Chapter 88 Corporate Crisis
Even if Mo Yutong asked such a question, the expression of this big client was still very subtle.

He neither said that he could cooperate nor said that he would cooperate. This big client still had an ambiguous attitude, which can be described as being all-encompassing
Mo Yutong didn't seem to see the real attitude of this big client, but felt that the behavior of the big client showed that he still had this opportunity, so he smiled even more and stepped forward to win over this big client.

"Yang Ming's company's products are still very good. A few days ago, a film crew negotiated a large amount of contracts and cooperation with them. I think cooperation with your company should also bring good benefits." Mo Yutong Said so.

This big customer doesn't seem to be very good, and he still looks like he neither refuses nor denies.

Yang Ming finally couldn't get used to Mo Yutong's appearance, because he felt that his company was running in a down-to-earth manner, and what he earned was normal profits.
Since there is no crime, why do you need to ask for help like this?

This can be regarded as the difference in values ​​between Yang Ming and Mo Yutong, but there is no way around this, because values ​​are sometimes innate.

In the end, Mo Yutong was still persuading this big client with a smile.

Finally Yang Ming stood up directly from the stool, and the people around looked over one after another, not knowing what Yang Ming was going to do at this time.

Yang Ming took a deep breath, tidied up his clothes, and said to everyone: "The company still has some things to do today, so I won't accompany you here."

Then Yang Ming directly and forcefully pulled Mo Yutong away, leaving directly from the dinner table.

After the two of them arrived at the door, Mo Yutong looked at Yang Ming like this, feeling a little discouraged, and instead questioned Yang Ming: "Why did you leave directly, do you know that such words are impolite!"

Yang Ming was about to lose his temper when he was questioned like this, but after thinking about it, he endured it.

He said to Mo Yutong with a pleasant face: "We do business to earn money, why should we suffer such grievances? And you also know that I, Yang Ming, can't bear this kind of grievance, so why force it?"

After listening to what Yang Ming said, Mo Yutong became indifferent. At this time, he actually realized that he was being played by someone. After all, he is not really stupid.

He still has some basic judgment ability, but sometimes he lost his way.

"But even if this is the case, you can't just leave, you can just leave." Mo Yutong still blamed.

On the other hand, when the big client saw Yang Ming dragging Mo Yutong away, of course his expression changed. You must know that no one dared to treat him like this in his status.

The people next to him are trying to persuade this big customer not to be angry.

But the big client was a little bit reluctant. He felt that this matter was not counted. Instead, he said: "Yang Ming doesn't respect me, so don't try to get along in the industry!"

Such news is like a bolt from the blue.

Mo Yutong suffered a heavy blow.

Because this time he didn't do a good job, but he did something bad with good intentions.

Sure enough, on the second day, Yang Ming's company received a call from the crew, and I wanted to stop working together.

"Hello, is this Yang Ming, right? That's how it is. Our crew has considered it and decided to stop cooperating with your company." The person in charge said.

"Why do you want to stop cooperating with us?" Yang Ming immediately stood up and asked back.

The tone of the other party was also very flat, and he simply said: "Yes, we want to stop cooperating with your company. As for the contract issue, we are willing to pay liquidated damages."

Having said so much, what else is there to say?

There is no way, Yang Ming can only be calm this time, but politely respond to the other party: "It's okay, since this time the cooperation fails, maybe we have another chance to cooperate next time."

The other party didn't respond, but hung up the phone directly.

Not long after waiting, the company received a liquidated damages.

Although he got the liquidated damages, no one in the company was happy, including Yang Ming himself. After smoking a pack of cigarettes alone in the room, he started a meeting with the advertising company and announced the announcement. thing.

After the announcement was over, Yang Ming still pretended not to care and said to everyone: "Okay, that's the way it is, what should we do in the future, don't stay here anymore, let's go to work."

The whole company seems to be in a state of calm again, but is this really the case?

Of course not, because that big client was very powerful back then, and since he said he wanted to suppress Yang Ming in the entire industry, it was naturally impossible to talk so simply.

This can be seen from the crew.

Because the production team is not considered a small force, but because of the existence of that big client, they directly gave up the cooperation with Yang Ming's company. From this, it can be seen that the big client is indeed powerful and powerful.

Sure enough, Yang Ming soon received another bad news: "What did you say? Our offline store was smashed?"

The person who came to report said: "Yes, yes boss, one of our offline stores was smashed up this morning, and the damage was very serious. But the only luck is that there were no casualties."

Yang Ming smiled, comforted the other party and said: "It's okay, since there are no casualties, it's not a big deal."

And after the person who came to sue left, Yang Ming's face darkened instantly. All these difficulties were obviously not ordinary, even a fool could see that someone was secretly dealing with him.

"I must investigate this matter clearly." Yang Ming thought to himself.

So Yang Ming quickly rushed over to the offline store.

And those who smashed up the shop at that time have not left at this time.

And these people seem to be very organized.

Ordinary people smashed the store, and the goods in the store were likely to be stolen, but this group of people did not.

Because they are very organized, they are just smashing, such as smashing glass in the store, shelves and the like.

Even throwing clothes on the ground.

But no one picked up the things here, and no one even touched the cash in the store.

Such a disciplined organization is obviously not something that ordinary people can do.

Yang Ming pondered for a while, and immediately locked his suspicion on the big client who had treated him to dinner.

Because the big client said afterwards that he wanted to retaliate against him, he didn't hear it, but he didn't take it to heart. He didn't expect that big client to really do what he said.

When he saw Yang Ming coming, a shop assistant also ran over.

"Boss, what should we do?" At this time, the clerk's face was full of anxiety.

(End of this chapter)

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