A new era of comics

Chapter 263 The Progress of Civilization

Chapter 263 The Progress of Civilization

In the Freljord, Annie felt that the energy in her body had begun to get out of control.That huge and domineering energy will not be controlled by her current thinking.She was about to become another person or an angel.

The angel family is a race with distinct genetic levels and strict to the extreme.Just like Kryptonians, every angel has already decided his mission before he was born.Ani is naturally the same.Although her self-will is always there.But she could already feel that the power was distorting something.

She felt that as soon as her will was relaxed, she would naturally abandon her country and people and run to become an angel.This feeling made her start to fear.

When the dark blue wormhole appeared in front of her again.Annie even felt a little joy.He hoped that the other party could give her a different choice.

"I have almost understood what you meant before. The energy in my body is gradually distorting my thoughts. Let me transform into an angel. But I don't want this. I hope to protect my people. Drought and famine have continued It has been too long. If I leave now, the whole country will be in chaos. I will not abandon my people at this time."

"As your body continues to change. You will not be able to stay on this planet. Whether you are a human being or an angel."

"Why, if I master that power as a person, I can save my country." Annie shouted a little excitedly.

"You think things are too simple, Queen Ani. The angel family is the top race in the entire universe. And this special race has a characteristic that you can't imagine. They have already left the tradition In the sense of food bondage. In other words, angels can directly absorb the free energy in the universe to survive. Do you know what this means?

The energy you have is not used to save the country.You will become a warrior of the angel family.You can cut off a mountain with a wave of your hand.But you can't make a piece of wheat grow more vigorously.You don't have energy of that nature. "

"No, it shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't angels protect the world?"

"That's the angel in your understanding. The current angel family has just suffered a heavy blow. They are calling all the angels who are living in different places to replenish their own hands. They called you to fight. To ease the situation of a war in the universe .No one will pay attention to those ants-like creatures on this planet."

"...Do you have any other solutions? Since you are back here again, you already have a solution to the problem. Tell me, I will consider it."

"As I said, you can't stay in this world no matter what. If you become an angel, you will naturally be guided by the depths of your genes and return to the angel family. If you become a person who controls the power of angels. The progress of civilization is equally destructive."

"I can shelter them."

"Civilization doesn't need shelter, it needs growth. Self-growth. But if they know that there's a real god over their heads. What do you think will happen? The mediocre will become more depraved. Because the gods will protect them. Ambitious people will lose motivation, because no matter how hard they try, there is a god above their heads.

As long as you take action, solve a crisis for them.The whole civilization will fall into a kind of dependence.Rely on their gods and save themselves.Since then, civilization has lost momentum.And once you fall, or leave, the whole country will fall apart in an instant. "

Although Shen Yi's words were a bit alarmist.But there is still some truth in essence.The process of civilization requires self-exploration and advancement in various crises.Finally get out of your own way.If there is a god leading the way.Unless this god is the true god in that concept, omniscient and omnipotent, without the slightest selfishness.Otherwise, the whole civilization will inevitably go astray.

As for Aini, even if she has mastered the power of the angel family.It is nothing more than gaining a strong fighting ability.For the guidance of civilization, there is no help in the slightest.She can't be a god.

"what do you want?"

"I want you, Annie. I can help you master the power of the angelic family. At the same time maintain your own will. But in return I want you to work for me. Of course, the famine problem in your country, I will help you solve it .”

"Tell me how you want to solve it."

"How many people are there in your country?"

"A population of 200 million." When Ai Ni said this number, she was a little proud.But for Shen Yi, a human being in a modern society. Two million people are just the population of an ordinary city.

"It's about the same as I thought. About half of these 200 million people are in famine. I have raised a lot of supplies through various means. It is enough for them to use for a year."

"What about after that year?"

"Don't worry, listen to me. The reason for your famine is that the crops are not harvested due to drought. But this is not the whole reason. Your agricultural planning is too chaotic. Simply put, you want the crops to grow healthily. You It is necessary to know what kind of land those crops are suitable for growing. Which ones can adapt to drought and which ones can adapt to sandy soil.

Also, the world does not lack crops that can withstand drought and have more vigorous vitality.It's just your people, all frightened by the famine.No one dares to try those new crops easily.My people have found at least three kinds of high-quality crops with more tenacious vitality and higher yields.Also transplanted some crops from our world.Using genetic technology, we have tuned the characteristics of these crops.so that they can grow in this world.It also comes with a complete agricultural plan.and enough seeds. "

"It's that simple?"

"Simple? Maybe. This is what I mean by the progress of civilization. Simply put, everything you have experienced in this world has already been experienced in my world. We have experienced countless famines, floods, various Natural disasters and man-made disasters. Therefore, we have already summed up a complete response method.

When civilization goes further forward.Looking back, those past disasters and despairs were nothing but trivial obstacles.We just need a little nudge and you will be able to get over these obstacles. "

(End of this chapter)

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