Chapter 318 Self-reliance
This morning the man returned to his company, only to find that there were a lot of things in the company waiting for him to deal with.

"Mr. Yang, what should we do about this? The sponsors have all withdrawn their shares. We didn't handle those things properly before, so now we are short of funds."

The secretary and assistant stood in front of Yang Ming, and told about the situation in the company. After hearing this, Yang Ming felt even more incredible.

It’s too serious for these people to cross the river and demolish the bridge. When they asked themselves before, it was a good thing to say, but now it’s good. I encountered some difficulties, and they all patted their butts and left. did not stay.

"Mr. Yang, what should we do?"

After hearing this, he was heartbroken, and made up his mind that no matter what, he must change the way to rebuild his own business empire, no matter who it is, he will definitely come to beg him when the time comes.

"Immediately issue a statement that our company is going to recruit people. I will personally select talents. I will definitely not admit defeat no matter what."

He immediately asked his assistant and secretary to go to work immediately, and after a while, he finally found some reliable talents, but Yang Ming still had to carefully select them.

There are really not a few people who come to interview, but Yang Ming has already made mental preparations. After interviewing company personnel all day long, he found that he really picked people who were not available, and these people were also aimed at himself. Fame came.

"Mr. Yang, I heard that you are very kind to your employees. I have been looking for a job for a long time. The bosses I met before were not very good, so I hope to find a place that is very suitable for me. Don't worry, as long as you hire me I will definitely do good things for you in the future."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Yang Ming knew that this person's previous affairs were also ordered. He had to know the general situation of all the interviewees, and he probably had a little understanding of the person who came in front of him, so he immediately stayed this person.

For a month, I have been leaving early and returning late every day, and finally made the company a certain improvement.

"Everyone hopes that you can continue to work hard in the future. Let's work together to build the company. I will never forget you old heroes in the future. Don't worry, everyone, I am definitely not the kind of boss who crosses rivers and destroys bridges."

Yang Ming held a meeting and assured all the employees that he hoped that they would do their best to serve their company, because he also understood that if the money given by the company was in place, they would definitely do their best. After that, it was considered a good salary.

After the meeting, Yang Ming returned to his office and continued to work overtime in the company at night.

As the business gradually improved, there were naturally more projects. Yang Ming had to work overtime until late every day. After processing those documents, he began to read the project proposal.

He was watching intently, when he suddenly heard some small and broken voices behind him, and when he looked back, he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Seeing the fire ignited by the originally good curtains, Yang Ming immediately opened his glass in a hurry, and poured a glass of water over it.

But that glass of water is just a drop in the bucket for the fire that ignited, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger, and the whole curtain is about to be burned.

He didn't have time to think about how this life came about?And I have never smoked in the office, I just want to move the water dispenser to pour all the water over, and put out the fire.

But when he just stood up, he suddenly saw a person rushing towards him and pushed him directly onto the seat.

"Don't move."

"Who the hell are you? My office is going to burn down, and I still don't move. Are you the one who set the fire? Who are you? Let me tell you, you won't get anything good if you mess with me."

He became angry and threatened the person, but he couldn't see the appearance of the person in the smoke, and he couldn't hear who the voice belonged to. He only knew that this person was so powerful that he couldn't get out of it. Stand up in your seat.

"You're quite angry, but you'd better sit with me honestly."

Seeing that Yang Ming was so furious, the man was not angry at all, his tone was still as relaxed as before, and he just pressed Yang Ming tightly to prevent him from getting up.

The fire behind him grew bigger and bigger. Yang Ming looked back and saw that the entire curtain was closed. He was even more anxious. This company was established with great difficulty by himself. It was destroyed.

"You let me go, you fucking let me go, do you hear me?"

He tried his best but still couldn't break free, and saw that the smoke was getting bigger and bigger. He had no choice but to reach out and cover his mouth and nose to prevent himself from inhaling more smoke.

However, the strange thing is that after he inhaled a little smoke, he slowly passed out.

There was a little movement around, and Yang Ming felt as if he was lying in one place.

But with an injection in my hand, I injected it into Yang Ming's arm, and then I waited quietly with the people around me for her to wake up.

Yang Ming desperately opened his eyes, looked at everything in front of him, and found that he had returned to the previous environment, and he was even more curious, why did he always shuttle back and forth here?
Before he had time to think clearly, he heard Ling Zhe's voice. He looked up and saw that the real system in Ling Zhe's hand was empty, and it seemed that he had injected it into himself again. He couldn't help scolding his mother in his heart.

I don't know what this Ling Zhe is doing. Although Yang Ming doesn't know his purpose, what he knows is that Ling Zhe can control himself to come and go freely. , I was very disgusted in my heart.

Just as he was about to sit up straight, he suddenly realized that his arm was aching.

This time, Yang Ming was naturally in the old man's cabin, and Ling Zhe was not surprised at all, but he didn't expect a holy fire mark to appear on his arm.

"When did this strange mark appear? I never had it before I fell into a coma, and why does this mark look so familiar."

He looked at the torch mark that suddenly appeared on his arm, and felt even more bizarre in his heart. If it was him, why didn't he feel it at all?And was he in a coma for a long time?Why such a clear tattoo in such a short time?
"How is it? Does it still hurt?"

Ling Zhe's voice came from next to his ear, he raised his head to look at Ling Zhe dissatisfied, his arm suddenly hurt, and he quickly grabbed the small scar.

(End of this chapter)

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