Chapter 381 meet again
This is something that Yang Ming never imagined, the meeting between him and Mo Yutong would be like this, relying on luck and so-called fate.

This is really too dramatic. Yang Ming still can't believe it. The so-called magical plot in the TV series actually happened in reality, and it happened so naturally that people can't pick out any strange points.

The reason is this, when Yang Ming's assistant was driving, he got into a car accident because of the other driver's improper driving, was hit by someone, and even suffered serious injuries, so that he had to be hospitalized.

Hearing from the assistant, it seems to be a broken bone, and there is no way to even work, it can be done easily, it is best to ask for leave with pay, after all, Yang Ming's assistant is not injured like this, it is almost, it can be regarded as a work-related injury.

When Yang Ming's assistant was telling Yang Ming about this matter, Yang Ming was stunned for a moment, and he never thought about it until he asked which hospital his assistant was in.

Yang Ming decided to take flowers, supplements and condolences to visit his assistant.

After all, the relationship between Yang Ming and his assistant is not bad, and this assistant is also the one who has been with Yang Ming the longest.

However, what Yang Ming didn't expect was that when he went to visit his assistant with flowers and condolences, when he went to the hospital to visit his assistant, he found that Mo Yutong was also beside him with an apologetic expression on his face mean.

And his assistant was on the hospital bed, his face was pale, and his right calf was tied with a thick bandage. The obvious injury was on his right foot.

"What's going on? Why are you two together?" Yang Ming watched in amazement, his assistant and Mo Yutong were standing in the same frame.

Even Mo Yutong was apologetic, looking very embarrassed, while the assistant was a little panicked, especially when he saw Yang Ming coming, and hurriedly waved at Mo Yutong.

The assistant naturally knew about the relationship between Yang Ming and Mo Yutong. Seeing that he was caught in the middle, he actually became the two of them meeting. If the assistant kept complaining like this, he was afraid that he would become a victim of Chi Yu.

The assistant now only hopes that these two great gods can leave the ward as soon as possible, so that he can really have a good rest. After all, Yang Ming and Mo Yutong are full of aura, it is too scary, and the assistant is also afraid that these two people will be in the ward It opened directly in the middle.

"Why is Mo Yutong here? Is there any relationship between you?" Yang Ming glanced at Mo Yutong and stopped looking at him.

After all, the main purpose of Yang Ming coming to the hospital this time was to visit his assistant, so he turned his head and asked the assistant.

However, the assistant was terrified, and before he even finished speaking, Mo Yutong who was at the side had already picked up the words, and the assistant spoke to Yang Ming.

"It's like this. I didn't pay attention when I was driving. I accidentally bumped into your assistant, and it seems to be seriously injured, with a broken calf. The matter is entirely my responsibility, and I will take full responsibility." Mo Yutong said to Yang Ming.

Indeed, Mo Yutong's expression of guilt just now, coupled with the assistant's expression of fear and sincerity, did make sense with this reason.

But Yang Ming never thought that the reason for meeting Mo Yutong again was because of his assistant, and it was because Mo Yutong accidentally bumped into his assistant. This beginning is really a bit magical.

But when you see it, you see it. Yang Ming heard what Mo Yutong said, and didn't bother with it anymore. Instead, Mo Yutong looked at Mo Yutong with a little nostalgia for dealing with the entanglement between the two of them.

"How are you doing recently? How are you doing?"

Yang Ming didn't know how Mo Yutong was doing recently. Now that he saw Mo Yutong, he was naturally worried about Mo Yutong's current situation. He couldn't help but asked Mo Yutong worriedly, because he never In my heart, I still miss Mo Yutong very much.

Mo Yutong was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he didn't expect Yang Ming to ask such a question at this time, but his face calmed down immediately, and he answered Yang Ming in a very business-like tone road.

It's just that some clues were revealed in the words after all, and there was a little resentment in the tone.

"What else can I do? Just like that, living alone, is it possible that I can live a happy life alone? It's not like that." Mo Yutong said to Yang Ming.

The amount of information in this sentence has indeed increased, Yang Ming was taken aback, thinking of the news he had received first.

If I remember correctly, there seems to be a lot of news recently that Mo Yutong is about to marry into a wealthy family and become the wife of a wealthy family. Yang Ming thought to himself, what is going on now?Why did Mo Yutong in front of him say that he lived alone?
Although Yang Ming didn't quite understand it, it was reported in the news after all. Yang Ming didn't question his authenticity. Pay attention to Mo Yutong, ignore Mo Yutong.

"Shouldn't your husband pay attention to you? You are going to get married soon, does he not care about you? Or something else? Aren't you going to marry into a wealthy family soon? Why are you still alone?"

Yang Ming asked Mo Yutong worriedly. Although it was a worried question and answer, Yang Ming's tone was a little tough, similar to a pressing attitude.

In fact, he still hoped that Mo Yutong would give him another answer, but he didn't say it.

At this time, Mo Yutong heard Yang Ming's question, and immediately glared at Yang Ming, as if he had touched some reverse scale, his whole body became angry, even his tone became aggressive, and there was no more starting point Calm and indifferent.

"What about marrying into a rich family as a wife, who wants to join a rich family as a wife, that's just false news I spread, and can you stop coming here to bother me in the future, I don't want to see you anymore!"

Mo Yutong's tone immediately turned up, as if thinking of something bad, his whole mood was depressed.

"But all the news is saying that you are about to marry into a wealthy family. Is this a lie?" Yang Ming was also a little puzzled, but immediately replied to Mo Yutong not to be outdone.

Hearing Mo Yutong tell him that he doesn't want to see him again, and doesn't want to bother her anymore, Yang Ming's mood is not very good, and his rationality gradually decreases, and his impulsiveness gradually increases.

"Anyway, does it have anything to do with you? I'll give you your assistant's medical expenses. From then on, we'll be cleared. I don't want to see you again." Mo Yutong gave Yang Ming a hard look, Immediately, he directly dumped the medical expenses to Yang Ming and walked away.

(End of this chapter)

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