Chapter 316
When Song Man returned to the office, his whole body was lost, and his tears couldn't stop falling down. He didn't know what was going on. It happened so suddenly.

Song Man didn't know how to explain this matter to others, let alone how to talk to Yang Ming, so she had no choice but to stay alone in the office.

Song Man didn't know how he got here this morning, until he suddenly heard the phone ringing at noon, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a headline about himself.

"Out of jealousy, Song Man pushed Ah Li down from the tall building, causing his death..."

When Song Man saw this title, he was stunned and couldn't believe what he saw was the truth. When had he ever been jealous of Ah Li, and how could he push him downstairs?It's just too scary.

Song Man's hand holding the mobile phone was trembling, and it was hard to accept this fact no matter how he thought about it. If everyone believed that he was such a person, how would he explain it?So how will you spend the days ahead?

All of this was constantly asking questions in Song Man's mind, but Song Man had no way to answer any of the questions, so he threw the phone on the table next to him, stood up and stood by the window.

She clasped the window with both hands and looked at everything below, tears could not help but swirl in her eyes.

Song Man was still a little unwilling to give up, turned around and picked up the phone to go to the Internet to look again, wanting to explain these things clearly for herself, because there is no jealousy or jealousy between A Li and A Li.

It's strange to say that after turning on the phone, Song Man found that his previous Weibo account had also been picked up.

"This Song Man is really unfeeling. He boasted that the two of them are still colleagues. No wonder he was so cruel, so he hated A Li all the time before."

"Such people should be pulled out and shot immediately, and should not pollute the world."

Seeing all this, Song Man was extremely helpless. He never thought of attacking Ah Li. This incident was beyond imagination, like a dream.

For the next whole day, Song Man stayed in his office all the time, not even daring to go out this door, and only after everyone had left, Song Man took a taxi home in a panic.

This night Song Man almost didn't sleep all night. He kept thinking about the things that happened between him and Ah Li at that time. It was really scary. What's more, he still hasn't figured it out yet. How could these things happen so quickly? It happened.

By the early morning of the next day, Song Man had already made up his mind. Since he saw it with his own eyes, he had to ask the police to clarify the scene, so he planned to ask Yang Ming for leave after going to the company.

But those strange Song Man had just entered the company's building, and while waiting for the elevator, he suddenly saw a very familiar figure beside him, and that person was A Li.

Song Man stared at A Li's face in a daze on the spot, wondering if he was dreaming, but yesterday he saw A Li jumping off the stairs, why did it happen?
Why can someone come back from the dead?Song Man stretched out his hand to touch Ah Li, but Ah Li opened it with his arm, and turned his head with indifference.

"What are you doing? Early in the morning?"

Seeing Ah Li's cold voice and tone, Song Man was even more puzzled by Monk Zhang Er.

"Didn't something happen yesterday? Didn't you jump off the stairs yesterday? I dragged you to the headlines, why did you appear here today? What happened? A Li, are you alright?" ?”

Song Man asked a series of questions, Ah Li had always glared at Song Man with a very cold face and dissatisfaction, and immediately walked in the elevator the moment it opened, ignoring Song Man.

"Ah Li, wait a minute."

After the two entered the elevator, Song Man kept staring at A Li's cheek. A Li was very disgusted, but he didn't express anything, and he didn't say anything from the beginning to the end.

After the two came to the company floor, Song Man couldn't bear it anymore and stopped in front of A Li. He originally wanted to go to the police station to explain clearly, but unexpectedly saw A Li here. The matter must not be his own. As imagined, there must be something wrong.

"Speak, what's going on? I clearly saw you jumping down the stairs."

"Really? Why don't I remember? I think you are dreaming. I have other things to do, so I don't have time to gossip with you."

After Ah Li finished speaking, he left directly and went to his office, but Song Man stayed on the spot.

Impossible, there must be something wrong, why are things so strange?Yesterday's feeling was obviously that I really watched A Li fall from the upstairs, why did he appear alive in front of me today, and still say that I don't remember what happened yesterday.

Song Man's heart was beating wildly, and he quickly took out his mobile phone to search online, but found that there was no record of his search yesterday, and all the topics were gone. Compared with yesterday, it was like a dream. But this dream is too real.

"Fuzhi, wait a moment."

Suddenly seeing Fuzhi passing by his side, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Fuzhi, and told him all these things.

"I remember clearly, yesterday I saw Ah Li jumping off the stairs with my own eyes, I went up to catch him but couldn't catch it, I was in so much pain, and I still have a tattoo on my body to prove it, how could it be fake? But why did Ah Li suddenly appear in front of me today, are you right there?"

Song Man couldn't wait to ask Fu Zhi, Fu Zhi listened to these words, carefully observed Song Man in front of him, and couldn't help but smile.

"What are you laughing at? What's going on here? Tell me the matter quickly. Did Ah Li go home last night? Did nothing really happen? But how could my feeling be wrong? I remember Clearly."

Seeing Fuzhi's smile, Song Man felt even more incredible. What does Fuzhi's smile mean?Did everything yesterday really never happen?But that feeling is clearly still there. Although she doesn't know what's going on with this headline, Song Man is sure that it must have happened.

"Song Man, are you feeling unwell these days?"

"It's a little uncomfortable, but does it have anything to do with these things? Quickly answer me, did A Li go home last night? What happened?"

"Okay, I can answer you. Of course Ah Li went home yesterday. As for other matters, I have nothing to say. You should pay attention to rest."

After Fu Zhi finished speaking, he ignored Song Man, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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