A new era of comics

Chapter 58 Armed Assembly (Part 1)

Chapter 58 Armed Assembly (Part [-])
If a person commits a criminal act unconsciously, should he be held responsible for it?How much responsibility is required.This is a game between law and morality.And no matter how the game is played, there cannot be a winner.Because there will never be an absolute balance between emotion and reason.

Banner is a good guy, but Hulk is definitely not.Maybe he was unconscious, just acting on instinct.But just a few times after it awakened, dozens of people died.In the confrontation with the military, countless soldiers were killed.Although this is all caused by unconsciousness.But the casualties were real.Banner understands this deeply.But he still couldn't do it.

Hulk came from the same body as him.They are closer than twins.Banner could even feel the uneasiness and helplessness in Hulk's mind.In the spiritual world, Hulk's fragility is fully exposed.

"Like you said, I can't do it. I don't know why. It killed a lot of innocent people. But I still can't do it. Can you help me? You are so powerful that you can even enter the spirit world of others .So, can you help me with this?"

"Hehe." Shen Yi laughed.Then as soon as he raised his hand, a pistol appeared in his hand.Without hesitation, he fired a shot at the Super Hulk.But a funny scene appeared.The gun rang, but what came out was not a bullet, but a dangling balloon.It exploded in mid-air with a touch, bursting out colored paper all over the sky.

"...What does this mean?" Banner was bewildered.Shen Yi doesn't look like a person who makes such jokes.

"The reason is simple. Like I said before, Banner, it's your choice. Only you in this world have the ability to hurt others. I can do it with all my strength. But it will kill you too Yes. Because I can't hurt Hulk in this space unless I destroy your entire mental world. Your subconscious is rejecting me. So no one can help you. You made the wrong choice at the beginning. Now You have to pay for it.”

"But I can't do it. I can't kill another self." Banner's face was a little painful. At this moment, his somewhat cowardly character became the biggest shortcoming.

"You can do it. Think of Betty, think of your life. The chance to take it back is here. You can regain your scientist status. You can regain your love. You can regain what you lost Life."

"No, even if I kill the Hulk. The military won't let me go. They won't believe that the Hulk disappeared. And if the Hulk has gained sanity, then it's even more impossible for them to let me go."

"As a scientist, what do you think is the reason for the emergence of the power in your body?"

"I was irradiated by gamma rays, and my body was mutated."

"Mutation, hehe. Is this really your inner thoughts? Don't tell me you didn't notice, something was wrong when you transformed into Hulk. No matter how you mutate, you must follow the law of energy conservation. After you transform, the weight It has increased more than ten times. How to explain this.”

"...There must be a reason for this that we can't determine."

"The reason for the power in your body may be far beyond our imagination. And there are a lot of unknown factors and unstable factors in it. Therefore, this will be a dangerous project with a very low return rate."

"what are you talking about?"

"I'm preparing my statement to the Department of Defense. I can launch a high-level vote to veto the military's super soldier plan. In fact, most of the U.S. military does not support this plan. It's just that General Ross is high. He has a lot of weight, and he has a very wide network, so he can last until now. But in fact, he has already managed to maintain it. I just need to push him lightly, and he will be defeated like a mountain."

"The resources you have invested in me are beyond imagination. It will be very difficult to promote this kind of bill. I don't think I have such great value."

"For being one of the smartest people in the world. And soon to be one of the smartest and most powerful. You don't think you're worth that much. All I can say is, you underestimate yourself Yes. Well, this is your own choice after all, so I will not interfere with you anymore. I will withdraw from your spiritual world.

Remember, this is your world.You can do anything here.In reality, you will be comatose for more than six hours.But here, as long as you want.You can stretch that to six years or more, and you have a lot of time to make decisions. "

........................ ..
Shen Yi withdrew from Hulk's spiritual world.Because at this time he received a report from his subordinates.

"We have fully locked down Daniel Whitehall's location. And monitored all his escape routes, as well as the safe house. The time has come."

"Then inform Skye. She's been waiting too long."

S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately sensed the problem.Because in New York City, there's some sort of armed force building up.Nick Fury thought of Umbrella almost immediately.Although there are forces much larger than Umbrella's suspicion.But he still set his target on Umbrella immediately.

It's just that he hasn't waited for any orders.Shen Yi's call arrived.Nick Fury's personal phone.Not many people in this world know about it.But now an unknown number is displayed on it.

"who are you?"

"I thought you should remember my voice." Shen Yi's voice came from the phone.

"You assembled the armed forces in New York City. What are you going to do?" Nick Fury didn't worry about how Shen Yi knew his phone number.Instead, he directly asked the most critical question at the moment.

"The reason why I called is to explain this problem. I plan to conduct a joint operation with S.H.I.E.L.D. Are you interested?"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. will not conduct joint operations with any private armed forces. Stop your operations immediately, or the National Guard will surround Umbrella in 5 minutes."

"Really? The National Guard, not S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Special Ops?"

"I will not repeat my warning."

"Believe it or not. This action of mine is a gift to you. And I think the sooner you receive this gift, the better."

"You're going to start a war in New York City, but you tell me it's a gift for me? Need I remind you? You only have four minutes left." Nick Fury's tone became dangerous.

"Daniel Whitehall." Shen Yi said the name, and then hung up the phone directly.

(End of this chapter)

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