A new era of comics

Chapter 79 Siege

Chapter 79 Siege
Landslide is generally just an adjective.Not many people have actually seen it with their own eyes.But right now, this scene is unfolding in front of Shen Yi's eyes.The whole mountain collapsed completely.Presents a scene centered on a point and spreading to the surroundings.

Just like a quicksand pit collapsing in the desert, the entire mountain quickly collapsed, finally revealing a round and flat platform.And on the platform, sat an old man with the appearance of an ancient oriental monk.He is the Mandarin, Khan. (Let’s use Khan in the future. Zhang Tong is a pseudonym that is not commonly used. Khan is an officially recognized pseudonym.)
To be honest, just looking at the shape, Khan is very stylish.With fluttering long hair and a gray beard, he looks like a mysterious old man in a fantasy novel.It's just that the painting style on the scene changed in the next second.A long knife suddenly appeared from Khan's back.cut to his throat.

Kitano Takeshi didn't know when, he had already lurked behind the opponent.A knife directly cut down.However, Kitano Takeshi is a martial arts master, but Mandarin is a Qi trainer.Although various modern web articles often use various techniques to describe the scene of martial arts crushing Qi practitioners.But no matter what, from a level, if the martial arts can't break through the innate, enter the path of physical sanctification.In terms of achievement, it cannot be compared with Qi practitioners.

Khan didn't even open his eyes, just waved his hand casually, and directly blocked the fatal blow with his right hand.Surrounded by strong zhenqi in his hand, the long knife made by Zhenjin didn't penetrate at all.

Khan shook his right hand, and Takeshi Kitano could only feel a surge of irresistible force.Even a strengthened body, coupled with the assistance of reproductive equipment, cannot compete with it.The whole person was thrown out directly.It's just that at the moment when his body took off, countless black tentacles popped out of Kitano Takeshi's body, entangled Khan.

And with the help of the tentacles' pulling force, his body instantly rebounded at a higher speed, and at the same time, more than a dozen cold weapons were deployed all over his body at the same time.The whole person turned into a humanoid weapon and stabbed Khan.

However, this trick that made him become a Shura was useless in front of Khan.Khan merely opened his eyes.A pale golden barrier appeared before his eyes.All cold weapons were firmly blocked by this seemingly fragile barrier.

There was a sudden crisis in Kitano Takeshi's heart.The muscles of the whole body were fully mobilized, and the body retreated rapidly.At the same time, a violent and swift energy erupted centered on Khan.

Although Takeshi Kitano had retreated quickly, he was still sent flying tens of meters by the violent vigor.If it wasn't for the Zhenjin defense layer to block the blow.He probably lost the battle.

Khan stood up slowly, surrounded by a strong aura.He didn't use the power of any of the rings.But the aura displayed on his body has already made all the creatures in the entire battlefield feel trembling.

He ignored Takeshi Kitano who fell on the ground, but directly looked at Shen Yi who was floating in mid-air.In his perception, Shen Yi was the person who threatened him the most.

Under Shen Yi's guarded eyes, the Mandarin slowly raised his left hand.On the other hand, Shen Yi's expression changed.Banner and Skye beside him were pushed hundreds of meters away by an invisible force before they could react.

And Khan's left index finger flashed a golden light.It was the most dangerous of all the Mandarin's rings, the cutting beam.

At the same time, Shen Yi's body did not move.Instead, concentrate and calm, and the brain is running rapidly.For the first time, the huge mental power exploded completely.At the same time, it hit Khan mentally and physically.

At the same time, Khan's right index finger flashed blue light.The mind booster was activated, trying to resist Shen Yi's mental attack.At the same time, the spiritual energy flowing up and down the whole body obviously mobilized the spiritual power to protect the Lingtai.There have been similar mental methods in the Taoism of the East since ancient times.

It's just who Shen Yi is, this is a time traveler.After losing the biggest crossing plug-in.The only cheat left by Shen Yi is his mental strength.And when traveling to the Marvel universe.His body is in order to keep his consciousness alive.Gave up all physical superpowers.All the potential points were used to strengthen his spiritual power.

Now the only negative thing about him is his amazing mental strength.Although Khan resisted with all his strength, he still felt a sharp mental force like a bee sting piercing into his mind.Although it was scattered by his thick spiritual power in the next second.But the sting just now had already caused his body to shake.The blow with his left hand deviated.

A beam of golden light flew past Shen Yi's head.Shen Yi also remained motionless, but the light beam failed to hit him in the end.

And after this blow, the cutting beam will enter the cooldown.This is exactly what Shen Yi wanted.Among all the powers of Khan, only the cutting beam, Shen Yi was not sure how to deal with it.This trick is an unreasonable ultimate damage skill.Once hit, the shock gold armor probably won't be able to stop it.Fortunately, the cooling time of this trick is long enough.This allowed the others to fight with their arms and legs when they finally had time.

"Do it." Following Shen Yi's order.Dr. Banner was the first to hold back.From Khan's plain description of knocking Takeshi into the air, he felt the fighting spirit in his body burning.I usually don't see any difference in Dr. Banner from before.But when it comes to this kind of fighting moment, the attributes of Hulk in Banner's character will undoubtedly be revealed.

In Khan's surprised eyes.Banner directly transformed into a Hulk nearly three meters tall.Roaring and rushing forward.That imposing manner shook the mountains, and it was quite possible that one man could win a thousand troops.Then it's useless.Khan raised his right hand, and his middle finger flashed white.A huge tornado rose out of thin air, directly flying Hulk into the sky.

Khan's combat experience is obviously not comparable to the Hulk at this time.He knew that this big man must have an advantage in terms of strength.If he resisted head-on, he might make a fool of himself, so a tornado directly swept him off the ground.In this way, no matter how powerful Hulk is, he will not be able to exert it.

Then, Khan finally turned his attention to the remaining opponents.But this time, he didn't hesitate at all.Didn't even ask who you are.There is no doubt that the one in front of him is an enemy, and as long as it is an enemy, it is enough to kill it.

With a flash of the left hand, three different forms of energy, frost, lightning, and flame, suddenly appeared.The berserk elemental energy charged directly at Shen Yi and the others.

The three of Shen Yi activated gravity at the same time, distorting the ground under their feet.The ground around Khan rose wildly.In an instant, he was surrounded in the middle.All energy attacks hit the raised ground.Immediately afterwards, another distorted and oppressive voice came out.

The Khan found the surrounding land compressed by an invisible force.Its density increased rapidly, and the originally loose land became as hard as steel in just a few seconds.

A huge ring-shaped Colosseum surrounded the Khan.Shen Yi and the other five stood around the Colosseum from five directions, surrounding Khan in the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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