A new era of comics

Chapter 86 Investment (Part 2)

Chapter 86 Investment (Second Update)

When Skye called Shen Yi again, more than three hours had passed.But for a mother and daughter who haven't seen each other for decades, this is actually nothing.

This time, Jiaying's attitude towards Shen Yi was much better.After all, in the eyes of a mother, the kindness of helping her find her daughter is greater than the sky.

"Mr. Shen, Daisy told me something about you. By the way, Daisy Johnson, this is Skye's real name. His father got her name."

"A beautiful name."

"Thank you. I don't know yet, why are you here?"

"We are here for cooperation. The world is undergoing drastic changes, and your family has hidden yourself for too long. Before some big events start, you need to make some changes."

"With all due respect, the world is not ready for us."

"The world will never be ready. Freedom and rights need to be fought for. The more you hide, the more you will be out of tune with the world. And when one day, you are discovered by others. The situation will not be like this Yes. Believe me, I'm one of the friendliest people in the world to treat you."

"We've been hiding it pretty well."

"This illusion cannot protect you forever. And with the advancement of technology, maybe one day, other people will find you. Do you know? The government will not negotiate with you. They will only let you abide by what they set Rules. They won't even give you a chance to negotiate. Even if there is, with your strength, it is impossible to fight for the slightest rights and interests in front of violent agencies."

"What about you? You can do it? Can you make the government change the rules?"

"Hehe, in a society of capital. This is not impossible. I have approached that level infinitely. As long as I want to, I can become the person who makes the rules at any time. But the rules alone still cannot help you. You still need to make your own Try. Humans are always afraid of what they don't understand. And you are what they don't understand. So no rules can protect you unless they themselves approve of you."

"As you said. They will never approve. I understood one thing a long time ago. Humans reject us not because of fear or ignorance. It's because they are jealous, jealous that we have what they have Power that we don’t have. Greed and jealousy are the real reasons why we dare not show up in this world.”

"This is a problem of human nature. It cannot be changed, but can only be guided. In the final analysis, what do you do for this world? Appear in front of the world as refugees. Or as a bystander. Or as an enemy. Or, the identity of the savior."

"What do you want us to do?"


"What are you preparing for?"

"For you to appear in front of the world openly. Some things can never be eliminated. For example, greed and jealousy. But at least you must first obtain a public identity and official recognition. You need to be prepared, in a suitable Timing, so that the official must recognize you. For example, appearing in front of the world as a savior."

"I don't see any of the timing you're talking about."

"That's why you need to be prepared. So that when the time arises, you can react as quickly as possible. Believe me, the time will come soon."

"Mr. Shen, I'm very glad that you sent Daisy back to me. But I can't do this alone. And I don't think the elders will agree to this proposal."

"Maybe. But at least let me do something for you. For example, add a little infrastructure or something here. I plan to use 5000 million US dollars to help you make a correction here. At the same time, add enough living facilities and entertainment facilities. In fact, the underwater temple is a very good base. But it is understandable that you gave up the temple in order to hide yourself. It is impossible to successfully hide yourself there.

But do you know?The reason why your race once held an awakening ceremony in the temple.It is because the temple has an auxiliary effect on awakening.And you don't realize it until now. "

"We have successfully awakened more than one clansman." Although he was taken aback by Shen Yi's $5000 million generous sum.Jiaying still didn't let go easily.However, she has signaled one of her subordinates to go to the afterlife.Looks like they are going to invite someone.

"Gordon's is considered a success? There are huge defects in the eyes. I have a technical team that uses supercomputers to deduce the awakening process. The secret room of the temple, no matter in shape, size, or even the ray of sunlight , have an irreplaceable role. And awakening has a quantitative demand for the Terrigen Mist. These need to be strictly calculated. Even fine-tuning should be made according to the awakened person's situation. With all due respect, I feel that you can't do it These."

"Can you ensure that the awakened will not experience physical changes?"

"It's impossible to guarantee it completely. But we can at least minimize the probability. At the same time, we can also minimize the degree of mutation."

At this time, Shen Yi and Jiaying were already in a more serious conference room.And three other relatively older aliens also joined the meeting.It looks like the elder Jiaying mentioned earlier.One of the elders became interested in what Shen Yi said.

"I saw the state of Daisy's little girl before. It is undeniable that her awakening is perfect. Maybe this can verify what you said to a certain extent. We live in an isolated world. But that doesn't Doesn't mean we are closed-minded. I think we can also try to make some kind of positive change. What do you think?"

"What he said has some truth. Our resources here are really limited. It is already a coincidence that we can artificially synthesize Terrigen crystals. If we can have more resource support, we may be able to make a more perfect Help our people." An elder in Tang suit agreed with Shen Yi's words.

"I don't trust this guy. Unless I can see it with my own eyes." Where there is a yes, there is a dis.Another elder expressed his distrust without hesitation.

"We are preparing for an awakening ceremony recently. One child has already reached the standard. So, if Mr. Shen doesn't mind, maybe you can give us a demonstration." At the critical moment, Jiaying still looked at Daisy's face and assisted him up.

"Of course, in fact, this is the original intention of my visit. It's just that we need some time to deliver the equipment."

"It's not that much trouble. Let Gordon go, and all the equipment will be delivered in a few minutes."

"Well, I need my team to conduct a comprehensive examination of the person who needs to be awakened first. Then make a plan specifically for him. It won't be long, it only takes a few hours."

"This is his information, his name is Lincoln." Jiaying handed a copy of the information to Shen Yi.

 Please collect, please recommend.Even if it's a text tweet.But anyway, it's on the home page.The recommendation vote is not strong.


(End of this chapter)

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