A new era of comics

Chapter 237 Unlimited Breeding Equipment (End)

Chapter 237 Unlimited Breeding Equipment (End)

A small island in the North Pacific.A huge forging furnace is rapidly taking shape.What Shen Yi simulated was the shape of the star ring of the dwarves in his memory.Only much smaller.And he can't use a star as a source of energy.Only an artificial sun is used.

"I still don't understand, this device can generate tens of millions of degrees of high temperature. It is impossible for any material to withstand this kind of forging." Dr. Otto still has doubts about this work until now.

"Just because you don't know doesn't mean you don't have it. What I want to make is not a human weapon. According to the concept of those believers, it is a weapon that only God can hold."

"But if that thing needs tens of millions of degrees of high temperature to melt. Then we still face a problem. We can't make it plastic at all. The task team just made some simple molds. But it was built in that way, and finally Got only one piece of medieval plate armor. Is that what you want?"

"This is our limitation. We still don't have the ability to build this weapon completely according to our own will. I can only use the power of the artificial sun to basically plasticize the material. And add some gold-shocking The superalloy fused by Deman is used as the connection point. Then we use conventional technology to perfect it and call it the state I want.

In fact, it was doomed from the very beginning to be only a semi-finished product.But in the future, I will continue to try to improve it.One day, it will reach the level I want. "

"You are the boss."

With Shen Yi's order.The forging plan officially started.The artificial sun is lit.A super fireball with a diameter of 500 meters appeared in midair.A stand around, firmly bound all the energy inside the fireball.This has caused the temperature inside the fireball to reach millions of degrees.

This is just the beginning.Shen Yi made seals with his hands and activated the runes on the island.Immediately, a shield composed of countless golden runes covered the entire island.Immediately afterwards, red runes flashed.The artificial sun in mid-air seems to have received some kind of blessing.The temperature increased more and more.

"Pay attention to monitoring the stable position. The current load is 80.00%. The predetermined temperature has been reached. All equipment is operating normally. Prepare to launch the core of the Death Star."

Shen Yi's left hand's mind booster flickered.Using telekinetic power and the power of magic, he barely lifted the fragment of the death star's core.Then he threw himself into the center of the fireball with difficulty.Because it was built temporarily.So it is impossible to do a fully automated operation like the dwarves.Shen Yi could only go into battle by himself.Complement the incompleteness of this system.

The heavy star core was thrown into the artificial sun by Shen Yi.The endless high temperature began to gradually melt the core of the dead star.

"The Flame Queen is ready to be shaped. Based on our existing foundation, we will try to perfect its details as much as possible. Once this shaping is over, we will not be able to affect it in a short time."

Some alloys of Vibration Gold and Adamantium Metal were thrown in.I would like to borrow a detailed forging diagram from the Flame Queen.Then Shen Yi used his mental power to guide the molten metal liquid into the mold.

All the precise parts in the whole process are all done manually by Shen Yi.The existing technical reserves in his hands cannot forge this level of super metal.And that kind of high temperature is not something that ordinary machinery can bear.

Under the influence of thought power.Driven by Shen Yi's thoughts, the melted liquid was slowly moved to some special molds.Despite the assistance of the huge magic circle around him, this process still exhausted almost all of Shen Yi's energy.

In the end, all the molten iron still slowly entered the mold, forming a rough medieval armor.And Shen Yi did a preliminary polishing of its edges and corners as much as possible before it cooled down.The whole process doesn't take long.But when everything was over, Shen Yi felt that his whole body was soaked in sweat.No wonder the dwarves used the power of a star to forge this weapon.This is simply not a job that can be done by human beings.

The armor is out.But this is only the first step.Because the current armor doesn't look like it can be used at all.Despite the power of runes, combined together.But it only protects a few key points of the whole body.It looks ugly and lacks a sense of craftsmanship.

Shen Yi couldn't use the death star core to create a full version of the unlimited breeding equipment.So only one frame can be completed first.Then use Zhenjin alloy for final perfection.And this will be a complicated and huge job.

The basic structure of the armor is made from the core of the Death Star, combined with the power of runes.What Shen Yi needed was not a medieval heavy armor.What he wants is a weapon similar to Iron Man's armor.

Fortunately, their nanotechnology is mature enough.Coupled with the cooperation of biological reproductive equipment, Shen Yi's initial requirements were finally fulfilled.

This is a pure black battle armor.Shape doesn't matter.Because the nano-layer can be switched to any shape at any time.Mainly its functionality.This battle armor has a death star core as the core, plus countless magic pattern blessings.Has unparalleled defense.

Simply put, even if it is concentrated frontally by the naval guns of modern warships.It instead has defensive power, and the shock-absorbing effect of armor.Can make the entire wearer remain motionless.To shake it, at least a high-power electromagnetic railgun is needed.But it is only able to repel it.

It takes more than pure physical attacks to penetrate this armor.It is also necessary to be able to break the power of the attached magic pattern.And the energy-absorbing properties of Zhenjin.Only in the end can real damage be done.

Armor is different from conventional clothing.Here, biological reproduction equipment is only a secondary effect.Because if you use the infinite reproductive equipment to fight, the attack effect of the venom symbiosis is really not enough.So the initial positioning is the auxiliary effect.

For this armor, Shen Yi made an exception and equipped it with various weapon systems.Including the palm cannon on the Iron Man armor.And various miniature missile systems.At the same time, nanoworms can also be used for temporary assembly to achieve heavy energy cannon attacks.

In Wolverine II, the Edman alloy fusion cutter used by the Silver Warrior.It is also used as an entry weapon and mounted on the armor.The whole armor turned into a veritable war machine.

But if you are the core designer of this armor, you will know something else.For example, all the above-mentioned armed systems are just a cover.There is only one core function of this armor.That is the stone that carries the space.

There are tens of millions of magic lines on the armor.Penetrates into every corner of the entire armor.In addition to reducing weight and providing defense, these magic patterns are to carry infinite gems.

Shen Yi tried his best, but he could only carry one gem.He chose the space gem.The nature of the real gem is more complicated, and it is difficult to perfect the required magic pattern in a short time.And there are only so many star cores, and only one piece of armor can be made.

Shen Yi took out the space gem.At the same time, a groove opened automatically in the chest of the battle armor.Shen Yi held the space gem with his thoughts and slowly put it in.The groove is immediately closed.Shen Yi would not let the whole gemstone be exposed outside.

In fact, most of the runes in the entire armor are for suppressing space gems.Shen Yi will unseal the suppressed runes according to the actual situation, and release the power of the space gem to a limited extent.

When the space gem is placed successfully.Numerous dark blue runes emerged from the entire armor.Then the rune gradually faded away, as if it had disappeared.The armor turned into that ugly look again.

With Shen Yi's thought, the armor disintegrated automatically, and then attached to his body.All kinds of hidden propellers were opened, and the battle armor was instantly lifted into the air.

"Start actual combat testing. The first item, speed."

With the full firepower of the battle armor, Shen Yi's speed also soared rapidly.At the same time, the U.S. Department of Defense detected UFOs over the Pacific Ocean.Since the Dark Elves invaded.All countries in the world have increased the development of air defense early warning systems.

Now the U.S. air defense early warning system in the Pacific Rim has reached a considerable level after continuous upgrades.The US military's technical reserves are still a bit basic.

command center.

"God, what is that? Is it Tony Stark's armor?"

"No, not like that. That style, not Stark's style. Send a communication request to the other party. Let our fighter jets go into the air."

"Wait a minute, he's still picking up speed. It's Mach [-] now. Our fighters can't keep up."

"Then use a laser weapon."

"Lasers can't lock on either. There's some kind of anti-scan on that thing. Our fire control system, can't lock on to it at all. And he's sped up again, God. It's Mach seven. And it's still going up." .I don’t think we need to make any targeted actions. The opponent has already rushed out of the atmosphere.”

The outer space combat function is a must.Shen Yi also added this function to his armor.Moreover, it uses a combination of artificial life support functions and biological functions simulated by venom growth equipment.No matter which way, he can survive in the universe for a long time.

Next is the test of combat effectiveness.This is also the key in normal testing.

With a thought, Shen Yi activated the space gem.A dark blue wormhole surrounded him.Shen Yi's entire body disappeared into the universe directly.In the next second, he had already appeared in the asteroid belt of the solar system.

The first is a conventional fire test.The salvo of naval guns, palm guns, and various miniature missiles instantly blasted a meteorite with a diameter of hundreds of meters into pieces.

Then there is the power of the space gem.Shen Yi clenched his fist with his right hand, and he pulled countless asteroid fragments in the universe.This is a trick used by Thanos in the original book.Following Shen Yi's fist swing.Countless meteorite fragments suddenly disappeared.When it appeared again, it had already hit the surface of another asteroid.

This move can hold true. Tianma Meteor Fist.And as long as he liberates more of your power.It's not a problem to use Tianma Comet Fist, or even Tianma Planet Fist.

A small black hole appeared before his eyes.The black hole rotated rapidly, quickly devouring more than a dozen asteroids that were only one kilometer above.Using space gems to create an unstable black hole is obviously a big killer.But this trick is too dangerous.Once the liberated power is too much, it may get out of control, so Shen Yi just tasted it.

The entire test lasted nearly twenty hours.In the end, all the effects basically met Shen Yi's requirements.Originally, I wanted to give this armor a name.But because it is not yet a mature version, I finally gave up.

After completing the test, all the departments under Shen Yi entered a state of high-speed operation.Because they are about to start preparing for the next crossing.

The next world is an extremely dangerous world.Whether it's individual combat effectiveness or the macroscopic war situation, it can be called the difficulty of hell.But at this moment, Shen Yi is no longer afraid of challenges.His technical accumulation has reached a bottleneck, and he needs a higher level of technical reserves in order to complete his own breakthrough.

For this, adventure is a must.And for him, the time-traveling action lacks the element of adventure.That's a lot less fun too.

Forcibly colonizing the armored corps, this time the whole army will be dispatched.However, Daisy Lincoln and other Inhuman warriors will not accompany them this time.Lena is promoting the New Humanity Project, and Daisy and the others will act as help to assist in the implementation of this plan.

In addition, Hei Kong will join this operation as a brand new member.During this time, traveling around the world.Black Sky, which reduced hundreds of demons to ashes, has already begun to look like a warrior.As one of the few combat powers on the magic side around him, Shen Yi intends to focus on cultivating them.

Kitano Takeshibai ghost is still a black and white double evil that cannot be shaken.In addition, Wesker will be fully responsible for the security of Shen Yi's entire group.So will not participate in this operation.As Shen Yi's personal assistant, Ada will accompany him this time.

In addition, Shen Yi removed a group of researchers from the headquarters.Formed a mobile logistics team.The purpose is to assist the forced colonization of the armored corps.At the same time, it is also to prepare for the collection of various technical data.

In addition, Shen Yi also brought all the cutting-edge weapons produced by the headquarters that have not yet been mass-produced.It will be an era of endless wars, but it will also be an era of technological explosion.In a powerful weapon, there is no overkill.

It is also worth mentioning that in order to cope with the inevitable war situation.Every soldier in the Forced Colonial Armored Corps has two sets of battle armor.One set is a strong colony armor combined with nanotechnology and biological reproductive equipment.The other set is a pure nano-mechanical armor.

The combat effectiveness of the strong colony armor is more reflected in elite confrontation and small-scale battles.But if faced with the war scene of the group system, this kind of overly comprehensive armor is somewhat powerless.So another set of pure mechanical armor is modeled on the model of Marvel's cosmic war machine.

In terms of the advanced level of the mecha, the one of War Machine is incomparable with Tony Stark's later nano-armor.Tony Stark was able to face Purple Sweet Potato Jing head-on.Gears of War certainly has no chance.But talk about clearing up miscellaneous soldiers on the battlefield.Think carefully about the firepower of War Machine during the Wakanda War.That is the true sense of the 'war machine'.

The whole preparation work lasted for nearly a week, and everything finally met Shen Yi's requirements.

(End of this chapter)

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