Chapter 210 Temper
"I know that I am a newcomer, and there are still many shortcomings. I will definitely work hard."

Yang Ming saw his temperament at the beginning, no matter from which aspect, he was attractive enough.

Patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be too reserved, just do what you want."

When Yang Ming returned to the villa at night, he remembered that A Li was still practicing hard at home, so he wanted to go and have a look.

The tutor saw Yang Ming, and before he could speak, he shouted to go to the side.

"This child is considered hardworking and has good academic performance. It's just that he may be new to this aspect, and there are still many unfamiliar places."

Yang Ming nodded, and then quietly walked to his side.

Ah Li is solving a difficult problem, which is beyond the scope of their knowledge, but he said he wants to try.

Yang Ming also left it out, it's not a difficult problem, but it's also complicated. You need to bring the equation into it, and then replace it with another function to solve it.

It can be seen with the naked eye that there is sweat on his forehead, and he has not answered for several minutes.

"You can try to bring this number into the equation."

Ah Li turned around and realized that Yang Ming had been standing beside him for a long time: "I'm sorry, I don't know why I can't answer this question."

"Don't worry, I can understand some topics you don't understand, otherwise I will teach you."

Yang Ming is a genius in mathematics. He was calculating with a draft paper beside him, and his voice was warm and low: "You might as well try to bring these in again, maybe there will be the result you want."

"But in this way, I'm afraid that the calculated answer will be different from the correct answer."

"How will you know if you don't try, always try."

As he spoke, he picked up a pen and scribbled on the side.

After waiting for a while, the question was answered, and A Li showed an expression of admiration.

"Wow, you are too powerful."

This question, Ah Li, had heard before that it was a national competition question, so he wanted to try it.

I didn't expect Yang Ming to untie it so easily.

Even the teacher has to calculate for a long time.

Yang Ming was sitting opposite him. The tutor brought two glasses of water to them, and then walked out.

He took a sip, then put it back in front of him and said: "People always have to keep learning to reach the highest level. Of course, I don't think I am very good. Questions like these can be answered using another method, but I Can't do it."

Even though Yang Ming is so powerful, he is also humble, and Ah Li's admiration suddenly increased.

After finishing his homework, Yang Ming allowed him to play, and the computer room was quiet except for the sound of him typing on the keyboard.

Inadvertently glanced at Yang Ming and found out in surprise.

The screen is full of incomprehensible codes, but Ah Li uses them with ease.

"Are you a hacker?"

"Yes." Ah Li answered very easily, but said with an innocent face: "I learned this before, but like you said, I have to hurry up and practice, otherwise I will just Afraid of being unfamiliar."

Yang Ming was very surprised, at such a young age, it is very powerful to know things that ordinary people don't know.

He nodded, and heard Ah Li say again.

"You can directly hack into the other party's firewall like this, and you can watch what I want to watch, but I usually use it to watch dramas before."

Yang Ming nodded and reminded again: "Although it's a good thing that you know how to use a computer, don't get too complacent. You should know better than me what you should touch and what you shouldn't touch."

"Don't worry, I know for sure."

And the other side.

"what's wrong with you?."

After filming No.12, the director finally gave a final shout, and he said to Fuzhi impatiently.

"The entire crew has been waiting here for three hours because of your failure. Do you know how much it has affected the filming?"

Fuzhi panicked and immediately apologized guiltily: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't think about what was going on, and suddenly I couldn't get into the character..."

His voice was like a mosquito, and the director put his hands on his hips angrily, but there was no way, everyone had already been recruited, so he could only try.

"Although you are a newcomer, I have no obligation to train you here. If you can't adjust your progress and status, I can only feel embarrassed."

Fuzhi's head looked like it was being pressed against a mountain, his face was so low that the delicate and heavy makeup could not cover up his ashes.

"I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely work hard to adjust my status."

Seeing that he was apologizing like this, the director had nothing to say, so he had to let him rest beside him.

For some unknown reason, he has been unable to adjust to the state, and the result is very poor.

Fuzhi pursed her lips, staring at the mirror carefully, the script played a heroine with a soft and sharp attitude, but he didn't perform well in any aspect.

He didn't have such a temperament in him, but he had to show it if he wanted to act.

But this aspect is the most difficult, no matter how hard he stares or smiles, he can't show it.

Even the other two supporting roles followed suit and laughed.

"It turns out that this is the protagonist recruited by the director. It turns out that it's nothing more than that. I think it's through some kind of back door."

"Yeah, it's too funny, oh, there's no way, who can let people have the ability."

"Yes, yes, oh, let's go quickly, don't cause trouble when the time comes."

If he had changed his job before, Fuzhi would have quarreled with them long ago, but this time he didn't.

Because he knew that he had no confidence and no ability.

Not to mention the entire crew delayed the progress for an entire afternoon because of him, and let so many people wait foolishly under the sun because of him.

So it's normal for these people to have a temper.

Fuzhi rubbed his nose and lowered his head lower.

It's really uncomfortable to be looked down upon by others, it's so uncomfortable!

Especially the part where the expression was written on the face made the director pat the forehead straight.

Thinking of the director's expression of dismay and resentment, Fuzhi felt even more uncomfortable.

"What are you talking about, you were selected by your own ability. If you have the ability, you can be the protagonist."

A loud voice suddenly appeared from above, and Fu Zhi looked up, only to see Song Man appearing like an angel with golden light all over her body.

"Could it be that what I said is false? Didn't he just walk in through the back door, or else just pulling anyone with this acting skill is better than him."

Song Man smiled slightly, her face was full of coldness: "So you mean that the director recruited him because he didn't know Taishan, so it's not your part?"

"Tch, what's the big deal, maybe it's okay to replace me."

(End of this chapter)

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