A new era of comics

Chapter 64 Raid

Chapter 64 Raid
In the mountains of Missouri.A team of heavily armed special forces walked through the mountains and forests.They spread out, holding various high-tech scanners to detect any unusual energy feedback from the surrounding heat.This testing has been going on for several months.

The mountains of Missouri have already been scanned by them.And just today, they finally found some kind of different energy feedback.

"200 meters ahead, I think we have found it." The team leader said excitedly.

Everyone gathered at the energy feedback location.It was a strange plant.It looks like the branches and leaves are integrated into you, in a hollowed out state, enclosing a core that exudes a faint light.From the perspective of shape alone, it is a bit out of tune with the surrounding environment.However, this thing is hidden in a large number of weeds and bushes, so it is difficult to find.And when the special forces approached it, they even faintly felt a sense of fear in their hearts.Almost wanted to turn around and run.

"What's going on, this strange feeling."

"Calm down, don't be nervous. Just restrain yourself. This is a self-protection function. This thing emits a kind of bioelectricity, which can affect the emotions of living organisms and make us fear. This can prevent it from being attacked by wild beasts." Human biological destruction. This thing is an extremely advanced life."

"A tall plant?"

"Hehe, it just looks like a plant. At present, this thing should be in a state where the seeds have just germinated. When it grows up, it will show other forms. According to the boss, this thing will even endanger the entire earth consolation."

"So what are we going to do. Unplug it?"

"...No, we want to buy this forest."

New York City, today welcomed a group of special guests.A man in a black suit and sunglasses.Leading a group of young men and women into the city.The first batch of students under Wesker and Takeshi Kitano finally arrived in Umbrella, New York.

"In the previous week, Umbrella was invaded nine times. Max was even directly attacked three times. Although no real damage was done, our security forces have been pushed to the limit. If you don't come again, I'm going to organize a team of mercenaries to carry out armed patrols."

"I brought twelve assassins from the academy. They have completed the main courses and have some actual combat experience. The rest will be accumulated through combat. The most important thing is that they all carry the symbiotic reproductive system. Pack."

"That's good. From now on, you will take over the entire security system of Umbrella and Norman Technology. Wesker, this is what you are best at. Don't let me down. Also, Max, strengthen Check out his protective power. He's our first partner. Try to keep them safe."

"Got it, do we know who the enemy is now? I can make a counterattack plan."

"All the interest groups in the entire oil chain are our enemies. I don't have the energy to distinguish them one by one. I don't have the relevant talents who can be trusted. After you take over, start to arrange. We have sufficient financial support , you can let go and do it.”

"I'll get to work right away."

Just as Wesker arrives in Umbrella, another character arrives in Super New York.Maria Hill, Nick Fury's lieutenant and one of his most trusted people.

Hill's face was a little heavy, Fury used the top-secret communication between them, and the direct life is now in the deep shadow state. , which means that SHIELD is facing a huge threat, and she is now, no one can believe it.

This feeling made her very bad, she didn't know what was going on.But a trace of anxiety was heard from Fury's words.She had known Fury for more than ten years, and this was the first time she felt his emotional fluctuations.In this case, dialing himself back means that Fury has felt the pressure like never before.

Driving the Chevrolet SUV specially equipped by S.H.I.E.L.D., Hill drove towards the Tricurved Wing Building.At a traffic light intersection, a police car came up parallel.One of the police officers wearing sunglasses looked at Hill carefully.It made Hill very uncomfortable. Even through the sunglasses, Hill still felt a malicious gaze.

Subconsciously, she was about to take out her fbi ID and drink the other party back.But the other party didn't stop, just overtook and left.As odd as it was, Hill didn't have time for these things.She needs to rush to the Three Curved Wing Building as soon as possible.

However, the moment he started the car, a violent shock came from the side.His car was directly knocked more than ten meters away by a huge impact force.The huge impact made Hill dizzy.In a trance, Hill flashed through a dozen thoughts, and finally decided that she was attacked.

At such a sensitive moment, what are the chances of her being hit by a car at this intersection?So, this can't be a coincidence.Her purpose-built vehicle protected him from mortal threats.Hill directly drew out his pistol on alert, and at the same time tried to start the car again.

At this time, the overtaking police car reversed back.Although the opponent was a police car, Hill did not feel the slightest joy, because he had already seen the automatic rifle in the opponent's hand, which was not equipped by the New York police.

Bang bang bang, Hill fired the gunshots.In this situation, she resolutely took the lead and shot and killed all four 'policemen' in the approaching police car.At the same time, it also left a gap in front of itself.

Two other police cars crashed from the side.But it only hit the rear of Hill's vehicle, because she had already started the car one step ahead of time, and forcibly escaped from the encirclement.

Hill pressed the emergency button and frantically called for help.

"Brooklyn Avenue, New York, a level [-] incident, requesting support."

"Detective, please report your code name, I need to check."

Hill directly hung up the communication, the emergency call line, if there is still a need to check the verification process, then what is the use of the word urgent.Moreover, she used the highest level of communication, which theoretically revealed her identity as a ninth-level agent.The other party actually asked her to provide identification, which already explained some problems.S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated.

Umbrella, Ada hurried over to report to Shen Yi.

"Hydra did it, but it wasn't on Fury, it was on Hill. She was attacked on Brooklyn Avenue."

"It's much earlier than expected, and it seems that the pressure on Fury Hydra is much greater than expected."

"Hill is in danger right now too, do we need to save her?"

"Hehe, Ada, you sound a little impatient."

"Well, sort of. I hope I can save her. I hope to see more women like me."

 The first update, collection, recommendation.The recommendation ticket has slipped, please support.


(End of this chapter)

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