A new era of comics

Chapter 66 Awakening

Chapter 66 Awakening
In the secret room, Dr. Banner slowly stood up.He has been in the spiritual world for too long, and he doesn't know how much time has passed in the real world.I just feel a stiff feeling all over my body.The stomach is empty, but there is no obvious appetite.

He opened the door, but no one was outside.He could only go out alone.Until a lady in a white coat who looked like a paramedic saw him.

"Dr. Banner. Are you awake? I'm so sorry, I'm preparing a nutritional supplement for you."

"Nutrient? Wait, how long have I been asleep?"

"It's been two weeks. According to the boss's instructions, we didn't wake you up, but used nutrients to maintain your physiological activities. How do you feel now, I will inform the boss immediately. Also, you should lie down and wait a while Have a full inspection."

"I feel very good." Banner felt himself carefully, and found that his originally stiff body had completely recovered.And now he can clearly feel that a force like a nuclear bomb is about to move in his body.It seems to be able to tear everything apart at will.

When Shen Yi rushed back after receiving the news, Banner had already finished the inspection and was sitting beside him drinking coffee.And when Shen Yi saw Banner for the first time, he felt something was wrong.

"Are you Banner... or Hulk?"

"Can you detect it?"

"I'm very sensitive to spiritual power. What happened in the spiritual world? You look different."

"It's very simple, we have become one. Banner and Hulk have become one."

"So, what should I be called now?"

"Call me Banner. After all, this is the main body. Hulk is only a small part."

"That means you devoured the Hulk."

"I'm more inclined to fusion. Since I'm not using violence, Hulk agrees to this solution."

"How did you convince him. You know, it's no different from death to him."

"No, it means that both of our wills are extended at the same time. Of course, this took me a lot of time. About, 20 years. The spiritual world is really a magical place. I remember you said that I will only Twelve hours of sleep. But I now know that I seem to have been asleep for two weeks. What's going on?"

"It's very simple. You have entered a state of samadhi. It may be that the breathing method you have learned before has played a role. In the East, practitioners generally call this kind of behavior as enlightenment. Only very talented practitioners can do it. But like It's rare for you to almost starve yourself to death."

"Maybe it's my subconscious that resists waking up. My deep spiritual world is and should be dominated by my subconscious. I desperately want to solve the problem, so I refuse to wake up."

"You seem to have done a lot of homework?"

"In the spiritual world, I reviewed what I have learned all my life and passed them all on to Hulk. 20 years is a long time. In my spare time, I also did some research on the spiritual world. Although there is no reference, but After all, there are still some results. And I must admit that you are right in one sentence. The spiritual world will be lost. Even if I am in my own spiritual world, when I take control of it, there is always a feeling that stays in it The impulse. The feeling of being a god made me almost lost."

"You have been here for too long, and it seems that you have touched the deep spiritual consciousness. In fact, you can distinguish reality from illusion, which has already surprised me. Normal people, don't say 20 years, even if it is two years , it is possible to get stuck in it. And you should now..."

"Regret? Yes, I regret it. I seem to be at peace now. But inside I even have a strong desire to go back to that dream. It feels like I'm going through a withdrawal reaction now. It's just better than drugs. Such pleasures are much more attractive."

"This is a normal reaction, although there are some problems. But it is much simpler than your previous state of one body and two souls. As time goes by, that feeling will gradually fade away. It's just that you can no longer enter the spiritual state from now on. The world is gone. It’s like drug addicts are extremely easy to relapse. You also have this kind of hidden danger. Don’t stop your meditation, take the initiative to temper your spiritual power, and gradually make up for it. Otherwise, this will be a huge blow to your spiritual world. Loophole."

........................ ..
Hill returned to the Tricurved Wing Building smoothly.Fury already knew about her assassination.But he didn't expect her to appear in front of him so soon.

"A detailed report, what happened at that time?"

"Some incredible things. A private armed group saved me. And they showed a really amazing background. There was even a kind of super soldier, IMHO it's hard to describe in words."

"Can they stand alone against a modern armed squad?"

"...that's it. I'm not sure if they're human. Their bodies are capable of manipulating some black tentacles. Extending from the flesh. There are two, both with the same ability. I feel like some kind of Weapons on the biological side. Both defensive and offensive capabilities are amazing. It can even simulate the effect of flying. I have never seen that kind of equipment."

"It's Umbrella."

"It should be, although they didn't clearly state their identities. But they didn't cover up too much, and I was basically sure. But I don't know, what is the relationship between what happened now and them?"

"It was Umbrella who pushed it all. I noticed a long time ago that they had been preparing something. In less than three years, Umbrella has become a giant-level company. Plus they have The relationship between Hanmo Military Industry and Norman Industry, and now Umbrella has begun to have the shadow of a super group.

But the man at the helm named Shen Yi was obviously not satisfied.He hoarded huge resources and secretly formed an army.And those super technologies of unknown origin.I always feel like they are preparing for a war. "

"Is the information they provided accurate?"

"I really hope they are wrong. But you have seen the actual situation. S.H.I.E.L.D. has been fully infiltrated. But what I care more about is Shen Yi's attitude. If you think about it carefully, you can feel that his attitude towards these things Attitude. Now, he seems to arouse the interest of the two children and let us play around. Then we have no time to bother him. And he is preparing more important things."

 The first update, please recommend, please collect.


(End of this chapter)

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