Chapter 387
After Yang Ming and Mo Yutong got married again and the company was merged, nothing more important happened.

After a few years passed smoothly and smoothly, the two were still as sweet as before. On Yang Ming and Mo Yutong's wedding anniversary, Yang Ming arranged a candlelight dinner.

The candlelight dinner was filled with flowers and desserts, exquisite food filled the entire table, and red wine was also poured by Yang Ming.

Yang Ming began to recall all kinds of past events with Mo Yutong, and now, everything happened very smoothly, he thought everything would be back on track.

Yang Ming had nothing to worry about anymore, and he even felt that he could spend his old age in peace and stability.

In a flat, happy, and happy room, he died peacefully without any pain. What he hoped more was that Mo Yutong could be happy.

He and Mo Yutong toasted and chatted. The red wine in the glass was originally bitter and spicy, but at that moment it suddenly felt very sweet.

Yang Ming never thought about it, would it be the last candlelight dinner?Sure enough, within a few days, the unfortunate thing happened.

That day, Mo Yutong had to go to a party, so there was no one at home to cook in the morning, and he didn't know how to cook, so he originally thought of going to the breakfast shop downstairs to buy breakfast, which was convenient and fast.

Just as Yang Ming walked downstairs, he found that the breakfast shop at the door was not open. He originally wanted to wait for him to open the door, but he checked the time and was prone to be late, so he drove to the company in a hurry.

Then, Yang Ming walked to his office and started busy with today's work, so he didn't stop for lunch at noon.

In the afternoon, he still had to preside over the meeting, and talked endlessly in the meeting room all afternoon, and then, after the meeting, he kept staring at the computer.

Yang Ming didn't eat all day, and worked until after eight o'clock in the evening before finishing his day's work. He was about to drive when he remembered that his car was driven by his assistant to pick up Mo Yutong and went home.

But Yang Ming himself was not in the habit of taking a taxi, so he had no choice but to walk home. Almost all the unlucky things happened on the same day.

He just walked out of the company and wanted to call Mo Yutong to ask when she would be back, so he dialed Mo Yutong's phone, and there was a waiting tone.

At this moment, Yang Ming had already walked on the road, and it would take at least 10 minutes to walk from the company to his home, but he was not in a hurry, and the phone was connected.

"Hey, husband, when are you coming back? I'm hungry. If you don't come back, I'm going to starve to death." Mo Yutong's voice came from the phone, and she said these words in a teasing manner.

"Baby, I still have more than an hour here. They were drinking too much just now. Fortunately, the person I'm leading has enough alcohol. Let me tell you..."

While Mo Yutong was speaking, Li Ming suddenly felt some weakness in his limbs and a pain in his stomach.The cold sweat on the top of his head also slowly came out.

Yang Ming looked across the road, there was only one aisle left from the community at home, Yang Ming just wanted to go home quickly and rest, how could he have time to watch the road, so he walked across the road without thinking.

Just when he was about to reach the opposite side of the road, a big red truck suddenly galloped towards Yang Ming at a very fast speed.

The size of the car is also very large, Yang Ming didn't notice the big truck at first, it was the truck's horn that reminded Yang Ming.

But at that moment, Yang Ming's pain seemed to be more intense. He only saw a beam of light appearing in front of his eyes, and then he saw that huge truck running towards him.

The truck driver wanted to step on the brake valve quickly, but the driver was drunk and accidentally mistook the accelerator for the brake valve and stepped on it.

Just like that, Yang Ming was knocked out five meters away by a big truck. Yang Ming fell to the ground with a severe impact on his head. The phone also fell out and turned off at last.

Then, blood dripped out drop by drop, and finally formed a pool. This scene shocked the drunk driver.

There were also a lot of people watching around, and an enthusiastic person saw this scene and immediately dialed the number for an ambulance.

Yang Ming fainted, and waited until the ambulance came. Yang Ming was carried into the ambulance by the doctor, and he did some things within his capacity in the car, and was sent to the hospital without hindrance.

However, Yang Ming's life was still not saved. In the emergency room, Yang Ming was given several critical illness notices, but no one came to sign for him.

Finally, under the doctor's hesitation, the person who called the ambulance sent Yang Ming's mobile phone, and the doctor expressed his gratitude to him.

When Mo Yutong heard the news, anxious tears fell out instantly. She abandoned the entertainment and rushed all the way to the hospital with her assistant.

But it was still a step too late. By the time Mo Yutong came to the hospital, Yang Ming had already died.

Just like that, a sudden car accident shattered his dream, and he could no longer spend the rest of his life peacefully and peacefully with Mo Yutong.

Yang Ming heard Mo Yutong's cry and tried his best to wake up, but suddenly he floated up gently and stood out from his body.

He wanted to touch Mo Yutong's head, but his fingers passed through her head. At this moment, Yang Ming knew that he was dead.

Seeing Mo Yutong crying pear blossoms with rain, she was very sad. Even if she died, she didn't want to make her so sad. A Li and Song Man also cried so much that they almost passed out.

Then, his soul gradually floated out, and then, he met a very familiar spirit body, which turned out to be Xue Sha's spirit body.

Xue Sha was thinking about something in Yang Ming's mind, and then he nodded. It turned out that he was trying to parasitize Yang Ming in someone's body.

Xue Sha told Yang Ming the ins and outs of the incident, and he said that he was not willing to let him die like this, it was not worth it, and wanted him to do something for him.

So Xue Sha parasitized Yang Ming's spiritual body on a girl that Xue Sha had parasitized before, and that girl's physical strength and intelligence were both extraordinary.

So it was often occupied by others, Yang Ming agreed with Xue Sha's idea, so Xue Sha borrowed Yang Ming into the girl named Kang Wei.

Just like that, Yang Ming came back to life, but knowing that his original body was dead, Mo Yutong must still be sad.

So, he came to Mo Yutong's side with Conway's body on his back, and he explained the cause and effect of the matter clearly to Mo Yutong.

At the beginning, Mo Yutong was dubious, thinking that this happened strangely, until Yang Ming put his mobile phone number and some things at home.

And after telling the story of what they had been through together, Mo Yutong believed that Yang Ming's words were true, and hugged him excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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