Rebirth of a wealthy and crazy son-in-law

Chapter 243 Rose Dates a Beautiful Woman

Chapter 243 Rose Dates a Beautiful Woman

At the same time, Yang Ming couldn't help feeling uneasy. If Ah Li's method didn't work, he would have to keep fighting with Mo Yuxin. This was not the ending he wanted to see.

For Mo Yuxin, he has changed from being a stranger at first to sincere admiration. He is very much looking forward to reuniting with Mo Yuxin, and scenes from the past keep appearing before his eyes.

This also made Yang Ming even more nervous.


Early the next morning, Mo Yuxin went to work in the company as usual, but when she opened the door and walked into her office, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

On her desk, a bouquet of delicate roses was placed in a vase.

Mo Yuxin walked closer, and was surprised to find that there was a little bit of crystal clear dewdrops on this rose, and on each petal, there was also a fragrance that belonged to the morning, which was refreshing and refreshing. After that, I was deeply intoxicated by it and couldn't extricate myself.

"Strange, why is there an extra rose in my office, who put it here?"

Mo Yuxin muttered to herself, with a puzzled look in her eyes. Just as she was puzzled, her assistant just walked in to bring her coffee.

"Mr. Mo, your coffee."

The assistant put the coffee on the desk as usual, and when she was about to turn around to leave, she suddenly saw the roses on the table, and she couldn't help but go to smell them, feeling comfortable.

"Mr. Mo, who sent such a fragrant rose? It must be your suitor. You can see that there are dewdrops on the rose. It's really intentional." The assistant joked.

However, when Mo Yuxin heard the words, her eyes became even more puzzled, and she asked in a deep voice, "You don't know who put this rose here?"

"I don't know." The assistant blurted out, looked at Mo Yuxin strangely, and after a long time, it turned out that even Mo Yuxin didn't know the origin of the roses.

Mo Yuxin picked up the rose, looked it over carefully, and thought of someone faintly in her heart, but she immediately shook her head again, that guy didn't have so much thought to please her, it couldn't be him.

Unable to think of the origin of the rose, Mo Yuxin had no choice but to give up, and told the assistant: "This flower is pretty good, but it is not suitable for my office. You can take it outside and find a place to arrange it."

"Oh good." The assistant shrugged, wondering why Mo Yuxin didn't like such a beautiful and fragrant rose, and even looked uninterested.

As for the origin of the roses, Yang Ming entrusted someone to send them to Mo Yuxin's company. At this moment, he is working in the coffee shop downstairs of Mo Yuxin's company.

Yang Ming looked at his watch and counted the time in his mind. Two hours later, he hurriedly took out his phone and said, "It's time, hurry up and send the second rose, as the same sentence says, there must be dewdrops on the flower. "

As soon as he hung up the phone, a person appeared outside Mo Yuxin's company. After saying a few words to the security guard at the door, he handed over a dew-stained rose.

Later, this rose appeared in Mo Yuxin's office again.

This scene is happening almost continuously today. Every two hours, Yang Ming will order someone to send a rose to Mo Yuxin. There has never been a single delay, which is considered to be well-intentioned. .

At Mo Yuxin's place, seeing people keep sending roses with dewdrops, although she was puzzled, she only felt a little mysterious and didn't think much about it. Every time the roses were delivered, she would let The assistant took the flowers outside the office.

Because of Mo Yuxin's lack of expression, Yang Ming, who had been staying in the coffee shop all day, couldn't help becoming anxious, so anxious that he had no choice but to call Ah Li.

After a burst of blind sounds, Ah Li connected the phone.

"Hey, Brother Yang, how is it? Does my method work?"

"What does it work? Your sister-in-law Yuxin has not made a move until now. If your method doesn't work, you see how I will deal with you."

Yang Ming said angrily.

"No way, brother Yang, did you do what I said? As long as you are a normal person, you can't be indifferent to such sincerity."

Ah Li said in disbelief.

"I'm still tempted. I went downstairs to Yuxin's company early in the morning, and had someone send roses to her on time. But now she is about to get off work, but there is still no movement."

Looking at the gradually darkening sky outside the window, Yang Ming couldn't hide his impatience.

However, A Li said without haste: "Brother Yang, don't be in a hurry, listen to me, everything has a transition process, and now the transition is almost over, at five twenty in a while, You ask someone to send the last rose to sister-in-law, and besides, you have to attach a card to this rose."

"Card? What card?" Yang Ming hurriedly asked.

"Of course it's about revealing your heart. You just send roses, who knows who gave them. At this time, you have to check the time and find an opportunity to reveal your identity. You don't want to reveal anything on the card, just write A time and a place, just ask my sister-in-law to meet."

Ali spoke.

Yang Ming asked uncertainly: "Is your method feasible? With just a card, Yuxin will come to meet me? Isn't this a little hasty?"

"It's not sloppy at all, okay, Brother Yang, you have to be clear, the reason why I let you keep giving roses to my sister-in-law is to arouse her curiosity. People use curiosity. If it were you, During the day, you keep receiving roses from others, don’t you want to know who is sending you flowers?”

"Of course I thought about it." Yang Ming said subconsciously, and at the same time he also reacted, and suddenly understood what A Li meant.

In fact, Ah Li's plan is not complicated. First of all, by constantly sending Mo Yuxin roses with dewdrops, he showed his sincerity and at the same time aroused Mo Yuxin's curiosity. At this time, as long as Yang Mo Yuxin will definitely be very interested in Ming, the instigator, revealing the meaning of wanting to show his identity.

In this way, wouldn't it be a smooth meeting with Mo Yuxin? At that time, if you put the matter on the bright side, wouldn't any misunderstanding be resolved?

You must know that in this world, there is no misunderstanding that cannot be solved. As long as you are willing to talk, you will be able to clear things up.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming's heart was clear, and he said excitedly: "A Li, you are so smart, as long as this can be done, I promise to buy you a bunch of snacks."

"Brother Yang, don't break your promise." A Li said happily on the other end of the phone, and then hung up the phone.

Then, Yang Ming wrote a card according to A Li's method, and asked someone to send the last bouquet of roses and the card prepared in advance to Mo Yuxin's company.

(End of this chapter)

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