Rebirth of a wealthy and crazy son-in-law

Chapter 265 Ah Li enters the hospital

Chapter 265 Ah Li enters the hospital

Ah Li opened his eyes, his eyes were blood red, and the blood red from crying last night and today has not completely dissipated.

"Why, did he treat me like this?"

Ah Li's voice was choked up and he couldn't figure out why he was like this. Could it be that he didn't express himself clearly?

"What do you mean by that? You and Fuzhi?"

Ah Li nodded, and Mo Yutong couldn't help but sighed heavily: "If you really like it, then you should catch it in time, if you don't catch it, it will most likely be far away from you Go, you have to understand this truth."

Ah Li was silent for a long time, then suddenly burst into tears with a cry and hugged Mo Yutong.

"But my sister, it's not that we can be together if I want to be together. He doesn't like me. I have been naughty and willful for so many years. It is important to establish a different image in his heart, but I forgot , he doesn't like my personality, she likes to be mature and stable, Song Man is indeed much better than me, at least she is much more worry-free than me."

At the end of A Li's speech, his heart had become a pool of stagnant water, maybe he would never be able to become like the person he liked, or else the two of them would have already been together.

At the beginning, A Li always thought that Fuzhi was too straight, so he didn't say so much, but now he is clear-headed and understands a lot.

"Don't deny yourself, you are already very good now, many people will like you, and you will know many people in your life."

Mo Yutong also walked through these winding roads, but it is different, that is, at the end, he also reaped the love he wanted.

"But it's different. Fuzhi never regarded me as the person he likes. He just regarded me as his younger sister. If I don't want to be his younger sister, then the two of us will be strangers in the future. If this is the case If not, then why do the two of us still know each other? Then all acquaintances would be meaningless."

Ah Li's tears fell down, the cold wind blew past his cheeks, her face was full of sadness.

"Like can be transferred at any time, but love is different. If you love someone deeply, no matter how bad that person is, you will selectively forgive and accept it with tolerance."

Mo Yutong thinks that Fuzhi's feelings for Ah Li are love, not liking, and Ah Li just likes Fuzhi. Whether this road can go on according to the hospital they are in depends on how they go. up.

"Okay, I already know, I want to calm down by myself now, sister, go to work if you have anything to do, don't worry, I won't do anything stupid, I can't get what I want Yes, I just need time to ease my emotions."

Listening to those complicated words, Ah Li didn't know why he understood everything in this lesson, and he felt mixed feelings in his heart, but he also knew that it was not the time to rush under the eyelashes.

Mo Yutong saw that Ah Li had made up his mind to stay calm alone, so he didn't say anything more, and left after a few words of comfort.

But when he was alone, Ah Li's emotions did not slowly recover, on the contrary, it became worse and worse, and the images of them together flashed one after another in his mind.

"Fuzhi, why don't you like me? Could it be that I'm not good enough? All these years I've always wanted to live like you like, why didn't you see me?"

A Li looked at the gradually darkening sky, and began to murmur to himself, but still couldn't figure out this question.

"We are just brothers and sisters. I don't just think of her as my sister."

Every word of this sentence is like a knife pierced into the heart, this is not enough, there is also a slash on the wrist of Ah Li's heart, Ah Li is so painful that he can't make a sound, just Can desperately cover the wound.

The cold wind blows, but there is no feeling of coldness, Ah Li feels that his whole body is like a corpse.

Bottle after bottle of wine then went down his throat and entered his stomach. At the end of the drink, Ah Li had already vomited out everything that could come out of his stomach, and he didn't know it was tears on his face. or something.

"Why do you want to be like this?... Fuyuki, didn't I express it clearly enough? If you don't like me, why did you approach me in the first place? Why did you touch? Why did I give me so much hope? If that's the case, Then I would rather not know the two of us in the first place."

Ah Li roared hysterically, but what answered Ah Li was the howling of the wind, which was quiet and indifferent, and his long hair fluttered with the wind. Ah Li supported the wall next to him, and then managed to stand still.

"If everything is a foregone conclusion, it doesn't seem to matter what the next steps look like."

Ah Li shook his head with a smile, but then he picked up another bottle of wine and poured it into his stomach again. He drank, vomited, and drank again. I don’t know how many times he repeated it. Finally, Directly drunk and passed out next to the rooftop is a trash can of vomit.

Mo Yutong didn't know why she slept very restlessly this night, and she even sent a message to A Li. A Li is a very sensible little girl, and she knew that there would be people who would worry about her, so she kept in touch all night to express herself Nothing.

On the second day, Mo Yutong was still a little worried, so he came to the rooftop and found that the trash can next to the stairwell on the rooftop was full of vomit, and there were a lot of cigarette butts in it. It seems that I should have drunk a lot of wine last night.


Mo Yutong walked over and picked up the little girl. After all, there was a big age difference between the two of them, so it was easy to hug.

"Help it..."

A Li was still murmuring this name in a daze, and Mo Yutong didn't know why when he heard it, his heart was full of mountains, worrying about how much he loved so much that he still yelled this word when he was drunk.

"Okay, hurry up and sleep first, don't worry so much, it will be fine sooner or later, what belongs to you will come back to you in the end, sleep first."

Mo Yutong made an emergency call and accompanied him to the hospital. When he was sent to the outpatient clinic, he didn't know why, but he felt that the love of this boy and girl was simple and complicated.

I just hope that they can go on smoothly, I hope everything goes as they wish, Mo Yutong recalled the hardships he and Yang Ming had walked through back then, how easy was it?
(End of this chapter)

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