A new era of comics

Chapter 8 Hand Association (new book, please bookmark, please recommend)

Chapter 8 Hand Association (new book, please bookmark, please recommend)
"What's the matter, I just didn't drink your wine. I became angry and brought so many people here?"

In the first moment of the fight, Ada had already recognized that the man was the man who accosted her in the bar just now.The man opposite was silent.Just waved.All the ninjas around moved instantly, and rushed towards Ada from all directions.

Ada lifted her long skirt again and drew out the pocket pistol.But even though her pistol was modified, it could load eight bullets.But minus the four shots fired before, there are only four bullets left now.

She didn't have a spare clip on her.Ada quickly came to be proud, thinking that if a gun was used in espionage, it would mean a failure.So now there are actually only four bullet casings left in Ada's gun.She didn't hesitate, nor did she have the idea of ​​using it as a trump card, she just drew her gun and shot, trying to reduce the number of enemies as much as possible.

However, this group of opponents is not at the same level as the gang members just now.Although the distance was less than ten meters, they still made a lot of effective evasive actions.Of the four bullets, only two were killed and one was injured.At this distance, with Ada's marksmanship, it was simply unbelievable.

But in the current situation, Ada couldn't help but think too much.She pulled out a tactical dagger with her backhand and took the initiative to meet it.The opponents are well-trained, if you let them surround you, you won't be able to last for a few minutes.

At this time, White Ghost, who had installed a simple early warning system in the newly bought apartment, received Ada's distress signal.

"Boss, I received a distress call from Ada."
"Then hurry up and bring her back safely."

In the alley, Ada already had more than one wound on her body.She clearly felt that the opponent did not kill.Otherwise, she couldn't last so long.After thinking about it, I understood the meaning.

The other party wanted to track her behind the scenes deeply, and they knew they had sent a distress signal.But he didn't care, instead he wanted to see what kind of support he could call.

Knowing this, Ada was relieved a lot, and her actions began to focus on self-protection.

The man who led the team stood aside quietly like that, he obviously saw Ada's intention clearly.But there was no special reaction.Obviously, he is very confident in his arrangement.

They are Hand Hehui, and that man is one of the five giants of Hand Hehui, Bo Gu.He is also the most special one in the hand and meeting.

The five branches of the Hand and Society each perform their duties.The Bogu lineage is responsible for cultivating newcomers and brainwashing newcomers.The other lines are responsible for collecting money, stockpiling arms, and promoting their ultimate plans.

It was a coincidence that Bogu noticed Ada, the cash that Shen Yi and the others robbed before.Most of them are Irish gangsters with money from Mexican gangsters.The money laundering channel of the Hand and Society is more high-end, and it is completed through a large number of listed companies, such as large groups of the Rand Enterprise level.

It's just that after the incident, the hand and society still paid attention to it.After all, they don't want unknown forces to jump out and disrupt the situation.

All the dead in Qianzhuang were killed by knives, which touched the sensitivity of Hand and Society.They even once thought that it was done by their own people.For this reason, Bogu came forward to investigate the matter in person.

Ada's field skills are perfect, but that's for ordinary people.She still couldn't fool an old monster who had lived for hundreds of years.

There were a few faint sounds of falling to the ground not far away.Bogu's expression changed slightly, and the opponent's support arrived.It's just that in Bogu's senses, it seems that only one person came.

It's just that in the next second, a white dress flashed in the night.Accompanied by a few cold lights, the opponent has already broken through the outer arrangement and entered the core of the encirclement.

Bogu raised his hand slightly, stopping the ninja who wanted to go forward.

"Ninjas? Interesting, you don't look like innocent people."

"You think that only Shuhehui and Chunzhenhui know how to train ninjas. There are many things in this world that you don't understand."

"It makes sense, I was thinking too much. But I have to say that New York City is our place, and you have crossed the line."

At this moment, Shen Yi's instructions came from Bai Youling's headset.He listened quietly, and then spoke.

"We know what you want to do in this city. We have no intention of touching the secret that has been buried for thousands of years. So our purpose is not in conflict with each other. We have no intention of fighting with each other. But we are not afraid of war .”

As soon as the expression on Bogu's face changed, he was almost about to order to accept the swarm and kill his opponent.But finally held back.There are obviously people behind the other party. Even if these two people are killed, there is no guarantee that the news will leak out.So he finally waved his hand and let all the ninjas scatter.

It is about the ultimate secret of the hand and meeting, and he dare not make decisions alone.Anyway, in New York City, the other party can't escape his surveillance.

"It's a pity. I thought I could see the famous White Specter. How about one against a hundred?"

"Boss, the order given is to take you back safely. It's not to kill them all. And the guy in the lead is a bit weird."

The matter eventually ended with mutual concessions on both sides.Of course, a behemoth like Hand Hehui would not be reconciled to this.But Bai Yougui's words touched their ultimate secret.For this secret, they finally made a certain compromise.

"Monitor them, but don't do anything. Everything, we will talk about it after we complete our goals." This is a decision made internally by the hand and society.

In the apartment, Ada was reporting to Shen Yi.

"It's my negligence this time. I should have noticed long ago that it's not the first time that man has met me, but I didn't notice anything special about him."

"Hehe, it would be weird if you could notice it. That guy is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years. And they know how to use energy like qi, and there are other more obscure and dangerous things on them , it is normal for you to fall into their hands."

"I also feel it. There is a very faint but uncomfortable breath on their bodies. What is that?"

"That's not the power of this world. It won't affect us in a short time. Don't bother with the peace meeting. They should be searching for our information with all their strength now, and don't choose to go to war rashly. Get ready, we will fight in a few days Get in touch with Ulysses Crow."

Arms dealers are always high-risk and the most profitable industry.From every battlefield around the world to the streets of New York City.The arms business, like drugs, is everywhere.

It's just that arms dealers are better than drug dealers in one thing.That is, the umbrella of most drug dealers is some black police.Or the high-level police officers who collect money.And all these umbrellas can only use their powers to provide a little information advantage.No one dares to really openly shelter a drug dealer.

But arms dealers are different, especially arms dealers of Crow's level.In essence, he is the spokesperson of some arms companies.I even cooperate with departments like cia from time to time to assist them in carrying out some overseas missions.

Arms dealers sell weapons, not casually.Governments have all sorts of restrictions.But for arms dealers, even if the other party buys a weapon to fight him, as long as the price is right, he should sell it.

A middleman like Crow was born under such circumstances.Holding a large amount of U.S. military replacement equipment, he traveled around Afghanistan, Iraq and other places, and established a huge sales channel.And taking advantage of this convenience, it has cooperated with the US military in several overseas operations.

In addition, Crowe, a man with a rough appearance, is actually delicate in mind.He has never really harmed the interests of the United States, so in this industry, he can be regarded as a big boss.The relationship behind it is intricate, no matter who wants to touch him, it needs to consider many aspects.

 The contract has been sent, but it is estimated that there will be no news until Monday.Let's collect it first.

(End of this chapter)

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