Chapter 110 Gossip
Yang Ming went out wearing a mask as usual, even if others couldn't see his real appearance, they would still be overwhelmed by Yang Ming's aura.

They believe that even if the appearance under the mask is compared with the appearance of world-class famous actors, they will definitely not be inferior.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, Yang Ming walked into the concert hall.

In the concert hall, the president of the Music Association received Yang Ming very warmly.But Yang Ming is not used to being too close to others, so he showed a slight alienation.

The chairman is a middle-aged man in his 50s, who has been in the society for many years. He noticed Yang Ming's indifference, but he also saw that the young man wearing a mask in front of him was not an ordinary person. A good relationship is definitely beneficial and has no disadvantages.

So, he still said enthusiastically: "It's great that you can come."

Yang Ming just nodded, motioning for the chairman to continue.

The president continued: "After a while, we need to compete with a band from another city. Please give us some guidance for our band."

After the president finished speaking, Yang Ming stood up and walked to the cello. He picked up the cello and immediately played a melodious tune. Hearing the sound of the tune, everyone in the band put down their busy work and gathered around By Yang Ming's side, at this moment, for them, it is enjoyment and happiness.

At the end of the song, everyone applauded with unsatisfactory faces.

Among these people, the most excited one was the president of the association. It really made him meet a treasure. Even after working in the band for so many years, Yang Ming far surpassed him in terms of mastery of musical instruments.

The president said excitedly: "You are really amazing. Ms. Mo Yuxin did not recommend the wrong person. You two are the benefactors of our orchestra."

Mo Yuxin?Hearing this name, Yang Ming's face flashed with surprise for a moment, but because he was wearing a mask, the president did not notice Yang Ming's abnormality.

Yang Ming thought in his heart, he and Mo Yuxin had been at odds for a long time, what was the point of Mo Yuxin recommending him to join the orchestra.Yang Ming's thoughts turned in a circle in his heart, he didn't dare to take it lightly, because Yang Ming was worried that Mo Yuxin would set him a trap.

There are many capable people in the orchestra, and Yang Ming played the cello. Although most people in the orchestra were convinced, there were still some people who were not convinced by Yang Ming.

One of them was even worse, he was the chief conductor of the orchestra, he was just 20 years old this year, he said unconvinced: "Do you dare to compete with me?"

Competing with a child, Yang Ming felt that it was too naive, but no comparison, maybe how these people thought of him, could he be afraid of this child?
Yang Ming made a gesture of invitation, and the chief conductor walked to the piano. After the performance was over, the crowd burst into applause again.

The chief conductor looked at Yang Ming with a proud face, but he didn't know that his performance was just a trivial skill in Yang Ming's eyes.

When Yang Ming finished playing, someone in the crowd started to cry.Because Yang Ming infected them with the sound of the piano, they recalled some regrets about the past, and they couldn't help themselves for a while-this is the power of music!
Next, the two competed on violin, guzheng, sax... In the end, Yang Ming won.

How could there be such a genius as Yang Ming, the others thought in their hearts, they admired Yang Ming more and more.

However, there are still a few stubborn people who are not convinced by Yang Ming. They whispered: "He is lucky to do this. Maybe he is a rich second generation. His family paid for it. If I have Money, I can know these things too."

These words naturally fell into Yang Ming's ears verbatim, but he did not argue with these people. Some people are like this. It seems that it is very difficult to admit that others are better than him.

Since we have to do it, we must do our best. Yang Ming carefully guides everyone's skills in the concert hall.

In the afternoon, everyone felt that their skills had been greatly improved compared to before.

After the end, the president said excitedly: "Thank you very much, let's go have dinner together tonight."

Yang Ming shook his head, he is not used to eating with unfamiliar people.After an afternoon, the president had a certain understanding of Yang Ming's character. Seeing Yang Ming's refusal, he stopped inviting him.

When Yang Ming was about to walk to his car, he saw a beautiful figure standing beside his car.

This woman was Mo Yuxin.

Seeing Yang Ming, Mo Yuxin greeted him cheerfully, but Yang Ming never had a good impression of Mo Yuxin, so he walked to the car with indifferent eyes.

Seeing that Yang Ming ignored her, Mo Yuxin was not angry this time, she still said cheerfully: "Brother-in-law, let's go home together, please give me a lift by the way." There was a hint of coquettishness in her tone mean.

Yang Ming squinted his eyes and looked at Mo Yuxin, wondering what kind of tricks she was going to play this time. Although he didn't take Mo Yuxin seriously, there was a good saying - don't bite people, don't hurt people, Mo Yuxin caused him little troubles from time to time, which was enough to upset him for a while.

Right now is the critical period of his career, and he doesn't have the energy to play with Mo Yuxin.

It was time to get off work, and the number of people in the parking lot gradually increased. In order not to cause trouble, I was also worried that Mo Yuxin might say the wrong thing.Yang Ming said indifferently: "Get in the car."

But Yang Ming never expected that he would be slapped together. His every move in the parking lot was photographed by the paparazzi. Fortunately, Yang Ming did not take off his mask at that time.

Early the next morning, before Yang Ming woke up, his cell phone rang.

The phone rang several times before waking Yang Ming up from his sleep.Seeing the secretary's name displayed on the screen, Yang Ming cried out inwardly.

If something important hadn't happened, the secretary would never have called him so early, and made so many calls.

The anxious voice of the secretary came from the other side of the phone, and he said, "Boss, look at your phone, you are on the hot search list!"

Yang Ming opened the webpage, and found that No.1 had the news about him—the masked musician and the strange beauty.

The two were not well-known people, but because Mo Yuqi was so beautiful, and Yang Ming couldn't hide his aura even with a mask on, this aroused the curiosity of the public.

I am used to the illusory news in the entertainment industry, and the occasional gossip about amateur beauties will definitely cause an uproar.The public likes to eat such melons.

In fact, Yang Ming's identity can be found through that car, but Yang Ming has always kept a low profile, and he has too many cars, so everyone will not be able to find him for a while.

Netizens below are discussing.

"What's the relationship between this musician and this girl?"

"Looks like a good match."

(End of this chapter)

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