Chapter 182 Men's Model
Looking at the person sitting on the stool, he said, "I have a very important task for you." Yang Ming's expression became serious.

Hearing the words, Fu Zhi also had a serious expression, ready to seriously listen to Yang Ming's next arrangement.

"Isn't there a clothing company under my name?" Yang Ming didn't directly tell him what the mission was, fearing that he wouldn't be able to accept it for a while.

After all, Fuzhi was also the young master of a family before, if he did the task he arranged, he would show his face in public.

I don't know if a former family young master can bear it, "What's wrong? Brother Ming." Fu Zhi heard the words but didn't know what he meant.

There is a little doubt in my heart, is Brother Ming's clothing company useful to my place this time? "I'm going to ask you to be a men's model, what do you think?"

Yang Ming's tone was a little questioning, after all, if Fu Zhi didn't want to, he couldn't force him to go.

Fu Zhi was a little surprised when he heard the words, he didn't expect that he was guessed right, but he had never done it before.

What if it fails?Looking at Yang Ming with a helpless expression on his face, he said, "Brother Ming, I have never been a men's clothing model."

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if you haven't done it, not to mention you are so good-looking and temperamental, any clothes will go well with you."

Seeing this, Yang Ming encouraged, "But, what if I don't do well?" Fuzhi still had a somewhat embarrassed look on his face.

After all, I have never been exposed to these before, and now I suddenly let myself do it, without even giving me any time to prepare.

"It's okay, you'll know what to do when you have a look at it, not to mention someone will tell you how to do it when you go."

Hearing the words, Yang Ming comforted him, after all he also understood that Fu Zhi had never been exposed to these things, and now he arranged for him to do it.

It's really a bit embarrassing for him, but his appearance and temperament are the best candidates, and I can take this opportunity to train him well.

But seeing the hesitant expression on his face, Yang Ming had no choice but to say: "This task is very important, you should think about it."

Fuzhi was a little shocked when he heard this, he thought it was just to be a men's clothing model, but he didn't expect Brother Ming to say that it was a very important task.

Seeing him entrusting such an important task to himself, Fu Zhi encouraged himself, how could he let him down?It immediately appeared on the face.

With a look of high fighting spirit, he looked at Yang Ming with flames of fighting spirit in his eyes and said, "Brother Ming, I will definitely live up to your expectations of me."

When Yang Ming heard the words, he knew that he had agreed, "Stinky boy, you really have the courage, you should face difficulties like this and become a master."

Pettingly rubbed his head and said with a smile, after all, if Fu Zhi hears that it is an important task and refuses it.

Then I shouldn't have any expectations for him in my heart, and I won't cultivate him anymore. After all, people who shrink back when encountering difficulties are not worth doing.

But now that he agreed, seeing the high-spirited look on his face, he was not only relieved, after all Fu Zhi was treated as his younger brother now.

"Brother Ming, when shall we start?" Fuzhi asked, only to see Yang Ming lower his head and start thinking, and after a while he said to him:
"How about tomorrow?" After all, Fuzhi and Song Man can be partnered directly, so the filming can start tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll listen to Brother Ming's arrangements." Fu Zhi said, Yang Ming glanced at the young man in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

I vaguely remember that when I first met him, he was a scruffy little beggar, as thin as a wooden stick, but now his face has a complexion.

He also took care of his whole body, "Okay, go to rest, you will be busy tomorrow." Yang Ming stretched out his hand fondly and rubbed his head.

Hearing this, Fu Zhi walked out the door and closed the door gently, at this moment, Yang Ming returned to the sofa and sat slumped.

He picked up the mobile phone from the table casually, and made a call. "Hey, what's the matter with calling me?"

The phone was connected, only to hear a woman's pleasant voice coming from inside.

"Song Man, I've already found you the partner you want."

The woman on the other end of the phone was Song Man, "Oh? Who is it?" Song Man asked curiously, after all, none of her previous partners could satisfy her.

"You will see for yourself tomorrow." Yang Ming said, "Hmph, I hope this time my partner can satisfy me." Song Man snorted softly and said proudly.

Yang Ming felt a little helpless when he heard the words, after all, he had found many partners for her, but none of them could catch her fancy.

Each partner has either only cooperated for a few days, or let her drive him away, but after thinking about helping him, I have confidence in him.

"Don't worry, the partner you're working with this time will definitely satisfy you." Yang Ming said, it's not good for Song Man to continue asking this question after hearing what he said.

"By the way, now that a partner has been found, when can we start filming?" Song Man asked hastily.

After all, there is no partner during this period, and I can't do a lot of work. Judging from my personality, even if others can gather people to help me complete the work.

I would not agree with it myself, I would rather leave the work there than make do with others, after all, shooting is about looks.

I want to meet the best camera in the best condition and take the most perfect photos, and now I have found a partner.

So it's natural to ask when you can start work, "If you can, I hope to start shooting tomorrow."

Yang Ming naturally heard her anxious voice, and knew her character well, so the sooner he could work, the better. "Of course I can tomorrow."

I saw Song Man's voice came over without hesitation, "Where is the plan?" Song Man then asked, and Yang Ming lowered his head and thought about it.

After all, the clothing company also has a lot of shooting locations, and after a while, he said to her: "Go to the studio in the city center."

"Okay!" After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly. Yang Ming looked at the black screen interface of the phone and smiled helplessly. This woman is really resolute.

Fuyuki, who was in the room on the other side, looked a little funny at the moment, wearing a dark suit, and his hair seemed to be pomaded.

With a big back, he stood in front of the mirror and kept walking around, posing various poses in front of the mirror, and after a while, he picked up the phone again.

I saw a male model on the mobile phone constantly posing in front of the flashlight, and Fuzhi stared at it for a while before taking photos of the male model in the video.

Practice in front of the mirror.

(End of this chapter)

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