A new era of comics

Chapter 61 Gravitational proton element

Chapter 61 Gravitational proton element

"Now, Hydra is no longer an enemy. Nick Fury will stare at them for us."

In Umbrella's internal meeting, Shen Yi summarized the practical significance of the previous action.Not just for Skye's allegiance.Shen Yi's main purpose is to remind Nick Fury.In the original book, Nick Fury had no power to fight back, and was almost killed by Hydra directly because the enemy knew everything about him.And he knew nothing about his opponent.Even he has been living in the virtual environment created by his opponents.This information disadvantage makes Hydra well-prepared for an attack.Nick Fury barely fought back.

But it's different now.Shen Yi has already uncovered a corner of the hidden enemy for him.And Alexander Pierce has yet to complete the layout.Nick Fury is starting to rebound now, enough for Hydra to scramble.This is also what Shen Yi wants to see. Umbrella is in a stage of rapid development.He didn't want to draw too much attention from Hydra or S.H.I.E.L.D. at this time.

Soon, the heads of each department reported the progress of each project to Shen Yi in turn.

"Dr. Zhao Hailun's regeneration box project has made breakthrough progress since last week. Now it is only a matter of time before the clinic. It is worth mentioning that not long ago, Dr. Connor and Dr. Helen's laboratory made a joint Exploration, the two sides exchanged experimental data, and finally decided to merge the two programs into one."

"Okay. From this point of view, the Box of Regeneration does overlap with Dr. Connor's research. Just do what they say."

"Dr. Otto's artificial sun project has just started, and the progress is not obvious. But the logistics department is generally optimistic about this project. At the same time, Dr. Otto also derived a project of mechanized prosthetic limbs, in order to facilitate the operation of the artificial sun."

"Yes, add some funds to him. The artificial sun is different from the arc reactor. This thing is too tyrannical. It is not easy to control. The supervision department will step up efforts to ensure that there are no accidents."

"Understood. There is also the forced colonization armor plan. There is news from the headquarters. They have made some progress. But the level is too high. I'm afraid you have to go and check it yourself."

"I see, what about other departments? What new news has come."

"Some trivial news came from the intelligence department. One of our teams has detected abnormal energy fluctuations near Kunlun Mountain. But the exact location is still uncertain."

"Don't over-promote this task, tell them, just lock in a general position. Don't pursue it deeply, let alone make any noise."

"Understood, there is news from Umbrella. The bio-energy plan will carry out a large-scale promotion, and you will be required to attend the press conference at that time."

"Remember this for me, and let Ada remind me when the time comes."

After his subordinates withdrew, Shen Yi opened the call with the Siberia headquarters.

"Boss, according to your request, we tried to make the symbiont and Zhenjin merge with each other. But in the end, we found that this is almost impossible. Zhenjin is too stable, so we changed our thinking, and with the help of nanotechnology, the curve is completed. this goal.

We let the gold-shocking nanoworms merge with the symbiont.So as to obtain their ability to change freely and the characteristics of absolute defense at the same time.And a great breakthrough has been made.However, this technology is currently not available for mass production. "

"Tell me, what's the problem."

"For that reason, Zhenjin is too stable. Our existing nanoworms can't be decomposed and copied at all. We can only start from scratch and use Zhenjin to make them. And even if the Zhenjin nanoworms are manufactured, they still can't use Zhenjin. Self-replicating. The properties of this metal are very weird. We need to build a special production line of gold-vibrating nanoworms before we can mass-produce them. But the technology is not very mature yet. We will need some time."

"It has exceeded my expectations. I will do my best to solve whatever is needed. Remember, I only want the most perfect finished product."

"As you wish, we will make it as perfect as possible."

"How are Ivan and his son?"

"The headquarters has fully started to be powered by the Ark reactor last week. The two of them are currently working together."

"Be optimistic about them, this father and son are restless people."

"Chief Takeshi Kitano has made careful arrangements."

"That's good. How's Kitano's Legion of Assassins?"

"The actual combat has already begun, and the effect is very good."

"Let Takeshi Kitano select a few clever ones, equip them with first-generation biological breeding equipment, and send them to me. In addition, let Wesker select suitable candidates and gradually take over the defense work of the headquarters. I need him to be transferred too. We need to speed up The pace is fast. Although some breakthroughs have been made, the overall progress is still behind."

It took a whole day to listen to the reports of various departments, and issued the next work tasks.Shen Yi got up and left the headquarters. He invited someone to dinner today.

Unlike before, when you want to meet someone, you need various relationships to open the way.Shen Yi is now a star entrepreneur in New York City and even the United States.After establishing a preliminary cooperative relationship with the Ministry of National Defense and obtaining corresponding partners in the political field, Shen Yi is now a big shot in the eyes of most people.

At least that's how Dr. Hall sees it.Dr. Hall as a non-famous professor of physics.A cold study has been going on.Gravitational protons.Dr. Hall used his own unique formula to deduce the existence of this special element.He has been trying to synthesize this stuff for years.

However, synthesizing a new element is undoubtedly not that simple.What's more, it is a special element outside the periodic table.For several years, the experiment went nowhere, and Dr. Hall had lost all his investors.But now, a rising capitalist asked him to have dinner, and Hall gladly went to the appointment.

"Simply speaking, Dr. Hall. I am very interested in your theory of gravitational protonium. Therefore, I plan to invest in this project. I don't know what you want."

"With all due respect, most of the capital circles are not optimistic about my project. I don't know why Mr. Shen is interested in it?"

"Hehe, do you want to hear the truth or lies."

"Of course it's true."

"The truth is, I have a lot of money. More than you can imagine. So I decided to invest in some unpopular projects, because most of the hot projects have fierce competition. In fact, except for you. I also I am going to invest in more than seven similar projects. According to the theory of probability, as long as there is one initial fruit, I can make a lot of money. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

"..."'This damn rich man, Hall thought in his mind.But the mouth can only go along with the egg pain.

"Of course, Mr. Shen is a straightforward person."

After Hall left, Ada took out a document and reported it to Shen Yi.

"According to our investigation, his research has not made any breakthroughs in these years. But it is very interesting, we found that he is actually still secretly working on another project. In fact, most of the funds have been consumed by this project It’s just that we don’t know exactly what it is.”

"Hehe, Ida. It may be difficult for an agent like you to understand the minds of some scientists. Dr. Hall is an idealist. I'm sure he already has gravitational protons in his hands. His research is not how to use this an element, but... how to destroy it."

 Encountered some painful trivial matters, and I was in a bad mood all day.We will adjust the status as soon as possible and restore the proper quality.

(End of this chapter)

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