A new era of comics

Chapter 98 The Future of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Chapter 98 The Future of S.H.I.E.L.D.

On the west coast of the United States, in a remote manor.Tony Stark is having the hood off his head.Saw the surroundings.

This is a relatively industrial room.Empty, spacious, built with concrete.But there is no trace of decoration, so you can't see any landmarks with regional characteristics.At this point, Stark was handcuffed to a chair.In front of him stood several tall men who looked like mercenaries.

In just a few seconds, Stark could tell that these people were completely different from the terrorists who kidnapped him before.They appear more professional and more modern as well.When the terrorist base was attacked earlier, Tony thought he was saved.But it wasn't until all the terrorists were driven out that Tony realized that it wasn't the U.S. military that came.

"Look, I don't know what you want. But you all know who I am. I'm grateful you got me out of that cave. So, you can make an offer now. $[-] million, how. You can end This kind of life. Find an island and buy a villa, and be at ease.”

"They're not going to end this life because they work for me. Mr. Stark, you woke up earlier than I thought."

Stark looked at the white man who walked in, and he felt familiar, but he couldn't remember where he had seen him for a while.

"I can tell from your expression that you don't remember me. Very good, this gives me another reason to hate you. Hogan, teach me a lesson first, and then we will talk slowly."

"Wait a minute." Stark felt bad and was about to speak.A heavy punch directly hit his words back in the stomach.Immediately afterwards, his lower abdomen was hit hard again.Stark, who was already very hungry, only felt that the few acidic water in his stomach had spit out.

These mercenaries are very professional and know how to get the most pain out of them.In just 1 minute, Stark only felt pain everywhere in his body.He opened his mouth, wanting to say something.But as soon as he grinned, a sharp pain made him take a breath.

At this time, the man who looked familiar spoke again.

"How does it feel, Mister Stark."

"You...what do you want...to do?" Stark said these words with difficulty.At this moment, his whole body was convulsing, and it was extremely difficult to speak.Those mercenaries didn't care about his identity at all.The shot was merciless, and Stark felt like a rib had been broken.

"Nothing in particular. I just wanted to torture you. You can't remember who I am anyway? I just like seeing you in pain. It turns me on."

Stark finally understood one thing, this is his punishment for not recognizing the other party.There is no doubt that this is an act of revenge.The other party has a huge grievance with himself.But I forgot who the other party was.For an Avenger, this is a fatal insult.

Stark may be arrogant and arrogant.But at this moment, he still forcibly restrained his poisonous tongue.With his IQ, he can easily figure out a problem.If you can't remember who the person in front of you is, then I'm afraid you will be tortured to death by the other party.He concentrated and began to carefully recall the people he had hurt.Thinking of this, Stark suddenly discovered a fatal problem.His enemies are too many.

At countless technology fairs, he used poisonous language to mock the new kids.In various high-end banquets, mocking the 'loser' who was robbed of his girlfriend.Coupled with the strength of the Stark Group.Numerous arms companies have been forced into bankruptcy by themselves.It is not an exaggeration for many of them to say that their families were ruined.Moreover, the weapons they made themselves participated in many wars.Those who are extreme can also blame themselves.

Calculating in this way, Stark at least thought of hundreds of enemies who might do this.This can't help but make him a little desperate. His life doesn't seem to be as successful as he thought.

Umbrella, Shen Yi looked into Coulson's eyes and said.

"I know Fury's up for it. Do you think he can pull it off?"

"It's impossible to completely eliminate it. Fury's purpose is just to regain the initiative."

"Yeah. The current S.H.I.E.L.D. has been unable to completely disconnect from Hydra. So this is destined to be an endless war. The result can only be a loss for both sides. Haven't you noticed? No matter what the result is , Fury is no longer in charge of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"That's not my turn. If you want to invest in me, I'm afraid you chose the wrong person. I'm just a seventh-level agent, and there are many people in S.H.I.E.L.D. who have more qualifications than me."

"Hehe, do you think that an organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. can be controlled by relying on seniority and rank? No, this result can only be the result of coordination after the behind-the-scenes gold master game. In fact, there is already a good one. The candidate, Agent Maria Hill. As Fury's deputy, she took over the job, which is justified."

"I also think she is a better candidate. She is more rational and decisive than me. So it comes back to the question, why isn't Hill here today."

"Colson, you are an excellent agent, but your political awareness is really mediocre. I don't deny that Fury is a powerful leader. He is actually the best choice to lead SHIELD. Although Hill The name is justified, but she lacks the deterrent power of Fury. As long as Fury falls, the representative forces of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, as well as those with their own ambitions, will jump out one after another to seek their own rights.

As a leader, Hill must not show any obvious bias.That would make her lose prestige.So, I need a sufficiently qualified collaborator.Colson, I think your character and ability are very suitable for this job. "

"I will not do anything to betray S.H.I.E.L.D."

"No one asked you to betray S.H.I.E.L.D. It's just that S.H.I.E.L.D. is about to usher in a chaos. After the chaos, there will be great changes. S.H.I.E.L.D. is bound to face a huge reform. The most powerful intelligence agency in human history, unexpectedly Infiltrated by terrorists. This is an unavoidable excuse. At that time, the government will definitely divide the SHIELD on the basis of retaining the SHIELD framework. Use various departments to disperse the power of SHIELD. To At that time, I will fully promote the establishment of one of the departments. And I hope that you will lead this department."

(End of this chapter)

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