one-sided situation.

"Stop talking nonsense, you should know in your heart that since you have met someone from our Anubis Temple, you will naturally not end well. I will give you two options, one is to join our Anubis Temple, and the other is, I don't need to say more, I guess You should know too."

The person who spoke was the leader of the Anubis Temple team. This person had a pair of scarlet eyes and a hooked nose, and looked quite sinister.

But what surprised Mu Nian was that this person was actually leaning on a cane.

Since this person can speak on behalf of the Anubis Temple team, it can also be proved from the side that this person is the leader of this team.

of course.

This made Mu Nian even more surprised that a man with a cane could become the leader of the Anubis Temple team.

It is enough to see that this person is not simple.

Could it be that……

"Subaru, don't bully people too much! I belong to the Libyan Temple, aren't you afraid that this action will trigger a war between the temples!?" The blocked person was very angry, he didn't expect Subaru to stop him I didn't expect my own path to be just a 100% realistic virtual game, but it could be so real!
"Rules are determined by people, and naturally they can be broken by people. You have to know that the two temples of you and me are destined to be immortal, or...except for our supreme Anubis Temple, other temples can only be destroyed. For your part!" Subaru's tone was still not salty, and he obviously didn't take the warning from the people of the Libyan Temple to heart.

"You dare to do it, the Pharaoh of the Temple of Libya will definitely avenge us!" The besieged people looked angry, obviously very angry.

"You, the Pharaoh of the Libyan Temple, are just ordinary people in front of our great Anubis Temple, not worth mentioning. We all have different beliefs. It is destined that there will be a struggle between your two temples. You believe in creation and Invention, and what we believe in is destruction and rebirth, and this alone, we are like water and fire, and it is impossible to blend."

After Subaru finished speaking, he waved his hand indifferently.


After receiving the instructions, the people from the Anubis Temple held spears in their hands one by one and surrounded the dozen or so people from the Libyan Temple.

The situation is very clear. This is already the situation. The people in the Temple of Libya also know that Subaru definitely doesn't want to let his group go today.

So he said angrily: "Don't be crazy, the real temple will not tolerate you continuing like this, and your so-called belief will eventually kill you!"

Subaru's face was not moved by what the people from the Libyan Temple said, but only indifference.

I saw him waving his hand again, and said aloud: "What's the use of saying so much, it's just a ridiculous face of a loser, kill me, and leave no one behind!!!"

After Subaru's voice fell, the people from the Temple of Anubis behind him immediately rushed up with weapons of various shapes in their hands.

Although there are more than ten people in the Libyan Temple, the difference in the number of people is too great. Even if they can fight ten against one, they still can't.

As the screams echoed in the desert... the people in the Libyan Temple were also under siege.

In just a short while, more than a dozen people were slaughtered, leaving no one behind.

The dark red liquid flowed all over the ground and slowly seeped into the yellow sand under his feet, dyeing the sand here dark red.


Along with it, the wind danced, and soon new yellow sand covered the place.

"Commander, what should we do with these people!" A member of the Anubis Temple walked forward and pointed at the corpses of more than a dozen people on the ground.

"They are just a group of local people. There is no need to worry about so much. Just stay here and someone will take care of it for us." Subaru's expression remained unchanged. In his eyes, these dozen corpses seemed like It was like the yellow sand he stepped on, not worth mentioning.


There is a crow on Subaru's shoulder, to be precise, it is a two-headed crow.

The whole body was as black as ink, and the eyes were red like blood. After Subaru finished all this, it seemed to be very excited, and couldn't help screaming a few times.

A harsh sound spread all around.

When Yi Lin saw this scene, he couldn't help but retched, because the scene in front of him was too cruel, which made Yi Lin, who had always been kind-hearted, find it difficult to accept it for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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