Chapter 172
"Holy Light Comes!"

Accompanied by Zhou Yutong spit out these four words from the mouth.

Her half body was originally covered by a faint milky white light.

at this moment.

It emitted a dazzling light like the scorching sun.


There was only that half of her body, and the other half was the same as usual, without any changes.

The light became more and more intense, as if the incandescent lamp that was suddenly turned on in the middle of the night made it hard for people to keep their eyes open.

Followed by.

When the light reaches a peak.

The milky white light from that half of Zhou Yutong's body was drawn out by an inexplicable force.

Then, you can see these rays of light are like clouds, floating above the heads of the millions of undead.

"This... what kind of skill is this?"

Everyone was puzzled.

Even the army of millions of undead below stopped their movements at this moment, and they all looked up in different shapes.

Looking at it at a glance, I saw a large light curtain covering the top like a giant net.

Followed by.

Rays of light shot down from the light curtain like sharp arrows!

After the undead under this light curtain were hit by the rays of light like sharp arrows, wisps of gray smoke suddenly rose from their energy-like bodies.

When the sacred white light encountered the undead crawling out of the underworld, it immediately had a very serious corrosive effect.


The sound of corrosion is like that of hot oil being boiled.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, those undead spirits of destruction who were hit by the holy light began to dissipate piece by piece.

"It works!" Qing Lengyue felt ecstasy in her heart when she saw the spirit of destruction whose body was corroded and showed no signs of recovery.

As long as these unkillable spirits of destruction can be dealt with, even if Zhou Yutong has been promised, everyone in the Sword League cannot join forces to fight against that man.

However, as long as there are no such troublesome undead, everything else is easy to say. After all, the number of people in the Sword League is here, no matter how powerful Baidi is, he can kill him alone.

But at least it is guaranteed that the Sword Union will not be destroyed by him alone.

Everything is to keep the sword alliance!
Qing Lengyue thought so in her heart.

But this scene made the hearts of those who paid attention tremble. The surprise it brought to them today was no less than that battle of defending the city that Lu Qingkong had at that time.

Most importantly, this was also the first time they witnessed Zhou Yutong make a move.

Although Zhou Yutong is ranked No.2 in the Tianbang, but...the heroic appearance in the duel arena, except for her opponent, few people have seen it before.

I thought it would be great to be lucky enough to witness the feat of one person challenging a group of people today, but no one thought that there would be a chance to witness the second shot in the sky list!
This was really a pleasant surprise.

"There are rumors that Queen Zhou is a wood mage, because once, when she was competing with Lu Qingkong for the young fairy beast-the blue-eyed white wolf, she used healing spells to restore many members of the black rose who were mentally controlled by the white wolf. woke up."

"There are also rumors that Zhou Yutong is a thunder-type or fire-type mage, because someone has seen that the corpses of the monsters she killed have all turned black!"

"It's not just as simple as wood, thunder, and fire mages. What Queen Zhou showed just now must be light magic!"

"Three series of magicians, this is simply unbelievable, my God...why would others have such an opportunity.!"

Everyone talked non-stop, and at the same time sighed again and again.

The spirit of destruction who was fighting with the members of the sword alliance, after being irradiated by the holy light, one by one, their bodies slowly dissipated.

However, as the undead continued to dissipate, the dark passage leading to the underworld once again crawled out with the spirit of destruction.

Zhou Yutong, who had one wing and half his body filled with holy light, frowned slightly when he saw this.

She stretched out her hand, and gently drew strange incomprehensible knots in the air.

After she withdrew her hand, the strange seal radiated bursts of light.

"Holy Light Annihilation!"

After Zhou Yutong faintly uttered the four words, the strange seal floated towards the dark hole.

Boom! ! !

When the knot seal collided with the entrance of the cave, there was an explosion sound and an unwilling roar.

The voice seemed remorseful, angry, and unwilling.

However, that doesn't matter anymore.

Because after the smoke dissipated, the hole disappeared.

This is the end.

The army of millions of undead was wiped out by Zhou Yutong alone!

"Damn it! Queen Zhou is amazing! She actually solved the army of millions of undead by herself, she deserves to be number two on the list!"

"Queen Zhou's current strength is more than enough to be number one in the ranking, but it's because she didn't go to the duel arena to refresh her ranking. Otherwise... the number one in the ranking is already a firm fact based on today's performance."

"That's not necessarily the case. Don't forget that the Shadow Dancer from the Gate of Hell didn't even make it to the celestial list, but would you underestimate him because of this? Some people are not interested in such false rankings at all, just like Baidi."

And after annihilating the army of millions of undead, the milky white light on Zhou Yutong's body slowly disappeared, and that wing also disappeared.

She slowly landed from mid-air to the ground, and then walked straight towards Qing Lengyue. After taking a look, she said: "I have fulfilled what I promised you. Don't forget the conditions you promised me."

"Don't worry, we will never forget your great kindness to the Sword League today." Qing Lengyue finally laughed, "As long as our Sword League exists, we will never let anyone hurt Miss Lan Bingdie. "

Lan Bingdie at the side glanced at Zhou Yutong, then at Qing Lengyue, a look of astonishment appeared on her exquisite face.

what happened?What did the eldest sister say to this woman, why can't she understand anything?
She walked up to Zhou Yutong's side, held her arm crookedly and asked: "Sister, just tell me what benefit she has given you."

"You will know in the future, it's not time yet." Zhou Yutong helped Lan Bingdie tidy up her messy long blue hair, and then said: "Okay, this is the end of the matter, we should go back."

"After you go back, can you lend me your wings?"

Lan Bingdie looked at Zhou Yutong eagerly, not forgetting what she was thinking just now.

Zhou Yutong shook her head, "No way!"

"Big sister~" Lan Bingdie began to act like a baby.

"If you want, you can. Let's talk about it after you can snatch it from me."

"What, how could I take action against eldest sister..."

(End of this chapter)

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