A new era of comics

Chapter 93, Lesson 1 (Part 2)

Chapter 93 Last Lesson (Second Update)
T'Challa future king of Wakanda, current prince.It has been about a year since he came to New York with Shen Yi's team.Shen Yi directly threw him in the office of the new energy development project and became an intern.After that it was almost ignored.

The current T'Challa is still tender though.But I have to admit that T'Challa, who was born in the royal family, did not receive a comprehensive enough education.Starting as an intern, in just one year, he has become a middle-level manager of a new energy project.

And it was influenced by royal etiquette.Although he is a black man, he is handsome and has a sense of elegance in his dealings with others.In the workplace, he has won the admiration of many female employees.At the same time, it has also become a thorn in the side of many male employees.

This relatively early career has made T'Challa mature a lot in advance.The originally naive psychology began to gradually mature.And this is what Shen Yi wants.He needs a mature statesman.This kind of person knows how to cooperate and compromise.At least in terms of interests, an agreement can be reached.It's just that in Shen Yi's view, this level of maturity is really too childish.For a prince who will rule a powerful country in the future, T'Challa's experience is too simple.

Things like the throne are always accompanied by bloody storms.Colleagues, only kings who have experienced this kind of battle will cherish this kind of throne.As an outsider, Shen Yi always has a feeling of trepidation when a positive role like T'Challa assumes the throne.I'm afraid that one day, this buddy will suddenly give up his throne for some kind of love ideal.

Don't be surprised, the joke of giving up the throne is a routine operation of the protagonist in film and television dramas.But in that case, Shen Yi's previous investment will be completely invalidated.Therefore, in order to protect his investment, he decided to direct a drama about life for T'Challa.

"Prince T'Challa, how are you? Are you still used to life in New York?"

"It's good, I feel like I'm starting to adapt to life here. It's more exciting than Wakanda, and it's more complicated. I learned a lot here."

"There is always a lot to learn from the outside world. It's just not enough. You are a prince, T'Challa. Just adapting to this world is not enough. You need to learn some knowledge that is more cruel than others. Are you ready?"

"I don't understand you."

"I was entrusted by your father to teach you a lesson. To be honest, I don't like this entrustment, because you will be very upset and even hate me because of it. But this is the reality, we always have to treat someone compromise something. You will be king in the future. I believe that when the time comes, you will understand what this is all about."

"what are you talking about?"

"I'm taking you on a field mission. We're going to track down a man. Find him, and kill him."

"As the heir to the Black Panther. I am ready to kill. But I will not harm any innocent people."

"That's just what you think. Pack up, we'll be leaving in half an hour."


T'Challa never thought he would return to Africa in this form.On an extremely advanced aircraft, T'Challa looked at the scenery below in a somewhat complicated manner.Flashing from time to time in the perspective, various African tribes with primitive colors.But these tribes are not hiding themselves like Wakanda.It is primitive and backward in the true sense.

"Don't think too much, T'Challa. Wakanda is powerful enough, but your technology system is not suitable for the outside world. Many years ago, your ancestors saw this clearly. Therefore, they chose to hide Yourself. You are not a king yet, so you can maintain your sympathy. But don’t bring these things to the throne. Because this is fatal to a king.”

"What are we looking for?" T'Challa did not respond to Shen Yi's preaching.

"A few days ago, an American special forces team entered this African jungle. Because earlier, a very high-yield diamond ore was discovered here. Few people know that many of the funds for cia's overseas operations come from this place This kind of operation. They send out secret forces to control these remote mining areas. And then they can get a lot of unregulated funds.”

"What does this have to do with us?"

"It has nothing to do with us. It has something to do with you. There is a person in this secret army who is your target. Your task is to kill him and get a token from him."

"I just experience the outside world with you. There is no reason to kill for you."

"As I said, this matter has nothing to do with us. You are not killing people for us, but for yourself. This is also the commission your father entrusted to me."

The aircraft gradually approached the ground.The brand-new optical invisibility and noise reduction treatment made the U.S. military not far below not aware of it at all.

Shen Yi threw an equipment bag to T'Challa.

"This is your mission, T'Challa. Your target is just a kilometer ahead. Find him, kill him, and bring back the token."

"There are more than 30 US troops there. How can I kill that person and bring back the token that I don't know what it is."

"You know what to do, so I won't say it again."

"They're just soldiers on orders. You want me to kill them all?"

"Acting on orders? Do you know what these US troops have done? In order to prevent the leakage of this mine, they killed three surrounding tribes, a total of 210 people. What do you think you should do in the face of these people. Go up and condemn them? "

".I understand. But I need to know, what exactly is the token you mentioned?"

"When you kill that man, you'll know. He'll have it with him."

T'Challa went up full of doubts.

"Don't you think it's a bit too early for him?" Ada had already begun to feel sorry for the child.

"Early? He is someone who wants to rule a country. How much can being a middle-level member of a company help him. He was told since he was a child that he would inherit the throne, and he didn't have a correct understanding of what he had. His father tried his best to teach him. However, influenced by the outside culture, he even disapproved of the throne in his bones. He never thought that becoming a king is a wish that many people in this world dare not even dream of. It’s not something that he can be self-willed by a sophomore, he’s not ready to be a king yet. I’m helping him prepare now.”

"But this situation is too sudden for him. He may not be able to accept it for a while."

"That's the advantage of being young. He can experience these earlier, and experience it a few more times, and accumulate experience."

"How many times have you experienced it? Are there other Wakanda royal blood in the outside world?"

"Hehe, you don't need a lot of people for this kind of thing. One is enough. Takeshi Kitano arrived two days ago. Even if T'Challa was wearing the armor of the Black Panther, he couldn't kill Eric today. This game, today is just the beginning."

 Well, I can't make up the third update today.A little uncomfortable.I'm so sorry, I'll make it up in the next two days.

(End of this chapter)

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