A new era of comics

Chapter 75 Help

Chapter 75 Help
Umbrella, Ada hurried to Shen Yi's office.Because the bio-energy plan is about to usher in a large-scale promotion, Shen Yi has been staying in the company during this period.Ada's actions made him frown a little.Under normal circumstances, Ada would not show such a hurried expression.

"The news didn't say that there was an alien invasion. So, what is it that made you lose your composure?"

"One of our convoys was hijacked."

"...for the military?"

"Yes, [-] samples of light individual combat mechs. Refitted from the Delta Accelerated Combat Suit. It is a sample for the US Army."

"I remember that there were two members of the Assassin Group in the transport team. There was also a small team sent by the military. Didn't they stop the opponent?"

"Two members of the assassin group were blocked by a super soldier. Although it was unbelievable, according to what they said, that person suppressed the two of them by himself. Another team of mercenaries defeated the U.S. military, Get off the truck."

"Do you know who did it?"

"There are a few targets. Hydra one. Although the shot is not the Winter Soldier, it is hard to guarantee that there are other super soldiers in the Hydra. In addition, the spy forces outside the country count as one. After Umbrella's rise, there have been more than one The infiltration incident of foreign personnel. In addition, Obadai’s private armed forces of the Stark Group are also suspected. He has always wanted to have arms technology exchanges with Umbrella. But we have not let go.

The last one is a black market businessman named Bohr, but it should not be his real name.Specializes in the sale of various confidential technologies.It is said that a new generation of Android system was sold one month before the release of the new operating system of Android phones.There are also many companies with unique technologies that have been sold by him. "

"A technical businessman in the black market is really a very distinctive profession. Find this person, and the mercenary who can block the two members of the assassin group. I am also very interested in him. Find them and bring them back. Send a shipment to the military. Don't lose the Umbrella sign.

Let Takeshi Kitano, White Phantom, and Wesker start to adapt to the control of Gravity Proton Element now.A certain number of mineral veins have been discovered in Los Angeles. Although the number is not large, it is almost enough to arm four people. "

The Three Curved Wings Building, at this moment, the whole building is filled with a strange atmosphere.Even those low-level agents who had nothing to do with each other also felt a weird atmosphere.The senior agents who have noticed have already begun to protect themselves wisely and start to be vigilant to everyone around them.

In the office, Nick Fury, Natasha, Clinton, Coulson, Melinda, and other characters from SHIELD are holding a meeting.The whole situation has come close to an open confrontation.The biggest problem facing Nick Fury is.He knew S.H.I.E.L.D. was infiltrated, and he even knew most of the lists in it.But he couldn't produce any evidence.

Because in the past few years, most of the high-level operations of S.H.I.E.L.D. have been directly commanded by him.He couldn't even determine which of these were promoted by Hydra for its own purposes.Nor did he have any proof that his opponent was Hydra.Even if the opponent bites back at that time, saying that they are Hydra, there will be a [-]-[-] situation.

The most important thing is that Nick Fury has a bad impression among the top government.He is an extremely powerful and dictatorial chief.Every year, a large amount of funds are separated from the government's supervision with various reasonable excuses.This phenomenon made the Security Council extremely dissatisfied with him.

Before that, what he was most proud of was that the council was dissatisfied with him, but he had nothing to do with him.Because it is impossible to find a more suitable director than him.Nick Fury's indifference, decisiveness, and daring to take the blame in critical situations make him an extremely qualified director.

But now, he dare not speak.During his tracking, he found that the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. has been completely infiltrated.He didn't even know who to trust except for a few people in the conference room.As one of the world's greatest spy chiefs, he finds himself unable to tell who the spies are.This has to be said to be a great irony.

What Nick Fury urgently needs to do now is to unify his own power.S.H.I.E.L.D. employees are not the same as Hydra.They don't know that the colleagues around them are no longer their own.Once the situation gets out of control, these employees will become victims in an instant.

"How is that person resting?"

"It is still far from adapting. There is no problem physically. But mentally and mentally, it is impossible to adapt in a short period of time. After all, it is a whole era behind." Coulson answered Nick Fury's question.

"How much power can we use?"

"It's much less than expected. The crossbones of the special operations team have been determined to be the people there. The entire special operations team is no longer under our control. The remaining armed forces, secret operations teams, and anomalous control The department is currently unable to distinguish. The others are field agents. Those who can guarantee their own people are all in this office."

"Do you have any ideas? Let's talk about it?"

"There is no doubt that we need support. Whether it is intelligence or force." Coulson was the first to speak.

"There is no support. If S.H.I.E.L.D. is infiltrated. Then the same is true within the government. The military will not aid us, they will only watch the fun. And they can't guarantee whether they are trustworthy." Hill refuted Cole Sen's words.

"No, we don't seek help from officials. We seek help from private institutions." Coulson said surprisingly.But Nick Fury will be thoughtful then.

"Umbrella." Natasha was the first to think of this.

"To be precise, it is the organization behind Umbrella. Umbrella is just their public identity. We know that there is a secret organization behind Shen Yi. They have advanced technology and comprehensive intelligence. The entire invasion incident is It was led by them to emerge."

"I don't think they're trustworthy." Melinda clearly distrusts private institutions.

"But we have no better choice. Other private organizations don't have the kind of armed forces we need. Even if they had, they wouldn't admit it. Only Umbrella, Shen Yi, was intentionally or unintentionally telling us A show of strength. Seems like he knew early on that we would have this day."

"He asked for something." Nick Fury said suddenly, interrupting Coulson's words.

"He wanted something from S.H.I.E.L.D. It's been that way from the beginning. He guided us to discover Hydra, he showed us power, even that hidden superpower. It was a targeted plan from the beginning. Shen Yi is guiding us step by step, asking him for help. I believe he is ready to help us. The only question is, what do we have to give?"

(End of this chapter)

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