Chapter 39
Wakanda, the party is over.Several of Shen Yi's subordinates were taken to the guest room to rest.But the old king invited Shen Yi to the study.

"I thought the king's study would be more gorgeous." Shen Yi said, looking at the surrounding layout.

"Since it's a study room, it's better to be more stable. I'm old and don't like that gorgeous style. Now, we can talk about your purpose. I'm very happy that you killed Crowe. But I know You're here for something else. Tell me."

"There are not many things in Wakanda that people can remember. Therefore, my purpose is very simple. I want to shake gold, a lot of gold."

"How much do you want?" The old king looked as expected.

"Ten tons."

"Ahem..." The tea in the old king's mouth spewed out.

"The price of Zhenjin is ten times that of gold. Do you know what you are talking about? Ten tons is shocking. You can buy more than a dozen African countries."

"That's only for the outside world. In fact, for you, it's just a negligible inventory. There are tens of thousands of tons of shock gold reserves in your warehouse. There are hundreds of thousands of tons of gold in your mines that have not been mined I only need ten tons of shock gold, why should I be so surprised?"

"Mr. Shen, you have to understand. You just won the friendship of Wakanda. Are you going to squander it like this now?"

"It turns out that by killing one of your wanted criminals, you can get the friendship of the most technologically advanced country in the world. Is this how you understand friendship? I thought the country didn't pay attention to friendship but only interests? I paid What you need most, so you should give me what I need."

"Ten tons is impossible. I'll give you fifty kilograms at most."

"It turns out that the lives of hundreds of people in Wakanda are only worth [-] kilograms of shock gold in the eyes of their king? I don't know how much they will pay if I talk to the border tribes." The old king's face twitched, and the border tribes The Wakabi parents died at the hands of Crowe.Under that kind of bloody enmity, the old king may not be able to suppress him.

"One ton, no more. Zhenjin shouldn't be left in the outside world. I'm already making an exception."

"Five tons, look, I'm very sincere. It just shrunk."

"Don't go too far, this is Wakanda."

"And then? I'm just bringing the gift Wakanda most desires, and I'm here in exchange for a little something from you. What are you going to do, kill us?"

"I will give you three tons of shock gold. But there are a few conditions." The old king pondered for a long time, and finally compromised.

.............................. ..
Chemical plant in Los Angeles.The originally bright lights suddenly went out.The ground part of the entire chemical plant was plunged into darkness.

"What's going on, someone check the power supply. Maybe the fuse is blown."

"Burn your mother's head. It is obvious that there is a surprise attack. Everyone is on guard. Free fire is allowed. Don't get close to the power supply and start the backup generator set directly. Everyone shrinks inside and guards all entrances to the laboratory."

The commander is obviously not mediocre, and he can judge the problem in an instant.And made the most conservative, but the most effective response.

"They were not fooled, but instead shrunk their troops."

"That's even easier. Rpg opens the way and blows up all the defenses. It's half an hour away from the city. The Los Angeles police will arrive in about four and 10 minutes. At the same time, the other party may have faster support. So, full firepower , End the battle within 10 minutes. Get the target, and then evacuate. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1..."

"Boom..." There was a violent explosion, and flames shot up into the sky.All the guards of the Life Foundation were shocked.This is Los Angeles.An explosion of this size was enough to trigger a response from the National Guard.

At the same time, news came from the laboratory.

"Something happened outside. I just heard an explosion."

"We were attacked, and the enemy used heavy firepower to force their way in. We can't hold it, so I suggest evacuating immediately."

"...Hold on for half an hour." The commander of the guard did not wait until he spoke.The lab immediately hung up the phone.


In the laboratory, a leader in a white coat is giving orders.

"It's exposed here, clean up all the data, and the test subjects, including the new homeless. Evacuate after 10 minutes."

With a loud bang, the bunker above his head was blasted with a big hole.According to him, it took only about 1 minute to communicate with the outside world.But obviously, the perimeter defense has missed.

"It's too late, start the self-destruct procedure. Take everything away..." Before he finished speaking, a bullet from nowhere directly pierced his head.

A tall figure jumped down from the void above. It was Igor, the commander of this operation.One of Shen Yi's five reinforced soldiers.

"I came in, the first team cleaned up all the rebels. The second team collected all the copies of the data and destroyed them. The third team found the person in charge here and brought him here. All the captains moved closer to me."

"I still don't know what we are looking for here," said Fia, the only female among the five.

"I don't know either. Boss described it to me. But to be honest, I didn't understand it. But he said, I will understand it as soon as I see it. It's a black, sticky , a special creature that feels disgusting at a glance. I can't imagine what it is."

"Uh, I want to know. It should be that thing." Fia pointed to the front and said.

In front of them are three transparent cylindrical containers.And inside the container is Sanduo black, sticky, wriggling thing.Apparently some staff wanted to take it away.But was hit by a stray bullet.The thing ended up staying where it was.

"Okay, black, sticky, something you can understand when you see it. It looks like this thing." At this time, the security personnel outside sent a message.

"Sir, there are new armed forces approaching outside."

"Is it the National Guard?"

"No, it's some kind of private armed force. Not surprisingly, it should be the reinforcements here."

"Stop them for 5 minutes, then evacuate. Remember to destroy this place completely. Fia, take your things. We need to retreat."

More than a dozen Hummer vehicles came galloping from afar.There were more than sixty heavily armed soldiers in the car.But when they are near chemical plants.A huge wave of air rushed over.The first few Hummers were overturned like billboards.

What followed was a violent explosion and a mushroom cloud rising into the sky.A violent explosion like a small star nuclear bomb produces a shock wave.Killed all the support teams directly.The shock wave penetrated their bodies, shattering their internal organs.There is also an incredible expression on the faces of most people.But it is forever frozen in this moment.

 The first update, please collect, please recommend.


(End of this chapter)

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