Chapter 298
Seeing Mo Yutong running out of the ward happily, Yang Ming just said "OK."

The door was smashed on the door frame by Mo Yutong, and the sound was deafening. Yang Ming didn't feel the slightest discomfort, but the needle on the back of his hand was somewhat unique.

Yang Ming didn't have time to observe the surrounding things, he was only thinking about how to explain to Mo Yutong what he saw and felt in that deserted valley.

Suddenly, a figure of a person broke into Yang Ming's mind, that is the psychopath he encountered before, why did she suddenly think of him, which made him a little puzzled.

Although he didn't know why he would think of that psychopath, but when he thought about it carefully, that neuropathy was really familiar. He didn't know if he had seen it before, and it seemed that he had never seen it before.

Yang Ming recalled everything he had experienced in the illusion, and felt that the psychopath was the person and general in the illusion. They didn't know if they were the same person, but what was certain was that their body shape, speech, and actions all showed exactly the same.

The door was pushed open, and Mo Yutong appeared in the door frame, chattering again and again: "The last time he woke up, he felt that everything in front of him was unreal. This time, he woke up a little strangely. Maybe he suffered a brain injury."

"We're not sure yet. We can only draw conclusions after an examination." The doctor followed behind Mo Yutong and said patiently.

"Yang Ming, the doctor is here. You lie down and let the doctor examine your body." Mo Yutong walked towards Yang Ming while waving his arms, signaling Yang Ming to lie down and cooperate with the doctor's examination.

"Okay." Yang Ming lay down obediently. The doctor used various instruments to check his body dozens of times. Every time, he would show a surprised expression, but he also showed an unbelievable look.

Not knowing whether he made a mistake in the examination or what, the doctor checked Yang Ming over and over again.

This made Mo Yutong a little worried. Seeing the doctor's different expressions every time, she began to worry about Yang Ming, and couldn't wait to ask about the situation, "Doctor, how is she? Is there any major problem? Why do you repeat the inspection. "

"Oh, it's all right, but I think this instrument is not working well. The new instrument hasn't arrived yet. I'm afraid of making mistakes in the inspection, so I want to verify it many times." The doctor finally took the instrument off Yang Ming's body.

"That's good, that's good." Mo Yutong breathed a sigh of relief, and she reached out to caress her chest

"Well, just pay attention to rest, nothing else is a problem."

When the doctor walked out of the hospital, Yang Ming fell into his own thoughts again. He felt more and more that the neurotic was thinking of a general in the illusion, so he turned towards him when he was fighting in the illusion, and then he realized that it was his subordinate. defeated.

He was caught in his own contemplation, forgetting everything outside.

"Yang Ming, Yang Ming..."

I don't know how many times I shouted, but Yang Ming didn't agree.

Mo Yutong had no choice but to shake Yang Ming's body while calling Yang Ming's name.

Feeling his body being shaken, Yang Ming reacted and looked up at Mo Yutong.

"Yang Ming, what's going on with you? Why are you absent-minded? Do you have a fever?" Mo Yutong didn't wait for Yang Ming to speak, so he leaned forward and roughly tested Yang Ming's temperature with his hands.

Then he said to himself, "Then you don't have a fever, why have you been in a coma for five days like a different person?

Mo Yutong stared at Yang Ming, and said with an aggrieved face.

"How many days have you been in a coma?" Even though Mo Yutong's voice was very low, Yang Ming still caught the point.

Mo Yutong was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what he said wrong that caused Yang Ming to be so excited.

"Five, five days, but the doctor said that you are fine. This may be a side effect of the medicine. Maybe it will be fine in a few days. You don't have to worry too much." Mo Yutong thought that Yang Ming was starting to worry about his body, so he Open your mouth to comfort.

However, Yang Ming didn't think so. After hearing the news that he had been in a coma for five days, he got up quickly and muttered, "I'm going to be discharged from the hospital, I can't stay like this any longer."

Mo Yutong grabbed Yang Ming's wrist, "But your body, you'd better wait for a while, don't be in a hurry to leave the hospital, after all, the drugs your body uses may have side effects."

"It's okay. The doctor just fell asleep and I'm fine. I can be discharged from the hospital." Yang Ming was still busy with his work. He got off the bed and began to put on his shoes and put on his suit.

"But..." Mo Yutong wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yang Ming.

"No but, you don't have to worry, I know my body myself." Yang Ming's stubborn look made Mo Yutong Shujuan speechless.

"Then wait a minute, I'm going to find a doctor to check you up, if there is no problem, then let's leave the hospital."

Yang Ming nodded, and Mo Yutong ran out of the room.

Before Yang Ming packed up his clothes, Mo Yutong hurried into the room with the doctor again.

The doctor called Yang Ming to come over for an examination, and he cooperated very well, put down what he was busy with, and went to lie down and wait for the doctor's examination.

Various instruments were checked back and forth on it again. This time, there was no abnormal change on the doctor's face.

"Very good, he is recovering very well. At present, except for some injuries on his legs, everything else is fine." The doctor explained while packing up the equipment.

"You can leave the hospital, right?" Yang Ming approached and asked.

"No problem, you can be discharged from the hospital. You can go to the hospital after completing the discharge procedures."

"Well, okay, thank you doctor." After Yang Ming thanked him, he began to pack his things on his own.

According to Fuzhi, during the five days when Yang Ming was in a coma, the popularity of the company has dropped. This time when Yang Ming woke up, he felt that it was time to train new people.

Cultivating newcomers can also increase the popularity of the company, which is also a good way.

Yang Ming felt that this method was indeed feasible, so he agreed to Fuzhi's suggestion.

But the premise of this implementation is that Yang Ming is discharged from the hospital and returns to the company to lead them to train new people and strive for profits for the company.

"Why don't we stay for two days first, I'm worried that your body won't be able to take it anymore." Mo Yutong kindly persuaded Yang Ming.

"No, there's still something to do in the company. The two days I've been in a coma have been messy enough. Now that I'm awake, I can't just sit and wait. I'll be discharged from the hospital and go back to the company."

"Fuzhi also said that it's time for the company to train new people, and I'm mainly responsible for the training of new people, so how can I not go." Yang Ming said in an orderly manner.

Mo Yutong stood aside, not knowing how to persuade Yang Ming, how could such a stubborn temper make him change his mind.

Yang Ming insisted on leaving the hospital, but Mo Yutong couldn't stop him, so he had no choice but to go along with him.

(End of this chapter)

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