Chapter 378 Regret
Seeing that the new company founded by Yang Ming has the intention of suppressing himself.

Mo Yutong couldn't sit still anymore.

To her, Yang Ming is just an ordinary son-in-law. If it weren't for relying on their family, Yang Ming would not have been able to get to his current position. She absolutely cannot accept that Yang Ming spent such a short time after leaving her. Climb this high.

Mo Yutong even felt that Yang Ming was taking revenge on her for what she had done before.

Thinking about it, Mo Yutong made a phone call and brought Ling Zhe in.

"You go to the paparazzi to dig up Yang Ming's black material. I don't care what method you use. I don't allow them to just clean up like this. You must ruin their reputation."

Mo Yutong spoke angrily.

After receiving Mo Yutong's order, Ling Zhe immediately carried it out.

His shooting speed was very fast, but within a day, Yang Ming's company changed from a rookie to an entertainment company that everyone shouted about. No one thought that Yang Ming's company would be exposed so much black material.

Those rumors that have not been verified have successfully dragged Yang Ming into a hell beyond redemption. Yang Ming didn't even need to think about who did it.

"Boss, they are really too much. We don't need to give them face at all. Why do you care about the old relationship? They have already done this. If we don't fight back, it will only make them think we are easy to bully .”

"Yes, boss, you should do it quickly, don't hesitate any longer."

After such a big event happened, the group of people who came with Yang Ming couldn't help but discuss with Yang Ming, but Yang Ming always had a calm expression, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of guilt because of the company's black material. anxiety.

Regarding what they said, Yang Ming just smiled and shook his head.

They could all see the refusal in Yang Ming's eyes. Even though Mo Yutong had done such an excessive thing, Yang Ming didn't mean to blame Mo Yutong. I don't know if it was because of his unrequited love for Mo Yutong, or something else. plan.

"I understand what you're thinking now, but don't worry, as long as I'm in the company, there won't be any major problems. You all go back and rest first. Everyone has been busy recently, and they are indeed tired. It's just okay Take advantage of this time to rest well.”

Hearing what Yang Ming said, even though they were puzzled, they didn't dare to say anything more, turned around and left.

Yang Ming sat on the chair, his gaze fell on the computer screen.

He actually doesn't know what he really thinks in his heart now. He has to admit that during this time, Mo Yutong's figure has often appeared in his mind. He still has feelings for Mo Yutong, but he can't accept Mo Yutong at all. what he did.

Let me ask, which man can accept his beloved woman doing such excessive things to him?
When Mo Lu came in, he saw Yang Ming sitting on a chair in a daze.

"Dad, we've seen the news, if you need help, we can."

Mo Lu looked at Yang Ming, and handed the food in his hand to Yang Ming.

With such a big incident, Yang Ming's people must not be in the mood to eat, so he bought a lot of things and distributed them to other people in the company.

Hearing Mo Lu's voice, Yang Ming came back to his senses. Seeing the smile on Mo Lu's face in front of him, Yang Ming nodded, and sat down directly with Mo Lu on the sofa beside him.

"Father, what do you plan to do with this matter? The company has just started, if we don't get rid of these scandals as soon as possible, the company will suffer an irreversible blow. Even if we thrive in the future, we will be dug out by others." Mo Lu Of course I saw the news.

When he came, he also saw the dissatisfied expressions of those people. Although they didn't ask much, Mo Lu felt that they were very dissatisfied with Yang Ming's actions.

"Do you think we should do this?" Yang Ming looked up with interest when he heard what Mo Lu said.

If Mo Lu could give him a good solution, he would be willing to confront Mo Yutong.

"There are many ways to solve this matter, but Dad doesn't seem to want to fight against Mother? If Dad doesn't want to, no matter what method I say, Dad probably won't agree. I just want to tell You, no matter what decision you make, both of us, brothers and sisters, will support you, it’s just a company, we believe in your ability.”

Hearing what Mo Lu said, Yang Ming suddenly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, as if he had some support behind him.

Although Mo Yutong had brought him too many regrets, it had to be said that the existence of Mo Lu and Misi really made him feel happy.

"Actually, I still think about her in my heart. During this period of time, I often see her shadow. I don't know what's wrong with me. It's like being in a daze. I can't get rid of the influence she brought me. Everything that came, I did not make any resistance this time, and it is also because of this reason."

Hearing what Yang Ming said, Mo Lu put down the chopsticks in his hand, sat upright, and stared at Yang Ming with a serious face.

He could tell that Yang Ming must have something important to tell him.

"But I really can't accept what she's doing. I never thought that she would be so hostile to me. Since I married her, I have always treated her with respect. I thought the two of us could be regarded as real friends. In the sense of a husband and wife, but I didn't understand until that day that she hated me so much."

When Yang Ming said these words, his expression was particularly melancholy. Mo Lu lowered his eyes. He didn't know how to persuade Yang Ming, and he had no experience in this area. He could only listen to what Yang Ming said. Let Yang Ming solve it alone.

"It seems to me that everyone in their family doesn't respect me, and she will be the only one who respects me, but I didn't expect that she would think that I am a son-in-law from the bottom of her heart. I really find it ridiculous, and That day, the day she kidnapped you two."

After listening to Yang Ming's words, Mo Lu's expression also became subtle, not to mention Yang Ming, even they couldn't accept Mo Yutong's actions.

Their family is obviously so beautiful, and they can obviously be the envy of everyone, but Mo Yutong broke everything after all.

"Father, don't worry, you don't have any relationship now, I believe you have made the most correct decision." Mo Lu looked at Yang Ming, just wanting to give Yang Ming some encouragement.

Yang Ming nodded, but didn't say anything.

Those days are over.

It is true that he has nothing to do with Mo Yutong anymore, so there is absolutely no need for him to think too much about it.

Mo Lu took a deep look at Yang Ming, and didn't say any more.

(End of this chapter)

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