A new era of comics

Chapter 239 My Days in Super Seminary (46002 in 1 Chapter)

Chapter 239 My Days in the Super Seminary (4600 Two-in-One Chapter)

My name is Ge Xiaolun. "

"My name is Xin Zhao."

"My name is Jiawen."

This is the scene where our three friends meet for the first time.It's all tears.When I was transferring dormitories, I heard that there was a beautiful woman who had no roommates.I went without hesitation.

When I saw it, she was really a beautiful woman.Although I didn't see the face.But the whole back, figure, that's really... But it's a pity that such a top-notch beauty is a violent madman.She holds a samurai sword and is covered in throwing knives.Three times, five times and two times scare me... beat the shit out of me.Then there was the later self-introduction among our three friends.

That night was my first night in Super Seminary.I got to know two brothers who were later able to deliver backup.At the same time, for the first time in my life, I began to feel the great responsibility.

Our three brothers have different abilities.I can make people shut up, plus I am in good health and have a strong recovery ability.Jarvan can manipulate rock, and soil.It is said that he once used rocks to conjure a giant hand more than ten meters high, and then slapped a group of bad guys into meatloaf.That scene gave me chills just thinking about it.

As for Lord Xin, it is more straightforward.Xinye's ability is to be able to fight.It is said that in the face of that well-trained special forces soldier, Xinye can hit five with one.Ordinary people believe that one hits ten like playing.His ability is strength and speed.If you go through systematic training.It's no different from those fierce generals who are enemies in the legend.

We chatted until very late.How to say that sentence, it's too late to meet each other.But we regretted it the next day.Because at four o'clock in the morning, the assembly call rang.I'm about to train when I arrive.My God, the three of us were just falling asleep at that time.

The beginning is a five-kilometer cross-country.Grind away all the arrogance in everyone's bones.Everything here is different.And all people who have awakened abilities, no matter what type of ability they are.The body will be strengthened to a certain extent.

Five kilometers off-road will not hurt your muscles.But when we who are born in modern society have ever had such a moment of physical exhaustion.Even I, who has the fastest recovery ability, feel like my heart is about to jump out of my throat.Let alone others.A few of them simply fainted.

It is worth mentioning that the violent beauty is also among us.And she made it to the end.Even out of breath.But much stronger than most men.She really deserves to be a violent beauty with such good physical fitness.That man will be able to control her in the future.

Off-roading is a bad start, as we all know.But even if we know it, we have to accept it.Because in the next training, our instructors really convinced us.

I originally thought that it would be some kind of legendary urban soldier king who would come to train us.But I didn't expect that the few instructors who came here didn't look like soldiers.They were filled with a naked killing intent.Don't ask me how I know.As long as this kind of person is close to him, he can feel it immediately.

Our three base friends are all close combat.So you have to receive a lot of actual combat training.And our instructors are two very special people.Mainly because of the special clothes.Of those two guys, one is always dressed in white and the other is dressed in black.

The one in white is called White Ghost, and the one in black is called Kitano Takeshi.But we all call them Black and White Shuangsha in private.But complaints belong to complaints.These two instructors are really the most powerful people I have ever seen in my life.

Lord Xin knows, it is the one who can beat ten of them.They gave me the feeling that ten believers are not enough to watch.But they also teach very seriously.These are all useful tips.And with our super physical fitness, the power becomes even stronger.

Violent beauties train with us.People are different from us.That girl, what she awakened was the spatial ability.This is the proper protagonist Fan in the novel and movie.And people have long used their abilities to play Thief Six.Not only can it use space jump to realize instant movement.And it can also achieve some kind of more high-end operation.She was able to hide hundreds of throwing knives in a small space with her (this is another protagonist template).

Don't ask these things, how do we know.The three of us wanted to take revenge on her secretly because we were too angry to be punished by her.So he hid in the grass to scare her.As a result... Hey, if I talk too much, I will cry.Anyway, she will be the eldest sister in the future.At least in front of the three of us.

The instructors not only gave us various combat skills.We also need to add all kinds of unknown knowledge at any time.What genetics, what high-energy physics, what string theory, what new human evolution and so on.The strange thing is that we, who were all scumbags before, turned into masters when we learned this knowledge.Each one is making rapid progress.It appears that we have not only evolved physically.Our brains are similarly enhanced.

There are many very special people in Super Seminary.I even saw an alien once.Yes, aliens.How could a normal person have purple skin.But it's strange that aliens also have tattoos.

The purple bald head seems to be of high status.More than once, I saw some general-level people wandering around the base with him.And every time he went, some layouts in the base would change.Added a lot of magical places.

For example, Super Seminary has a gravity training room, dare you believe it.It is the kind of gravity room used by Monkey King for training in Dragon Ball.Ordinary people can't use this thing.Under twice the gravity, the internal organs of ordinary people will not be able to stand it.But for us super fighters, it's the perfect training program.

Under that kind of heavy pressure, I felt that my body was getting stronger rapidly.It's just unbelievable.My body seems to have no upper limit.Every day is a new change.All the data are steadily rising.In just three days, it has already surpassed the limit that human beings can imagine.Reached an almost superhuman level.

I can fly a car more than ten meters away with one hand.No matter how powerful a boxing champion or fighter is, they can't hold a single move in front of me.Because no matter what you face, you only need one punch to end it.

Of course, I mainly can resist.Xinye is the one who can really fight.That guy trained for three days under ten times the gravity in the gravity room.After I came out, I jumped, but I used too much force and couldn't control it.He jumped directly outside the wall and was almost killed by the landmines outside.

As for Jiawen, this guy hasn't seen anyone for several days.It is said that because of his ability to control land and rocks, he was transferred to a certain construction corps as a support.To be honest, I also think this job is more suitable for Jiawen.

By the way, some newcomers have joined our team.One of them was Liu Chuang who beat me up earlier.Hehe, to him now, I am a veteran.in the army.The status comparison between veterans and recruits is self-evident.This guy is now screaming all day long.It sounds quite comfortable to me.

But this guy is ruthless to others, and even more ruthless to himself.The kind of lifeless training, I am afraid to see it.And his actual combat growth is even more terrifying.That kind of reckless style of play made Master Xin feel ashamed when he saw it.

Not long after this guy came, he went back to his hometown.He brought his brother back too.Delevingne, a bastard who made one look like a punk who smashed his face.Chuangzi knows what this kid is good at.When I came up, I had a meal in front of everyone.Tell us anyone can cut him if they see him fooling around like this.This time, Delevingne immediately became honest.Honestly train here.

His talent is good, it seems to be a throwing talent.The military specially created various throwing weapons for him, allowing him to explore bit by bit.Until you find out the weapon you are most comfortable with and best at.At that time, I was still thinking that the eldest sister could throw throwing knives beyond space.This kid throws an ax face to face, and can he knock down the alien spaceship?I didn't finally get an explanation for this question until later in actual combat.Let's not mention it here.

Except for the two brothers who are messing around.There are also several good-looking girls who joined the Super Seminary.One is said to be a policewoman.Her name is Qilin, she is talented in shooting.Can shoot mosquitoes with a pistol.The military developed dozens of special sniper rifles specially for him.It is said that he will be our remote support in the future.

An awakened gift of strength, with fists like hammers.Her name is Wei, she is a nice girl.Become a standard female man.And the brotherly loyalty or something that kept his mouth shut.I don't even know how to complain.

The other was a schoolteacher named Fina.I rub... Police flower, female teacher... Forgive me for being wrong.This is said to be the talent of swordsmanship.With her was an old swordsman with an odd helmet.Everyone called him Master Yi.However, the higher-ups in the base respect him very much, and he seems to be a powerful person.They are two groups, it seems that the old man is passing on the art.We can't see the specifics.

There is another one that is not quite the same.What a difference.The main reason is that this was personally recruited by me and Xinye.Haha, awesome.I'm a veteran now.And also responsible for a certain amount of work in recruiting new students.

This girl is not quite like us.Her name is Ali.Is a new hot Internet anchor.It is said that all the dicks, homeboys, and local tyrants who watched her live broadcast would silently buy ten boxes of instant noodles, and tip all their savings to her.This girl obviously awakened some kind of bewitching spiritual ability.It's just that it can be released across the screen, which is really awesome.If I had this kind of ability, there wouldn’t be any female police officers, female teachers, female men, etc...

The above-mentioned looks are all top-notch, and they can be called goddesses in modern society.But it's just enough.This last one is the real goddess.

Lena, it is said that earlier (the exact time is kept secret), she had already awakened her own abilities substantially.And it is a powerful ability that has no limits.It is said that according to the test, there is a sun-like energy hidden in Reina's body.

…wtf, what is this.a sun.I'm invulnerable now, awesome.Xinye beats one hundred, that's awesome.Jiawen builds a base every day, which is awesome.We all feel like we're awesome.But this girl is not just a goddess.She herself is a sun.

I just can't describe how I felt at the time.Especially when Reyna performed live and melted a small hillside for a few seconds.I'm totally fucking on my knees.This is what saving the world looks like.In comparison, my ability feels weak.

However, too much and powerful ability also has a price.How do you say that.Leina's strength is not at the same level as her spiritual cultivation.To put it simply, Lena can't really control her power at all.Her previous performances were already at her limit.

Once she uses her power beyond a certain limit, she is in danger of losing control.A sun runaway on Earth, that image.I can't even imagine it.But the result is definitely not very good.

So Lena is our high-end combat power.But it belongs to the kind of hole card that is restricted to use.But that doesn't stop her from having a place in our hearts.Here I have to mention that there is a talent who cannot be nominated and made up a joke on the spot.

On the most powerful man in Chinese history.Dong Yong counts as one.Marrying a fairy is considered a fairy fairy.Xu Xian is one of them, married a snake, um, this is a snake.Ning Caichen is counted as one, married a ghost, this is a ghost ghost.Now, there is an even tougher task ahead of billions of men.Reina, whoever marries her is...Nima, I can't even imagine it.

The above are all the members of our Super Seminary, the first batch of students.After a few days, we all got to know each other well, and everyone called each other brothers.A happy look.I used to think it was a good life.At that time, I didn't know that it was the last smile in our life.


Military secret laboratory.Shen Yi's scientific research team is cooperating with people from the military.Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the seeds left by these so-called advanced civilizations in the universe.

"Is there a result?"

"Yes boss. We already have preliminary results. It's amazing, everything is clear at a glance. Their genetic structure, cell composition, bones, muscles, and every mutation in the skin, we have clearly observed them Arrived. But unfortunately, it didn't help."

"What do you mean?"

"When I say this kind of observation, I mean it literally. We can see everything. But it's really useless. It's like putting a high-energy physics paper in front of a junior high school student. He can see Knows every word of it. But that doesn't mean he understands it.

In fact, there is no gap between us and those technologies, which cannot be described by junior high school students and high-energy physics at all.We are kindergartners at best. "

"Is there no possibility at all? Hasn't Mage Ryze provided some necessary knowledge?"

"But he is a mage on the magic side. What he masters is indispensable for the forging of super-god weapons. But for the Kamigawa civilization, the Nord galaxy, angels, and demons, those technological means are of no help at all. Jie A large number of mature super technologies are concentrated on the war hammer of Jess. But there is only one war hammer. It is impossible for us to disassemble it. Jess is a pure warrior. Rely on your own groping. There are almost no clues in a short time."

"What about the other side?"

"On the other side, there are some clues. The main one is the example of Ahri. We have now confirmed that she is different from others. Most of the students inherit the gene seeds of advanced civilizations in the universe. But Ahri is different. What she inherited is a kind of magic power that is closer to our ancient mythology.

This is a spell system completely different from others.It is completely different from Ryze's rune magic and Freljord's spell system.It is closer to the ancient Chinese fairy magic. "

"It seems that the cracks in the sky are tearing not only time, space, and dimensions. I am afraid that some rules in reality are also undergoing subtle changes. Of course, this may also be the self-protection of the will of the world. If According to this situation, do you think it is possible for Monkey King to appear?"

"It's entirely possible. The power in the fantasy has appeared. Next, the characters in the fantasy will appear. It's entirely possible."

"Then speed up the progress. A day ago, there was another exchange of fire in the southern mountainous area. It seems to be spies from the gluttonous tribe. Some guys can't bear it anymore. Maybe in the next second, the war will break out."


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(End of this chapter)

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