Chapter 356

Xue Sha walked closer and closer to Yang Ming, and when she got to the seat, she sat down beside Yang Ming.

"Yang Ming, you didn't go to work in broad daylight, why are you staying here? You're still smoking, are you thinking about life here?"

After Xue Sha sat down, Yang Ming cut off the remaining half of the cigarette.

"What do you think about life? I just came out to take a breath. How about it? The environment of this park is not bad."

"It's not bad. Although it's a little small, the sparrow has all the internal organs, especially the green part, which is really well done."

"Yes, you have good eyesight."

Yang Ming threw the cigarette butt into the trash can next to him, then turned his head to look at Xue Sha.

"What about you? Why are you here?"

"Well, I just happened to pass by here."

Yang Ming shrugged, then looked at Xue Sha and continued, "I have a question for you."

Originally she looked relaxed, but after Yang Ming's eyes and tone suddenly became serious, Xue Sha's expression also changed a little.

"Just ask."

Yang Ming stared at Xue Sha, and asked directly, "You are Xue Sha, right?"

After Yang Ming finished asking the question, the atmosphere became much quieter in an instant. After about ten seconds, Xue Sha's laughter broke the silence.

Xue Sha chuckled a few times at first, then raised her hand and patted Yang Ming's shoulder, answering Yang Ming's question with a relaxed tone.


Regarding Yang Ming's question, Xue Sha didn't want to hide it, so she answered the question very directly, and her tone was relaxed and natural.

"You answered so directly that I thought you would deny it."

"There's nothing to hide about this kind of thing. Besides, there's nothing to hide from you. It's meaningless."

"Your direct answer is beyond my expectation."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and after breaking the barrier of concealment between them, both of them felt naturally relaxed a lot in an instant. Xue Sha looked at Yang Ming who was also smiling in front of her, and sneered again.

"You are also much smarter than I imagined. You are right. I am not Conway at all. Conway's identity is just a cover, and Xue Sha is my real identity."

While Xue Sha was talking, she was busy taking out a box of cigars from her pocket.

He took out a cigar from the cigar box and handed it to Yang Ming, then threw a lighter in Yang Ming's hand, and lit a cigar for himself.

"Yang Ming, I don't want to hide from you the fact that I am Xue Sha, but I don't want Yutong to know about it, and I don't want her to know that I am Xue Sha."

Yang Ming lit himself the cigar that Xue Sha handed over, took a sip, and nodded with a smile.

"You don't want Yutong to know, is it because you are worried that she will be afraid when she finds out?"

Xue Sha also took a puff of her cigar, nodded and replied, "Yes, if Yutong finds out that I am not Kangwei but Xue Sha, she will definitely be worried, so I hope you don't tell her .”

"Well, I can understand your idea, so I will help you hide it from Yutong first."

"Thank you."

"By the way, Xue Sha, there is one more thing I want to ask you."

"Is it about Mohu?"

Yang Ming nodded, and continued, "I want to ask the family that you adopted Mohu back then, is it true that they died unexpectedly later?"


Xue Sha shook her head lightly, then held the cigar between her fingertips.

"Of course it's not true, but I just made it up."

"Then, what is going on with this incident? What is the real version like?"

"The family that adopted Mohu agreed to adopt Mohu only because they received money from Yutong's parents."

"You took money from Yutong's parents?"

"Yeah, otherwise, why do you think they adopted Mo Hu? Because of their feelings? How could it be possible?"

As Xue Sha spoke, she put the lighter into her pocket, and then continued, "At that time, I followed them to their overseas residence. I thought it would be a pleasant journey, but I didn't expect to encounter those things."

"What's the matter? Is it related to Mo Hu and the family that adopted Mo Hu?"

"Well, you also know that Mo Hu has heterochromatic pupils. Except for us, most people can't accept such things as heterochromatic pupils, and even have some strange thoughts, such as disgust, contempt, or disgust. It's all common, even the family that lives with Mo Hu every day, can't accept that there is such a monster that is different from ordinary people living in the family, so they have always treated Mo Hu badly, and even abused Mo Hu. Shanghai."

Listening to Xue Sha's words, Yang Ming slowly put away his smile, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Abuse? How did they abuse Mohu?"

Xue Sha sighed, took a big puff on her cigar, and then said, "Do you really want to hear it? The process is a bit violent."

I thought Xue Sha was going to speak directly, but I didn't expect Xue Sha to say such a sentence, which caught Yang Ming a little off guard.

"Let's talk, you're not a child, there's nothing you can't accept."

Yang Ming raised his hand and patted Xue Sha on the back, motioning for Xue Sha to continue talking directly.

"When Mo Hu was first adopted, everything was normal, and they treated Mo Hu pretty well, almost taking care of him like their own son, but later, because of Mo Hu's different-colored pupils, the surrounding Many people have more and more prejudices against Mo Hu. Under the influence of these rumors, they also began to mind Mo Hu's heterochromatic pupils. It was a bit harsh, and it became more and more excessive in the end, as long as Mo Hu did something wrong, they would take the opportunity to play and beat and scold Mo Hu."

Yang Ming listened, and couldn't help but sighed, "It turns out that Mo Hu had such an experience before. No wonder the eyes of Mo Hu now feel that they are not as clear and clean as those of his peers."

"Yeah, later on, that family didn't just beat and scold Mo Hu, they would use things like rattan and sticks to teach Mo Hu a lesson whenever something made Mo Hu uncomfortable. They were beaten to the point of being ripped apart, and sometimes, Mo Hu would be locked in the utility room at home, that is, a small black room, sometimes even for two or three days at a time."

"How could they be so ruthless to do such an inhumane thing to Mo Hu?"

"Later, he couldn't bear to see Mo Hu like this, so after they raped Mo Hu again, he dealt with them. After they were dealt with, he possessed a person who had just died. on the girl who died."

(End of this chapter)

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