371 Ransomware
Song Man also came to the wedding scene. After all, there is a relationship between her and Fu Zhi.

She couldn't really let go, but the moment she came to the wedding venue, seeing the smiles on Fu Zhi and A Li's faces, the resentment in her heart disappeared in smoke after all.

At this point, she can blame no one. Now that Ah Li and Fuzhi have entered the palace of marriage, she naturally has no reason to continue entanglement. Instead of making herself miserable, she might as well bless them.

Song Man put down her own money and left directly, she was a little sad.

Fortunately, when she was leaving, she ran into someone, and that glance directly gave her a home.

Everyone's life is developing in a good way, and it seems that everyone's life has returned to calm.

"The police investigation was too strict during this time, so we temporarily stopped all activities, everyone, go and live the life that normal people should live. If one day I still need you, I will definitely call all of you to my office. By our side, we have stayed in the dark for so long, it is time to see the scenery of this world."

Yang Ming sent this text message late at night.

Anyway, he is also very reluctant to part with the assassination team he founded, but in order to adapt to the fate, this is also a last resort.

After the message was sent out, no one responded, but that night, all the members of the assassination team disappeared. Yang Ming didn't know where they went, but he was sure that if he needed them one day, they would definitely Will go back to him no matter what.

Not only were these members of the assassination team missing, even Xue Sha and Yang Ming hadn't been seen for a long time.

Ten years passed in a blink of an eye, watching Mo Lu and Misi transform from a child to an adult, Yang Ming's eyes were also filled with relief.

He has not been idle during this training time, and he will train as usual every day, so that even though he is now 50 years old, his body is still strong, and he looks no different from a 40-year-old person on the surface.

"Dad, don't you regret disbanding the assassination team? For you, the assassination team should have paid attention to all your hard work, not to mention that after you disbanded the assassination team, those people have never contacted you. It's like evaporated."

One day, Misi sat on the sofa and looked curiously at Yang Ming in front of him.

Ever since knowing that those people had disappeared, Mis felt very sad. At the beginning, she was full of curiosity about the assassination team, and she joined successfully. She actually disapproved of the disbandment of the assassination team, even if the police were in charge of it. So what about Yan, the strength of their assassination team is simply not something that a few policemen can compete with.

Hearing what Misi said, Yang Ming shook his head helplessly.

"It's impossible for them to live like this all the time. They also have the right to choose their own lives. I don't think it's a problem to do this way. You, don't think about those useless things. The investigation is strict during this time. You But don't get them all back behind my back, they don't even reply to my messages, do you think they will reply to your messages?"

Listening to what Yang Ming said, Misi silently closed her mouth. She actually tried to contact those people, but as Yang Ming said, the news she sent fell into the sea, and no one paid attention to her at all.

He really had no other choice, so he came back to look for Yang Ming. Who knew that the answer Yang Ming gave was still the same. She had no choice but to give up.

Looking at the back of Misi going upstairs, Yang Ming also had a gloomy look in his eyes.

They haven't been in touch for too long, and they don't know what is going on with the brothers who fought side by side before.

Although he has been forcing himself not to think about this matter, when Misi said those words just now, Yang Ming still couldn't help thinking of all the things at the beginning.

Their life is still very peaceful, as calm as a lake made of a mirror, until one day, a stone fell into the lake, which stirred up their waves and completely broke the peace of the past ten years.

"Your son and daughter are in my hands. If you don't want them to die, you can bring money immediately. We only need money. If we get the money, we will naturally release your daughter and son."

Looking at the extortion text message sent from the mobile phone, Yang Ming's eyes flashed with surprise. He knew the tricks of Mi Si and Mo Lu, and they would be kidnapped.

The so-called concern leads to chaos. When Yang Ming thought of this, he had already anticipated the strength of his opponent. Now there is no one around him who can assist him. He can't contact those people in the assassination team at all. Own.

Thinking about it, Yang Ming didn't dare to hesitate. After preparing enough cash according to what they said, he drove directly.

Perhaps after ten years of peaceful life, Yang Ming's sharpness has long since subsided a lot. Now he really looks like an old father who is running around for his children.

Yang Ming was accelerating non-stop. He crossed the crowded street and quickly flew towards the location designated by the kidnapper.

At the same time, at the agreed kidnapping location, Misi and Molu were indeed locked up here, but they looked at the person in front of them with angry expressions in their eyes.

"Why did you do this? My father shouldn't have treated you badly at the beginning, right? Why did you do this? How can you be a wolf-hearted person?"

Myers couldn't accept the picture she saw, but the man standing in front of her kept pacing back and forth in front of her, constantly stimulating her nerves, telling her that everything was true.

"Everyone has the right to choose his life. In the same way, your father should have told you that this is the life I choose. I am more willing to step on him than to follow your father. I have begun to wonder How will he react when he arrives later?"

Now, standing in front of Misi and Mo Lu is Ling Zhe who has disappeared for ten years.

Even Misi and Mo Lu didn't expect that it would be Ling Zhe who kidnapped them this time?

"Why on earth did you do this? You must have made a lot of money with the assassination team in the first place. If you are short of money, even if you tell my father directly, my father will give it to you!"

"Kids don't care about the things between adults. Don't worry, you will soon know what I want to do."

A smile curled up at the corner of Ling Zhe's mouth, he simply took two cloth balls and stuffed them into the mouths of Mi Si and Mo Lu, and sat quietly waiting for Yang Ming's arrival.

When Yang Ming drove to the destination, he recalled the scene in front of him in a trance.

This was the basement where he and Mo Yutong were kidnapped.

(End of this chapter)

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