A new era of comics

Chapter 34 Expansion

Chapter 34 Expansion
in a laboratory at Stanford University.A young Asian beauty is conducting an experiment.A small white mouse is fixed on a machine.A wound was opened on the body of the little white mouse.

The machine was running, and a beam of light blue light slowly swept across the mouse's wound.Under the scanning of the blue light, the mouse's wound healed rapidly in a way visible to the naked eye.But at the same time, the little white mouse also began to struggle violently.when the wound is fully healed.The little white mouse also stopped struggling.it died.

Asian beauty just wants to talk.A few professor-like old guys on the side spoke first.

"It's over Zhao, you failed again. Starting today, Stanford University will finally invest in this project. You need to move out of here within 24 hours."

After speaking, without giving the other party the slightest chance to refute, he directly led the person out of the laboratory.Only Zhao Hailun, who was a little downcast, was left alone guarding the empty laboratory.

"Miss Zhao, excuse me." A greeting interrupted Helen Zhao's packing.She looked back and saw a young Asian man and woman standing behind her.

"Um, I know this is a laboratory. But when we came in, no one seemed to stop us. So, I'm sorry if I disturb you." The young Asian man said apologetically.

"Nothing to disturb. The experiments here have been terminated. I'm leaving here. Do you need any help?"

"Of course, I read a paper of yours in the journal Technology Pioneer. In it, you made a key corollary of human regeneration technology. I am very interested in it."

"It turns out that untested inference is not mature. Just look here. I have failed too many times, and now I have lost the investor. I even have to start looking for a job again."

"But as far as I know, that paper was published less than a year ago."

"One year is enough for me to fail seven times." Helen Zhao said with some frustration.

"So, in the face of this top cutting-edge technology, they only failed seven times, and they kicked you out of this laboratory?"

"I got seven chances, which is unbelievable in this country. Do you understand?" Helen Zhao pointed.

"Of course, they generally don't like people of color and get higher grades. But I think your experiment should continue. In my opinion, this is an invention that can change the world."

"Are you here to invest? Wait, I really want to see you somewhere."

"Maybe. At the press conference of the Urban Energy Supply Project not long ago. I attended it. I have a part of that project. Introduce yourself, Shen Yi. The owner of Umbrella Technology Company. I hope to invest in your experiment , what do you want Ms. Helen Zhao?"

"Wow, that's really an honor." Zhao Hailun, who was already at the end of the road, accepted everything in front of her in surprise.At the same time, a person of yellow race, Shen Yi, a well-known investor, is obviously more acceptable to Zhao Hailun.

A new energy plan was launched.This is an ultra-long-term investment, and no material benefits can be reaped in a short period of time.But now Shen Yi has no shortage of cash.Norman Osborn has billions of dollars at his disposal.And now Norman and Shen Yi are on the same boat.The resources in his hands are already quite objective.

In this case, it is natural to start expanding.Zhao Hailun's Box of Rebirth was the first project he invested in.This new technology that appeared in Avengers II can be regarded as one of the most practical of Marvel's hacking techniques.

With money in his hand, Shen Yi waved his hand directly.Built a whole new laboratory for her.All kinds of top equipment are available.And directly recruited an auxiliary team for her.Focus on developing this project.

As for Norman technology, naturally it will not be idle.Although after breaking away from the Osborne Group, Norman could not mobilize resources as he wanted before.But with money in hand, everything is easy to handle.According to Shen Yi's instructions, Norman Technology devoted more resources to the research on the biological side.Make technical reserves for Shen Yi's next key project.

At the same time, the headquarters far away in the Siberian wasteland finally received feedback.A large number of cutting-edge instruments and raw materials were sent to sea through various channels.Then go around, and finally land in Siberia in the abandoned port that has just been restored.Then a large number of heavy trucks are transported to the Siberian headquarters.

Ivan Kovan and his son finally got all the experimental equipment and a lot of raw materials they needed.They formed an energy laboratory and began research and development on the miniaturization of the Ark reactor.Both of them worked very hard, because Dad's life was in the hands of these people.

In this thousand-Soviet military base, Kovan and his son saw a lot of incredible things.Although the number of opponents is small.But some of the technical background they showed amazed even a top scientist like old Ivan.And the other party did use some kind of serum to suppress old Ivan's condition.Therefore, the two fathers and sons spent twelve points of energy for the life of their father.Strive for a breakthrough in the shortest possible time.

With the support of a large number of resources, the most important technical restoration of the headquarters has also begun.They want to re-establish a complete Cobra nanotechnology system in the Marvel universe.The mask made before is just a simple application of nanotechnology.In Shen Yi's plan, the nanotechnology used in the battle suits of the Panther and Iron Man in the later stage is an excellent development direction.

And with the recovery of nanotechnology, Shen Yi began to need to reserve another important resource, Zhenjin.

Ulysses Crowe, has been a little tangled up lately.On the plus side, I made a lot of money.Lots of cash, gems and whatnot.But he always felt that something was wrong.He's an arms dealer, but look what he's been selling lately.

The radioactive element palladium, (what is this?) Industrial centrifuges, vector network analyzers, real-time spectrum analyzers FSVR and RTO oscilloscopes, and other weird instruments.To be honest, except for the industrial centrifuge Crowe, I can't even name the others.Fortunately, he has a very wide network of connections, and after many turns and turns, he finally got these tongue-twisting instruments.

For this reason, he felt that he could switch to reselling these cutting-edge instruments.Because in the process, he established a brand new network of relationships.

While Crowhus was thinking about it, his assistant informed him that the other party wanted to meet.Crowe sighed, wondering what strange things the other party needed.

 The second update, please recommend, please collect.


(End of this chapter)

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