Chapter 369

Yang Ming thought about it, but he didn't know what to do, so he called Ling Zhe and asked him to gather the members who hadn't been taken away for a meeting in the conference room. He hurriedly dressed and left home, came to In the meeting room, see that all the people have gathered here
He coughed lightly, sat on the main seat, and said: "Now some members of the assassination team have been arrested, do you have any good suggestions, why don't you tell me?"

These main members look at me and I look at you. For a while, no one stood up to say a word. At this time, Ling Zhe suddenly took a step forward. He looked at Yang Ming and said: "Now we are considered If you get burned, why don't you just disband the assassination team to avoid the limelight, and after the gust of wind passes, we will reorganize, what do you think?"

After hearing these words, Yang Ming was silent for a long while. He felt that this might be a solution. After all, the police now see them very strictly, and they might be found on them one day, so be careful.

"In this case, let's disband the assassination team here today. You should go home. When I want to reorganize the assassination team, I will look for you to come back."



These main members responded together one after another. Seeing that the meeting had come to an end, the main members quietly exited the conference room, leaving Yang Ming and Ling Zhe alone.

Ling Zhe took a step forward, frowned and said, "What should we do with those who have been arrested?"

Yang Ming pondered for a moment, after much deliberation, he could only let them stay in the police station for a while, and now he was at his wits' end, and couldn't take care of so much, rubbed his brows and said: "Leave them alone, let those The most important thing is for the main members to hide well."

Hearing this, Ling Zhe nodded, indicating that he understood, and then he also exited the meeting room, leaving Yang Ming alone, and then Yang Ming went to the office, because there are still many things and documents that need to be processed waiting for him.

After dealing with these incidents, he felt that his head was a little heavy, but he has always been a relatively strong person, even if he felt uncomfortable, he had no expression on his face, making others think he was a healthy person. When he returned home, he She didn't tell Mo Yutong about her physical condition, but threw herself on the bed and took a nap first.

He thought he would recover after a night's rest, but he didn't expect that he suddenly developed a fever in the middle of the night, and the high fever persisted. Mo Yutong was so frightened that he rushed him to the hospital.

A nurse in the emergency room was busy giving Yang Ming an injection. She carefully inserted the syringe into Yang Ming's blood vessel, and then adjusted the hanging bottle on it. Seeing that Yang Ming's face was still red, she leaned over He took his temperature again and found that he had gradually stabilized before going out with confidence, and bumped into Mo Yutong head-on,

"Is he okay?" Mo Yutong pointed to Yang Ming inside.

The nurse shook her head, and then walked sideways. Mo Yutong came to Yang Ming's bed and shook his hand lightly. Her eyes were very worried. She also heard the news about the assassination team this morning and knew that Yang Ming In the past few days, he was busy with the affairs of the assassination team and the company, so he fell ill.

When the hanging bottles were finished, the nurse told them that they could go home to rest, so Mo Yutong took Yang Ming back home and asked him to lie on the bed and rest.

And because of the intravenous drip, Yang Ming's expression has gradually improved. He raised his eyelids and found that Mo Yutong was guarding him by the bed, feeling a little warm in his heart, so he slowly got up and sat on the bed.

The woman next to her was sleeping soundly, as if she had sensed something, she gently opened those bright pearly eyes, and looked straight at Yang Ming, the two kept looking at each other, Mo Yutong smiled lightly after a long time , asked: "Do you feel better?"

"Well, I feel much better, but I'm very hungry now, and I want to eat a bowl of noodles. Would you like to cook a bowl for me?"

"Of course I am willing to help." So Mo Yutong went to the kitchen, and after a while, brought out a bowl of noodles to Yang Ming.

Seeing Yang Ming eating noodles, Mo Yutong smiled slightly, then remembered something, and said, "Do you still remember the water that can make you 10 years younger?"

Yang Ming paused while eating noodles, then raised his eyes slightly, feeling a little puzzled, then suddenly realized, nodded to show that he remembered.

"At the beginning, Xue Sha made us drink this water to prevent the resentment of the elderly from contaminating us. On the surface, this water will make people 10 years younger, but in fact it is just to temporarily resist the damage of resentment. No matter what , this water is very magical.”

At this time, Yang Ming finally finished eating the noodles. He put the bowl aside, and suddenly remembered that he took the address that Xue Sha had left for him that day. Water 10 years younger.

As a result, the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger. He smelled a business opportunity to make a fortune, so he sat on the bed for a long time, conceiving his own marketing plan in his head.

But Mo Yutong didn't know the twists and turns in his stomach, she looked at Yang Ming very puzzled and suddenly laughed, so she could only ask her doubts.

Yang Ming said: "This water can make people 10 years younger. What will happen if it is sold? Will there be many people rushing to buy this water? After all, no one can resist the temptation of youth, and I went to Xue Sha there, and found that there is a lot of this kind of water in her room."

Mo Yutong first heard half-knowledge, and then realized it, and then said with a look of surprise: "You want to sell this water at a high price, so that you can get huge profits from it, isn't that right? If that's the case, we You can get a lot of assets without spending a single soldier!"

Yang Ming smiled slightly after hearing what Mo Yutong said, he really meant it.

So he continued to say to Mo Yutong: "I'll take all the water from Xue Sha, put it in bottles, and sell it at a high price. In this way, we will make a lot of profit. We can sell it to those people whose appearance is already old, presumably they will need this kind of water to make their appearance look younger, and it will be difficult not to make money by then."

It seems that he thinks this idea is very good, Yang Ming's face is very happy, and he can't wait to realize this plan, but at this time he is sick, this plan can't be rushed, he can only take care of his body first. I went to make another plan.

Mo Yutong smiled and nodded when she heard it. She couldn't help much in career, but she could also help in other areas, so she took Yang Ming's leftover dishes and sent them back to the kitchen.

(End of this chapter)

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