Chapter 77
Umbrella's joining the joint dark energy project is not just a word.The actual process requires complex procedures and preparations.

"We're running out of time. News has come from near Kunlun Mountain. Our people deduce that Zhang Tong will leave the customs within three days. It's too late for us to borrow the power of the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"No plan can be achieved [-]% Ada. We have made all the preparations we can. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube itself is not prepared for this matter. Don't worry too much about it. Call our team, we are going to leave. "

When Norman received the news, he knew that Shen Yi was going to make a move.But what made him breathe a sigh of relief was that Shen Yi used a large transport plane, obviously this time the operation was overseas.For a moment, Norman even wanted to follow up to see what Shen Yi and the others were going to do.But when he thought of that kind of war-level power mech, Norman felt a little guilty.In the end, he still didn't have the guts to keep up.Norman, who has not been strengthened by the Green Goblin potion, has not discovered the madness in his bones.

Thirty full-body Delta Accelerated Battlesuits.Equipped with full heavy weapons, this level of firepower is enough to break through any military base of the US military overseas.And the manipulators are all strengthened soldiers.Although it is weaker than Shen Yi's first generation of strengthened soldiers.But in terms of nerve reflexes and mental concentration, it is far superior to ordinary soldiers.

Shen Yi, Wesker, Kitano Takeshi, Bai Youling, and the private individual all wore full-body gravity colony suits.Triple-shock gold nanobug coverage, plus gravitational manipulation provided by Gravitonin.Marvel, which is broken at this time, is already the top combat power.

Gravitational protons have a characteristic, the more the number, the greater the impact on gravity.In fact, if it can absorb all the gravitational proton elements of the whole earth.You can incarnate as a front-line villain of Marvel, Wanli Wang.In the original book, King Wanli is mentally unstable.A few shots basically did not win.But it cannot deny his strength.

The universal gravitational force has been exerted to the extreme, and to a certain extent, it is easy to destroy the world.It's just that this kind of power has very high requirements for operation.And gravitational protons will also burden the spirit.That's why Shen Yi had to divide it into four parts, which were shared by four people.

The Assassins will not directly participate in this operation. Their strength against conventional armed forces is crushing.But against the Mandarin, it is simply impossible to intervene.This time they played support personnel.Together with the people in the logistics team, they are responsible for their security work.Many people from the logistics research team followed this time.They carried a huge sci-fi cannon installation.

This is a prototype of a positron cannon.In fact, this kind of technology is not mature, even if it is fully charged, it can only be launched once.Afterwards the entire device is burned.But it was the most lethal weapon in Shen Yi's hands.For this reason, Shen Yi brought out a whole logistics team to specialize in manipulating this weapon.In addition, heavy electromagnetic rifles are also standard equipment for the logistics team.Conventional weapons and ammunition basically cannot hurt Zhang Tong.But electromagnetically accelerated bombs are not necessarily so.Even if it can't hurt him, it can still cause enough trouble for him.

In addition, Dr. Zhao Hailun's team is also one of the accompanying.Shen Yi did not want too many casualties in this operation.With the help of Dr. Connor, the Box of Regeneration has been preliminarily completed.Shen Yi directly asked them to bring the prototype to prevent possible casualties.There is a dedicated team that will stand by with them on the periphery.In order to rescue the seriously injured who may appear at any time.

In addition, there is a small team flying the Crow fighter plane to provide air support.Of course, their most important thing is to carry the three light nuclear bombs.In fact, nuclear weapons are not very applicable in this battle.This thing moves too slowly, and its lethality is not concentrated.The threat to the Mandarin is far inferior to the Positron Cannon.And it is true that Shen Yi does not need a Mandarin with no bones.Therefore, this is only the final clearing and deterrent method.

In the hands of Shen Yi, the center of the offensive technology he mastered was nano-missiles.This was originally a powerful weapon, but it was useless against things like Mandarins.

Air strikes, ground fire support, and logistics have all been prepared.The rest are the main fighters.In addition to the four of Shen Yi, there is another one who is also the core of this operation, that is, Skye.

Everyone knows how powerful Zhenbo girl is.Even in the movie universe, when the ability is not complete, he still defeated Wan Liwang.And in this world.Shen Yi made the move ahead of time.Help her completely solve the awakening problem.At the same time, it has also undergone systematic and scientific training.The development and use of abilities far exceeds the level in the movie universe.

In a training ground, Skye is exercising his abilities.In front of her were seven goblets filled with different degrees of water.

At this time, Skye is vibrating from a subtle level, affecting the wine glass.A burst of different audio sounds came out, and Skye used his own vibration power to perform a complete song with seven wine glasses.

Crackling applause came from behind.

"Very good, your control over your own energy has matured. The rest is the accumulation of time."

"So, there is a mission?" Skye said without looking back.

"Why do you say that? Can't I come and see you?"

"Hehe, since the training group didn't arrange high-intensity training for me this morning, I've felt it. You have spent such a high price on me, and I always need some effort. Tell me, what task."

"A combat mission. I organized a squad. Super squad. We are going to kill a guy who is close to a god in the eyes of mortals."

"Then it's not a god anymore?"

"It's really not. But in terms of ability alone, it's no different from the legendary gods."

"When are you leaving?"

"After half an hour."

"No problem. Also, after this mission, take me to meet my parents. I know you should have mastered their location."

"Of course, when you're ready. Any time."

"That's all right. I'll go get ready."

After Skye, it was Shen Yi's last hole card.Undoubtedly Dr. Banner.It was impossible for the original Dr. Banner to participate in such an operation.Shen Yi didn't take him into consideration at the beginning.But now, Banner and the Hulk are in order.This caused a certain change in Bruce's character.

A tougher, even aggressive character gradually emerged from his body.

(End of this chapter)

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