A new era of comics

Chapter 68 Battle at the Dock (Part 1)

Chapter 68 Battle at the Dock (Part [-])
Jin didn't know that the Hand was very dangerous.But he's already a little bit crazy.Kim didn't get what he wanted, and he wanted to get it himself.The wharf of the Rand Group, Jin Bing also has the information inside.He knew the Hand had an important shipment arriving in New York tonight.

It was night, and a container was slowly hoisted onto the pier.This is one of a dozen containers, the most special one.A subsidiary company of the Hand, accepting the goods.In the darkness, dozens of heavily armed figures slowly approached them.

Although it is a subsidiary organization of the Hand Association, how important is the black sky.How could the Hand Society only send some ordinary people to take over.Among the crowd, there was more than one Hand ninja in disguise.As soon as the crowd approached, they noticed it.It is almost impossible for regular soldiers to sneak attack a group of ninjas.

The leader was a white man, who gestured indistinctly.Several members of the Hand slowly retreated into the darkness.But after a while, they returned quickly.And there is pain in the face.

"It's not the Pure Society, it's the police, and the FBI. They've surrounded the entire pier."

In the next second, the lights of the entire pier brightened.Countless searchlights shone in from around.

"This is the NYPD, everyone put down their weapons and kneel where they are. Repeat, put down their weapons and kneel where they are."

When the police commando realized that they were being attacked, they tore their faces and began to attack head-on.At the same time, the police ambushing in the distance began to approach quickly.This time, the operation led by George Daisy dispatched hundreds of policemen and surrounded the entire pier with water.

George has been tracking the people-smuggling ring for some time.He had known for a long time that New York City had a huge people-smuggling ring.To this end, the New York police have taken multiple actions.But all failed.Because the other party was in the police station, he obviously had his own eyeliner.

And this time the action came from news from a higher level.It is said that a congressman reported the news directly to the fbi.The Ministry of Internal Affairs took the lead and thoroughly investigated all the police officers and FBI agents involved in the operation.All police officers received information to deal with Mexican drug dealers.But in the end, they knew it was a raid on the docks.

Bo Gu is the successor of the Hand Association.He set up a lot of traps around, just to deal with the surprise attack of the Innocence Society.But I never expected that Chunzhen would not come, but the New York police and the FBI.By the time he realized something was wrong, it was too late.At least six New York police officers and four FBI agents died in an ambush.

Bogu knew the rules of operation of the dark world.Unless you are a terrorist, don't kill detectives and police officers easily.That would lead to crazy targeting of the entire violent organization.Even the mad dog-like Mexican gangsters dare not easily kill the police in the United States.As long as you are on the mainland of the United States, it is impossible for you to fight against the cooperation of state violent agencies.

Bo Gu realizes that the hands will be cheated.The first thing he thought of was the Chunzhen Club, but it didn't look like the Chun Zhen Club's style.And the situation in front of him couldn't help him to think carefully.Due to the deaths of several previous police officers.The commander outside is already going crazy.At the very beginning of the operation, ten people were killed.Only eleven police officers were killed or injured in New York City last year.

Swat's special forces held explosion-proof shields and crushed forward step by step.Anyone who does not kneel down according to the regulations, regardless of their status, will be shot to death.

Bogu's face changed again and again. According to the traditional strategy of the Hand, he must not fight head-on with the state machine.Because that would spell fatal disaster for the Hand.But in the current situation, the arrow is on the string and has to be launched.The Hand also has a more advanced rule.

As the leader of the Hand, he must never fall into the hands of other forces.In fact, not even corpses.The immediate situation is more complicated.In this operation, there is more than one high-level killer of the Hand.They hide the same secret.The basic situation is that none of the people present can fall into the hands of the police.
To be honest, the Hand has been in business for hundreds of years, and its influence spreads all over the world.But if they have a way to extend life in their hands, they will be exposed.Within three days, they all had to be helped to the operating table.After hesitating again and again, Bo Gu gave the order.

"Liberate all force and break out."

With this order, the police force of the entire operation was immediately wiped out.Although they have used high-power searchlights to illuminate everything here.But the environment of the whole terminal is still too complicated.And they undoubtedly have no experience fighting ninjas.In this complicated environment, the senior killers of the Hand Society are like death gods to them.

"Team B is under attack. The number of people is unknown, requesting support. Requesting support."

"Team A was attacked and asked for support..."

"Watch out for the shadowy corners, fuck, they're a bunch of ninjas..."

George listened to the distress signals that kept appearing on the walkie-talkie, his face turned ugly for a while.In fact, this operation could not be successful in any case.The current situation is that there have been more than 30 casualties.Even if they were able to annihilate their opponents, the operation would have been a colossal failure.Your own future may end here.Maybe even a court-martial.

But if it backs off, the New York police will become the laughing stock of the entire country.Not to mention his fate.George gritted his teeth.Made a decision.

"Ask for help from the Civil Guard, dispatch the helicopter, and control the situation."

The war on the docks has reached a fever pitch.The Hand is not an old-fashioned organization, and one of them specializes in the accumulation of weapons.Thermal weapons in the hands are not inferior to military standards.

"The Innocence Society didn't show up, but the New York police and the FBI arrived. Now the scene is chaotic. The government has been unable to take down the pier."

"In order to prevent the Innocence Society, the Hand Society must have set up a lot of ambushes. It is too difficult for those policemen to fight against the ninjas in the shadows."

"Are we going to shoot?"

"Where is SHIELD? Why is there no movement."

"They have some action. But they don't seem to plan to show up. The National Guard has been dispatched. It has entered war mode now. I guess they will not shoot."

"Let our men go. Bring Black Sky back before the National Guard arrives. Also, if possible, bring back a high-level hand killer. Be careful not to overdo it, and it's best to pass it on to the police. "

"We can bring Bogu back."

"It's useless, that's not his real body. Bogu is the one who fears death the most in the Hand. He has always attached his will to another body to carry out actions. Unless it is the last moment, he can't catch him." Stop him. And once he is moved, it will be tantamount to a full-scale declaration of war by the opponents. Now is not the time, after we complete the plan, we will clean up this group of bastards."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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