Chapter 112 Tracking
Because he noticed that Yang Ming was changing those few clothes back and forth, Mo Yutong did not go to work at Mo's Company the next day, but went to a nearby department store to buy clothes for Yang Ming.

Mo Yutong went to a store to buy men's clothes, and she bought all the clothes that fit Yang Ming's size without saying a word, because Yang Ming's clothes were too few.

So in all aspects of her, Mo Yutong bought a lot of suit jackets, pants, inner linings, and some home clothes of various colors and styles for Yang Ming.

After buying a lot of clothes for Yang Ming, Mo Yutong didn't continue shopping in the mall, she went home and cleaned the men's clothes she just bought.After washing, she thought, in this way, he won't have to wear those few clothes back and forth every day.

Yang Ming didn't understand Mo Yutong's careful thinking. After all, he was so busy every day, and he had just registered a company, so there were even more things to be busy.

So how could Yang Ming have the time to choose clothes.He got up early every day, dressed in a hurry and went to work after washing up, and sometimes he didn't even have time to eat breakfast before leaving.

Because Mo Yutong also had company affairs to do, at first she thought in her heart that the clothes she bought for him in Yang Ming's closet would definitely be worn by him, so she didn't pay much attention to them.

But after that, Mo Yutong found that Yang Ming didn't have time to change clothes at all. She was very puzzled, she couldn't understand why he didn't even have time to change clothes.

Thinking of this, Mo Yutong wondered if there was something Yang Ming didn't tell her, maybe he didn't hide it from her to make her worry.

Once Mo Yutong took the opportunity to ask Yang Ming, "What's going on with you recently?"

Yang Ming pretended to be confused, pretending not to know what Mo Yutong was asking, but he asked back, "What's wrong?"

"I'm asking what's wrong with you, how did you ask me back?"

Mo Yutong frowned, and gave Yang Ming a reproachful look. Didn't he ask the question knowingly?
Yang Ming froze for a moment, then smiled awkwardly, "I'm fine, am I fine?"

Mo Yutong said meaningfully, "Really?" After that, her eyes looked at him vaguely.

Yang Ming was uncomfortable with her gaze, he pursed his lips, looked at Mo Yutong, who was as beautiful as a flower and jade in front of him, puzzled and guilty, and said in a low voice.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I see your clothes. Tell me, why don't you wear the new clothes I bought for you?"

Mo Yutong raised her eyebrows, she looked at Yang Ming, and then yelled at him very dissatisfied.

"Uh..." Yang Ming was silent, he had nothing to say to Mo Yutong's question, and didn't know how to speak.

Mo Yutong asked "Huh?" in confusion, and finally continued to be dissatisfied, "Do you not like the clothes I bought for you? Or is there something you are not satisfied with?"

"The clothes are very good, there is no dislike or dissatisfaction."

Yang Ming was silent, not understanding why she said that, but he thought for a while and explained, if he dared to say that he didn't like or was dissatisfied, he thought to himself——she would definitely be so angry that she would beat him to death, right?

Hearing this, Mo Yutong frowned, then relaxed it again, she was puzzled, "Since that's the case, why did you come back and forth and still change your original clothes?"

Mo Yutong asked what she had always wanted to know, she frowned, waiting for Yang Ming's answer.

Yang Ming pursed his lips, not knowing how to answer, he couldn't tell the truth, could he?

He found an excuse and replied, "I'm probably used to wearing those clothes, right?"

What he said was so perfunctory that even Mo Yutong frowned, but Yang Ming refused to answer, and the answer was irrelevant, what could she do?
After asking many times to no avail, Mo Yutong had no choice but to give up. If she couldn't find anything, she could only find a chance to find out.

One day, Mo Yutong waited until Yang Ming went out, and she followed him calmly. In fact, Yang Ming had already discovered it, but he didn't expose it at the beginning.

After Mo Yutong followed Yang Ming all the way, Yang Ming was a little puzzled, he really didn't know what she wanted to do, maybe she noticed it?

Yang Ming frowned and thought for a while, then simply stopped, then turned and went back, ready to catch Mo Yutong who was hiding not far away.

Yang Ming didn't say a word, just looked at her quietly, Mo Yutong's expression changed as early as he walked towards her.

Oops!After being discovered by him, under the oppression of Yang Ming's eyes, Mo Yutong could only smile at him awkwardly, and then his face seemed to be juggling, and he said something threatening to him.

"If you don't explain to me what's wrong with you recently, then I'll follow you."

Yang Ming looked at Mo Yutong helplessly. With her involvement, he might not be able to deal with things today, and she would not let it go.

"Is Yutong hungry? Let's go eat?"

In order to coax her into making a decision, Yang Ming didn't answer her question, so he answered the question again.

In order not to push him too hard, Mo Yutong had no choice but to agree, "Okay."

Yang Ming took Mo Yutong to a nice restaurant, she didn't say anything, and let him decide everything.

After sitting down, Yang Ming gave Mo Yutong the menu and asked her, "What do you want to eat?"

Mo Yutong pushed back the menu, and said in a low-spirited manner, "You decide."

Yang Ming took the menu and said, "Okay," but because he was shy and had no money in his pocket, he ordered some cheap vegetarian dishes.

Mo Yutong glanced at Yang Ming suspiciously, wondering why he ordered so many vegetarian dishes, but he didn't think that it was because he had no money, and thought he had a habit of saving money.

However, this was a bit too frugal, so Mo Yutong said what was in his heart, "Are you a little too frugal?"

Yang Ming smiled awkwardly. He had invested all his money in the newly registered real estate company, and now he was so poor that he was so poor, but how could he let Mo Yutong know about this.Therefore, he just said with a guilty conscience, "It's better to save a little."

Mo Yutong didn't say anything after that, the two of them ate food in silence, and the matter passed.

But in the days that followed, Mo Yutong discovered something was wrong again. Yang Ming was saving a little too much no matter what, which really made her puzzled and puzzled.

After all, Yang Ming is also running a company. Although it is a small company, she probably knows his company's income. Although there is no big money, it is still possible to live affluently.It's a bit incomprehensible for her to save too much like this.

She was puzzled, and when she thought about the clothes she bought that he didn't have time to wear, and when she thought about the few cheap vegetarian dishes he took her to the restaurant for dinner, she felt that something was wrong.

But Mo Yutong was more worried about Yang Ming. If he kept saving like this, one day he would damage his body.

She felt that Yang Ming's recent behavior was very strange, but he didn't say anything, and she couldn't ask, so she could only observe slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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