Chapter 219 All Friends
Yang Ming swiped down a few comments, and the situation was reversed in an instant.

"Such a good-looking male star, is your female star worthy? Just goofing around here."

"Yeah, yeah, if I have this good looks, I can walk on my head, who would like a little star? Thinking that Song Man has a lot of traffic in your family, we need to rub it."

"Oh my god, this is too pretty. Why didn't I pay attention to such a good-looking blogger before? If you pay attention, it will definitely become popular."

Mo Yutong burst into laughter: "Sure enough, in this age of looking at faces, the three views follow the five senses. As long as you look good, it doesn't matter what you can do."

Fuzhi also rubbed his head a little ashamedly: "But I really just had a normal meal and didn't do anything."

But just like what is said on the Internet, when two people go out alone, their behavior becomes intimate, and with such a large flow of people, it will inevitably cause a sensation.

So this is also a remarkable thing
Seeing that this matter finally came to an end, Yang Ming turned around, and when he was about to add more information, the computer was turned off by Mo Yutong

"what happened?"

I saw Mo Yutong turned around seriously, pressed his shoulder and said

"You're already so tired, you haven't closed your eyes all day and night, look at the red blood in your eyes that are almost overflowing with blood."

She stared at herself seriously, Yang Ming saw from his clear eyes that she was indeed tired, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, my body is naturally clear to me. It's nothing serious. I'll take care of this matter first, and then I'll go out to dinner with you. How about it?"

This time Mo Yutong's attitude was very tough, and his tone could not only contain any elements of rejection.

"No, you go to bed right now, or I'll be angry, believe it or not?"

Mo Yutong has already talked about this, and it would not be good for him if he declined politely, Yang Ming smiled helplessly, and finally had to order.

"Dele, my wife's destiny is the greatest in the world. I will not do it if anyone asks me to do it."

Then the two went home happily, and the little assistant next to him shook his head enviously.

"This couple comes to work every day to show their affection. I don't know whether they come here to work or come here to show their affection."

But it's also true that couples can get tired of being together for so long. To be honest, he is also envious. After all, he has experienced tragic love, so he knows that this is a particularly difficult thing.

The comment section got better, Fuzhi was cleared of suspicion, and everyone became happy.

When Yang Ming returned to the villa, he saw Fuzhi.

It turned out that he had been waiting here since he went out until now, and then he stood up cautiously.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have disobeyed you. I will definitely pay attention next time. I didn't expect to cause you such a big trouble."

There was guilt in Fu Zhi's voice, he had apologized three times in a row, even if Yang Ming had a temper, he would have disappeared long ago.

He walked over and patted him on the shoulder. This man is so arrogant that he can bow his head and apologize to others, which is really not easy.

"Okay, I said it's nothing, since I recruited you, I should be prepared for these omnipotent things, so I didn't blame you, and of course I don't want to see similar things happen again, you understand ?"

Fuzhi was very happy and nodded in agreement.

A Li was also at the side to comfort him: "You kid, you have been guilty of what you have done since yesterday. Anyway, you should pay more attention in the future, but that dead dog is not a good thing, and you actually took a sneak shot."

As he spoke, an angry expression appeared on his face: "If I hadn't seen him, otherwise I would have given him a severe beating. A scum like this doesn't deserve to live in this world at all."

The two sighed at the same time, and Yang Ming greeted them again.

"Okay, don't say anything. It's a good thing that the matter is over. Your sister-in-law has cooked for you and come to eat together."

Both Fuzhi and Ah Li's mood improved almost, and then they went over and said happily.

"So it's my sister-in-law who cooks, my God, this is too rare, how could Yang Ming be lucky enough to marry such a beautiful wife like you?"

Mo Yutong felt a little shy when he heard it, and smiled coquettishly.

"Every mouth is sweeter than anything else, it's all right, let's eat quickly, you have to go to the set later."

Fu Zhixiang also thought that he had a rival scene at night and had to shoot until early in the morning before he could come back, and he had to fill his stomach.

After eating, Yang Ming asked the driver to take Fu Zhi to a special place.

After the crew finished putting on their makeup, Fu Zhi's eyes wandered back and forth. Everyone knew about it, but they didn't say much. After all, their affairs were not so easy to discuss.

Finally let him see Song Man.

Song Man dressed up very beautifully tonight, her whole body exudes aura, and some people say that she is a contemporary fairy.

"Why are you here so late?"

She changed into a fairy-like dress today, coupled with this pretty face, it makes people feel as if she is really beautiful and unrealistic, it is too surprising, Fuzhi's eyes lit up instantly, but he restrained himself Keeping the dirty thoughts in his heart, he walked over cautiously.

"I'm sorry, I caused you trouble these two days, and I didn't expect that group of reporters to secretly take pictures of us. If you want to scold me, scold me, I know it must have brought you a lot of influence. "

After Fuzhi finished speaking, he closed his eyes, afraid of hearing a bad answer, because everyone could see it.

But now the situation has improved a bit, because they have now entered other links.

When Song Man smiled, a canine tooth was slightly exposed at the corner of her mouth, she looked very playful, and when she heard this, she suddenly patted his head.

"What are you talking about? Then I have to apologize to you for saying that. If it wasn't for my help, I wouldn't have been photographed by the reporter."

Speaking of it this way, Fu Zhi naturally felt even more guilty, but it was even more difficult to say more, after all, things are going well now, and it would be superfluous to intervene.

"We're all friends, aren't we? Friends always help each other."

Song Man patted him on the shoulder, with a kind smile from the corner of her mouth: "Okay, these are things that an artist should go through, being misunderstood by fans and being raped by the Internet, I also came here like this, but I don't blame You are so kind, I also gained a wave of fans because of you, and even made a trending search, isn't that right?"

Hearing her good state of mind, Fuzhi just smiled, even though he said so, he still felt guilty in his heart.

"If I get angry in the future, I will never forget you."

Song Man joked, "Okay, that's what you said, just don't forget your roots in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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