A new era of comics

Chapter 91 Cosmic Rubik's Cube

Chapter 91 Cosmic Rubik's Cube
In Shen Yi's understanding, things like spiritual power have not disappeared.Instead, it should change from an active state to an inert state.It's just a pity that this energy attribute has not been accumulated in Shen Yi's technology tree.So there is absolutely no way to supplement Khan's body.

"What do you mean by saying that a major breakthrough has been made?"

"Yes, we have already completed the operation of guiding the energy in his body to output to another target. It's just that in this process, there will be a huge loss. According to our estimates, the loss may reach about [-]%."

"Thirty percent wear and tear. What will happen to Khan's body after that?"

"This is the biggest problem. According to our calculations, if the loss exceeds a certain limit, unless we wake him up, he will not be able to recover on his own. And there will be a more rapid decline, and we cannot reverse it at all."

"Why can't it be transmitted bit by bit?"

"This involves a more complicated issue. It is whether the energy we send into your body belongs to you. Obviously, you have no experience in manipulating this kind of energy. And this kind of energy called spiritual power, Once it leaves the host's body, it will dissipate quickly. Even if it is transferred to another person's body, it can only be slightly relieved, and the process cannot be terminated.

So we must extract a large amount of spiritual power at one time, and complete that special energy cycle in your body in a very short period of time.Only in this way can we ensure that the spiritual power exists in your body and will not pass away.And this process is extremely complicated.We even need more than [-]% of the computing power of the flame queen at this stage. "

"How much time do we have."

"With all due respect, there is no time left. The energy in his body decays at an accelerated rate. The time left for us is less than three days. And three days is far from enough. "

"That's it. Start the plan directly, start now."


"There is no one who can always achieve his goal [-]%. Even I am the same. Since you can't go any further, then simply do it. Try to preserve his existing value as much as possible. Directly transfer all his energy to Me. Do what you can to reduce the loss. Start preparing now."

........................ ..
In an unknown location, in an unknown base.Several researchers were surrounded by more than a dozen heavily armed soldiers.After passing through more than a dozen top-level defense lines, they finally entered a special laboratory.

And in the center of the laboratory, on a test bench.A blue cube is exuding a deep light.Around it, there are more than a dozen various instruments, constantly scanning it.Any tiny energy fluctuation is recorded.and the ever-diffusing gamma rays.

"This is the core of the Joint Dark Energy Project, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. To be honest, I don't agree with any private companies touching this kind of thing. But the superior has an order, so you can play freely. As long as it doesn't destroy it." A person in charge The human-like leadership said to several new recruits.

And look at these four new members.Two of them were support staff in Shen Yi's initial team.The other is a top scientist under Norman Technology.And the last one is, surprisingly, one of the heroes of the Marvel Universe, Dr. Banner.

The current space stone is actually not its body.It is a form wrapped in a special substance.All detected energy fluctuations are actually transmitted through this layer of wrapping.In fact, some fluctuations are basically emitted by the crystal-like solid in the outer layer.Gamma rays are one of them.And Dr. Banner is probably the most familiar person in the world with gamma rays.

However, Dr. Banner and others did not conduct any form of testing or research on the Rubik's Cube.Instead, he directly began to transform the laboratory.

"What are you doing? The laboratory is the property of the United States government."

"Don't get excited. We're just adding a layer of insurance here. To be honest, don't you think your behavior is too risky? The entire Rubik's Cube in the universe is constantly emitting various unknown fluctuations. Some of these fluctuations may It will carry information. Simply put, you are sending the coordinates of the earth to the entire universe. And there is an additional one, there is a treasure here, hurry up and grab it."

"So far, we haven't confirmed the existence of aliens at all. And we simply can't intercept all the radiation."

"You can't intercept it because your technology is not at home. That doesn't mean we can't do it. At least in this state, it can still be intercepted. As for the topic of aliens, if I tell you that at least With hundreds of aliens, do you think I'm talking nonsense?"

"That's impossible. If there are really different species hiding in this world, it's impossible to escape our detection."

"Hahaha... you are really, I don't know how to describe it. Judging from your appearance, you should be from a military background. I can only say that the brainwashing education of American soldiers is good. You are Americans, you are American soldiers, Your country is the strongest country in the world, and you are the strongest soldiers. You are not afraid of any difficulties, and you can control all situations. Although I don’t know where this mysterious confidence comes from.

However, I regret to tell you.You have no control over anything.You are nothing.It's just a group of stronger ants curled up on this young planet.Facing the universe, if you don't have the Rubik's Cube, you don't even have the right to be glanced at.With the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the biggest change brought to this planet is to finally give those advanced civilizations a reason to destroy us. "

"Even if what you said makes sense. We have been studying the Rubik's Cube for more than ten years. Nothing happened."

"You have only recently activated the energy of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. Moreover, a period of more than ten years is meaningless in the universe. Maybe there are already more than one space fleet on the way to destroy the earth. Maybe now, every move we do is clearly seen by some special civilization.”

At this moment, in a star field far away from the earth.A tall alien holding a huge sword is looking at the endless starry sky in front of him with a pair of weird eyes.The twin pupils carrying some mysterious power passed through a distance of hundreds of millions of light years and finally landed on the earth.Then it penetrated through layers of protection, and stubbornly withstood the azure blue light.

"Universal Rubik's Cube..." A meaningful sigh.

 Only one update tonight.The reason is very weak, so I won't say it.Make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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