A new era of comics

Chapter 36 The Trip to Wakanda

Chapter 36 The Trip to Wakanda

In the deepest part of Africa, dense jungle covers the entire continent.Among the mountains, some nomadic tribes are driving their flocks.From time to time, there will be a few African-style drums.The original, rough, and wild beauty picture scroll slowly unfolded before everyone's eyes.

"It's almost there, don't continue to fly forward. Let's walk over here to show sincerity. And we don't know the exact air coordinates. The shock gold shield is almost an absolute defense at present."

"Understood. Landing in 30 seconds."

The helicopter landed slowly on an open grassland.Shen Yi, Bai Yougui, Ada, and Jessica stepped off the plane.Jessica looked around, except for the mountains and the jungle.

"So, there is one of the most developed countries in the world hidden here? I can't see anything."

"No, there is indeed a problem here. Our scanners show hundreds of high-energy reactions around us. It seems that the border tribes have noticed us." Ada added.

"Let's go, let's meet the frontier tribes first. White Ghost, bring your tickets."

Bai Ghost turned around and dragged a huge travel bag from the helicopter.followed behind the crowd.

After walking a few steps, I saw many strong soldiers appearing around one after another.They are armed with a kind of crude cutlass and wear some light blue 'sheet' cloaks.Slowly surrounded the crowd in the middle.

"Outsiders, you are not welcome here. Get out of here." said a strong man with a somewhat bloated figure.It is the leader of the frontier tribe in the original book, Wakabi.

"We don't mean to offend, but we are here for the friendship of Wakanda. Hope to meet the king of Wakanda. We have a business with him."

"There is nothing to talk about. You are not welcome here." The surrounding soldiers pressed forward again.The scimitar in his hand, and the cloak on his body, although nothing can be seen with the naked eye.But Shen Yi could already feel that special energy response.The Wakanda people disguised the Zhenjin energy weapon as a backward primitive sword.But Shen Yi didn't dare to be careless at all.

Because these weapons are already capable of causing damage to them.And those cloaks also have their own energy shields.These seemingly primitive soldiers are actually an era more advanced than the most luxurious special forces equipment in the world.

"I know you don't welcome outsiders. So, I specially brought a small gift."

Bai Youling stepped forward without saying a word, and threw the woven bag in front of the opponent.A guard next to Wakabi stepped forward and opened the woven bag.On the other side, the rest of the guards silently took a step forward.Protect Wakabi behind him.

The guard opened the woven bag and was startled for a moment.Then suddenly understood again.Drag the woven bag directly in front of Wakabi.

Wakabi was also taken aback by Crowe's body.But then he looked at Shen Yi with a meaningful look.He and Crowe saw blood and deep hatred.At this time, Crowe's body was in front of him, so he had to show some face.

"Ulysses Crow, Wakanda's number one mortal enemy. I don't know if this gift can let me meet your king?"

"Follow me." After hesitating for a few minutes, Wakabi finally agreed.

................................. ..
Baltimore, late at night.A container is unloaded off the dock.And there is a cargo ship waiting on the sea.


"Only 23, too few. This is New York, and there are 10,000+ homeless people on the street. Just give me 23?"

"It's not the same now. The new boss doesn't allow this kind of business anymore. For the sake of the past, I'll get you this batch."

"You are short of money to buy fans."

"Ten thousand dollars each, whether you want it or not."

"It was always eight thousand before."

"I'm short of money to sell fans."

"...Okay, ship. Get more next month. Demand has been high lately."

"It depends, maybe I won't be here next month."

The container was quickly hit by the tower crane onto the cargo ship.Mixed in among the mass of shipping containers.The cargo ship left the pier at night.In the container, 23 'tramps' were falling asleep at this time.

But right in the middle of the crowd, a body suddenly moved.Then slowly raised his body.Unkempt and ragged, he looked no different from those tramps.But if you look carefully, you will find it.This man's eyes were bright, and he didn't have the decadence and depravity of those tramps.

And although his figure is not very strong, it is extremely well-proportioned and fit.There is a slight difference from those bums.I saw him put his hand into his mouth.Using force with his right hand, he broke a tooth.Immediately afterwards, he crushed the shell of the 'teeth' on the iron wall of the container.A signal transmitter with a flashing red light inside was revealed.

At the same time, in a small base far away in New York, a computer flashed an alarm.

"There's a signal, they're moving east coast."

"Lock the signal, let's keep up."

........................ ..
Mike is a retired military veteran.In fact, it's not just on the battlefield, he came from a very high-level secrecy army.Performed more than one special mission.War, killing is almost the whole of his life.

After leaving the army, Mike couldn't find a job.It is unbelievable that a special forces officer who has performed various high-level secret missions cannot find a job after returning home.

This is mainly because Mike felt that he could not adapt to that kind of ordinary life.He craves battle, he craves adventure.So he joined the recruitment of a security team through the dark web. With an annual salary of 30 US dollars, even the top security guards cannot have such a high salary.He knew it long before he joined.This level of remuneration is absolutely impossible for ordinary security guards.

The essence of this kind of recruitment is to recruit mercenaries, even killers.Even so, Mike went without hesitation.But to his surprise.His first mission after joining that organization was actually an undercover mission.He was asked to dress up as a homeless man and infiltrate a human-trafficking organisation.Then determine the specific location, and then someone else will take over the next job.

The tracker hidden in the tooth is small in size and can avoid electronic detection equipment.From a professional point of view, this kind of equipment is enough to be called military grade.But obviously this is a private organization.Mike faintly felt that this incident was not simply a human trafficking incident.He seems to be involved in a secret war that has never been seen before.

While thinking wildly, he felt that the cargo ship was gradually slowing down.It seems to be docking.I just don't know where they were taken.

 The second update, collection, recommendation ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah


(End of this chapter)

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