Rebirth of a wealthy and crazy son-in-law

Chapter 295 The Enemy Attacks

Chapter 295 The Enemy Attacks
In the dark night sky, the stars are twinkling, and a crescent moon hangs high in the sky.The breeze brushed the leaves, and the rustling sound rang in my ears.

In the camp where the mercenary group was located, the lights gradually went out. Yang Ming slowly opened his eyes in the dark night, sat up quietly, and glanced at the group of brothers beside him who were born and died with him.Putting on his shoes and socks, he walked out of the tent with light steps.

Standing outside the tent, Yang Ming looked up at the sky, the moonlight was shining on the ground, as if it was illuminating the road ahead for him.

Yang Ming looked back at the tent where the mercenary group was located, and walked a short distance to the woods not far away. The cool night wind slapped on his face, making him feel a little clearer in his sleepy brain.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Looking at the time, it was already late. Thinking of what to do tomorrow, Yang Ming turned around and prepared to go back to rest.

Just when he raised his foot and was about to embark on the journey back, a small voice sounded behind him, attacking him with a trace of killing intent.

Yang Ming's eyes froze, he bent over and rolled to the right, a bullet grazed his arm, Yang Ming quickly covered the wound on his arm, his body tensed, and watched the movement around him vigilantly.

Sure enough, he didn't wait long, the sound of bullets scraping against the leaves sounded in the silent woods, Yang Ming wanted to relax when he came out, he didn't bring any weapons, he could only rely on his own force.And the other party seems to have many hot weapons in his hands.

The situation is not favorable for him, the situation is very serious, judging from the other party's actions, it should be that he is determined to put himself to death, even if he is strong enough to go to Yang Ming, there is no guarantee that he will be able to retreat unscathed at this moment.

Taking a deep breath, because he didn't have any equipment, he could only watch the hand-to-hand combat. Yang Ming dodged the bullets that hit him in embarrassment, looked at the tent not far away, and wanted to run to the tent.

The enemy saw his purpose, changed their strategy, and blocked his way. Yang Ming snorted coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes, wanting his own life is not so easy.

In this case, let's see if he dies first or you die first.

After making up his mind, Yang Ming changed his original dodge, felt the enemy's position, avoided the bullets that were constantly shooting at him, and ran towards their hiding place.

Seeing Yang Ming approaching gradually, the enemy's bullets became more and more dense. Although Yang Ming tried his best to dodge, he was still shot a few times.

Blood continued to flow out from the wound, but Yang Ming didn't feel any pain, but the short-term massive blood loss still made him feel a little dizzy.

The other party didn't get complacent for long, even with blood loss, Yang Ming had already arrived in front of him.

Just as the man wanted to dodge, Yang Ming blocked the opponent's way with one hand and grabbed the opponent's arm. When he exerted force, the opponent suffered pain and lost strength in his hand.

Taking this opportunity, Yang Ming directly removed the weapon from the man's hand, glanced at it, held it at the man and fired the bullet from the muzzle.

The bullet just hit the figure of the man who was about to run away, and the shot was fatal, and the man fell down instantly.

Yang Ming panted for a while. Just in case, he walked into the man and took a few more shots. Then he squatted down to check the man's breath. After confirming that he was dead, his tense nerves were finally able to let go.

Yang Ming used the gun as a fulcrum, gasped for a while, and wanted to stand up, but he underestimated his injury after all.Although he couldn't feel the pain, he could tell from his body sensation that his condition was not good.

After trying several times but failed to stand up, Yang Ming lay on the ground, feeling the blood continuously flowing from his body, his eyes turned black, and he felt drowsy.

No, no!Yang Ming thought, he can't die here yet.He still has work to do.

Thinking of this, he regained his energy, looked at the gun in his hand, and then looked at the tent where the mercenary group was located not far away, where the shadow could still be seen faintly. A shot was fired not far away.Trying to make some noise to let the brothers of his mercenary group notice.

But the result disappointed him. The slight movement didn't seem to be enough to arouse the vigilance of the mercenary group. The camp was still silent, without any movement.The members of the mercenary group are still asleep.

Time passed by, looking at the camp without any movement, Yang Ming thought that maybe he would not find out what happened to him until tomorrow morning when the big guys came out to investigate.

He looked up at the sky, the moon was still hanging in the sky and had no intention of going down, Yang Ming couldn't help showing a hint of ridicule, according to the time, it was still early before dawn.

He closed his eyes and felt his physical condition. At this moment, even he didn't know whether he could persist until they found him, and whether he would die here quietly.

The loss of blood gave him an unfriendly feeling. Yang Ming could feel the chills on his body. He knew that the most important thing for him at this moment was to stop the bleeding, but at this moment he had no strength to do it.

In his eyes, the sky and the earth began to rotate, and his mind became more and more chaotic, and his thinking was intermittent. At this time, he didn't know what to do.I can't even help thinking that maybe I have to give a thorough confession here today.

I don't know how they will feel when they see themselves lying here tomorrow.

His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and he couldn't help closing them.

After an unknown amount of time, a slow sound of footsteps came from my ear, judging from the sound.

The person who came didn't seem to know how to use force, and his body wasn't very strong. He could even hear the person's slightly rapid breathing when he listened carefully.Not from their mercenary group.

Judging from the other party's performance, Yang Ming felt that the other party should be an old man, but why did an old man suddenly appear in this place?

Yang Ming didn't know whether the opponent was an enemy or a friend. With his current physical condition, it would be fine if he was a friendly army, but if it was an enemy, he would have no strength to fight back at this moment.

The visitor gradually approached, and an elderly man appeared from the darkness.

He frowned and looked at the two people lying on the ground, trying to breathe the one closest to him, it had been dead for a long time.Standing up and approaching Yang Ming, he found that he was still alive.

The old man patted Yang Ming's face, Yang Ming frowned and opened his closed eyes to look at the old man, then closed them again.

Seeing that the person still responded, the old man seemed relieved. He stood up, supported the person up, and walked slowly in one direction.

Yang Ming didn't know whether this person was an enemy or a friend, but just looking at the other person's appearance, he wanted to take a gamble.

The two of them didn't walk for a long time, and they saw a small wooden house in the distance. The small wooden house was dilapidated, but it looked like it could be lived in.Judging from the outside, this house should have been devastated by the flames of war.

Seeing the house, Yang Ming could feel that the old man beside him also breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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