Chapter 52

The forces of Aegis drama spread all over the world and have dealt with various crisis events.Since World War II, they have been consciously containing various dangerous items and various black technologies. 084 is a special code name among these contained species.

Refers to one of the items that is basically absolutely unknown so far.Regardless of its attributes, uses, etc., it is an unknown item.Coulson is still only a seventh-level agent, and he doesn't know the concept of 084 at all.But when Nick Fury heard the news, he fell into deep thought.

SHIELD's various containments are countless.It's impossible for Nick Fury to know everything.But this one, he was somewhat impressed.Because it was sealed by Peggy Carter, the founder of S.H.I.E.L.D.For decades, S.H.I.E.L.D. has not initiated research on that thing.But no progress has been made.

They only know that the shell of the thing is made of an unknown metal.It's solid, and it has some kind of simple and mysterious code on it.From the appearance point of view, the shape of this thing is not regular.Presents an offset polyhedral columnar morphology.And most importantly, this is an extremely dangerous item.

Because as long as anyone touches something without protection.It will turn into an inorganic state and collapse like gravel.A lot of times, S.H.I.E.L.D. thinks it's a weapon.But I haven't been able to find a way to drive it, and I don't understand the source of its power.

After several twists and turns, this thing was finally abandoned.It has become one of countless containment objects.

"Did he say exactly he wanted 084?"


"Do you think he knows what this is?"

"Obviously, he knows it very well. The things hidden behind Umbrella are very complicated, and even make me feel a little horrified. This organization seems to know many secrets that even we don't know."

"In this world, there will always be things that we can't recognize. Give him the things and let Natasha come back as soon as possible."

"Sir, this thing might be dangerous." Coulson didn't seem to expect Fury to agree so easily.

"No, in fact, you can know with a little imagination. This is not a weapon, it is obviously a container. The outside is a protective measure. The real core should be what is inside these metal layers. An unknown It is still acceptable to exchange for Natasha. This is a deal, Coulson. The other party is sending me a signal. If you want to get something, you must give something."

................................. ..
"So how can I discover my abilities?" Skye asked impatiently in the training room.

"You belong to a very ancient and peculiar race. Your abilities cannot be awakened through self-awakening. Instead, you need a special ceremony. I am already preparing resources for you. But if you want a perfect awakening, you must first It takes a strong body."

"You seem to know us very well. Are you one of us?"

"No, although I also have some similar abilities. But we are not the same in nature. My abilities come from the day after tomorrow. Your abilities are engraved deep in your genes. And there is one thing I must remind you, your race is not Imperfect. At the moment of awakening your abilities, various defects in your genes will also be exposed.

This means that during the awakening process, it is very likely that there will be distortions or degeneration of body organs.Therefore, if you want to awaken your own abilities, you need to go through more than one procedure.We will try to fix as many flaws in your genes as possible, ensuring that you transition perfectly into your new form. "

"I am very grateful for everything you have done. But, don't you think you have done too much for me? When I awaken, you can get a subordinate with super powers. I don't deny this, if you can help me Find my parents, and I can work for you. But what if my ability is useless? I don’t think you will know what my future ability is now. With my hacking ability alone, what you have paid is already There are too many. Don’t even think about it, I know that the resources used for awakening must be very precious.”

"It's normal for you to have this kind of thinking, Skye. No one will give for another person without asking for something in return, except for biological parents. Everything I do for you is an investment. Your group, I know they exist. But unfortunately I can't find them. They are hidden somewhere in the world. And I hope to reach a certain cooperative relationship with them. But I need a key first."

"I am your key?"

"Yes, they should have a technology that can sense the awakened brethren around the world. So, as long as you keep you, I will see them eventually. And if my predictions are correct, your mother should be inside. "


.................................... ..
In a hidden base somewhere, Daniel Whitehall is overseeing a biological experiment.An adjutant behind him came to report.

"Chief Bakshi has been missing for six days. We have reason to suspect that something has happened to him."

"Where was he last seen?"

"To receive the data from a small biological laboratory. He didn't need to go there in person. But Chief Bakshi thinks that person in charge is worth training. So he goes there in person every time."

"Then bring her here and ask her."

"...Unfortunately, we couldn't do it. In fact, we tried to do this the first time Chief Bakshi disappeared. But around the woman named Reina, other security forces appeared. We tried several times, but all failed. Unless we conduct a paramilitary-level armed raid, we will not be able to break through the other party's security forces."

"Do you know which side it is?"

"Currently, the clues that can be traced point to Umbrella. But they are now the key support enterprises of the city government, and they are also the technology holders of the bio-energy project. Pierce's line has been trying to win them over."

"Then take it easy and give Pierce some face. Keep an eye on Umbrella."

The line of Daniel Whitehall was originally considered a large branch of Hydra.But after being taken over by Peggy Carter that year.Whitehall spent decades in prison.After he came out, although he still gathered a group of subordinates.But after fumbling around, he came up with a way to restore his youth.

This is essentially a remarkable invention.But the benefits are all for him to enjoy alone.Moreover, the entire research project does not help Hydra's 'great cause' in the slightest.This made his branch involuntarily weaker than several other branches.

Alexander Pierce is currently in a high position and is also the highest-ranking person on Hydra's face.Simply put, Daniel can't afford to mess with each other.As for a Bakshi, that's a good assistant, but that's about it.The matter did not end, but entered a brief lull.

In this situation, Shen Yi's team worked hard one after another.After Dr. Helen Zhao, Otto, Gunther, Dr. Octavius ​​(Dr. Octopus), and Dr. Connor (Dr. Lizard) were successively recruited, plus the original Norman, and Vanke and his son.The technical team in Shen Yi's hands has top leaders in energy, biology, mechanical engineering and other fields.

Umbrella has begun to enter a stage of full development.At this time, one of Shen Yi's overseas teams gave a message.They were in Brazil and found the whereabouts of Bruce Banna.

The Hulk is a super popular character in the Marvel universe.But Shen Yi actually didn't like him.For a person on the boss route, Shen Yi hates those uncontrollable factors.The Hulk is one of them, and the most typical kind.For Shen Yi, Bruce Banner's seven doctorates are much better than that green fat guy who can only smash.

 The first update, please collect, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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